Tag Archives: Anonymous


21 Jan

We have gathered today for the memorial of this terrible internet tragedy. Megavideo and Megaupload have been shut down. I’m about to pass the tissues.

Okay, we all know that Megavideo and Megaupload have been posting up videos that may or may not have been illegal and violated copyright and infringement laws. But this is still sad for online users who relied on Megavideo to watch many films that aren’t offered in our country. Most every website has supported Megavideo and Megaupload from the beginning.

The LAW is on the side of entertainment. Isn’t it ironic? This just goes to show us how much power the entertainment industry has. This entertainment business is trying to convince us to buy their materials. What they can’t seem to realize is that they are doing the opposite of what they’re trying to accomplish. Instead of trying to persuade us to buy their materials, like with good quality productions and good advertising, they are going to try to FORCE us to buy their items. This may just be the thing that makes me say, “Hey, bye, bye entertainment industry.” The main promotion of artists today is through the internet, and through bills, like SOPA and PIPA, it will affect many artists, unbeknownst to the idiot record labels and Motion picture producers themselves. Are they crazy? The internet is a major marketing tool! They don’t even realize the power that they can gain through internet influence. Maybe it’s time for all the old farts to retire from those places, and get more up-to-speed management, people who know how to adapt to the ever-growing technological revolution.

Of course, internet users will not go down without a fight. We support the internet. To me, there’s nothing wrong with a website that makes movies and music accessible online. The problem the record labels and Motion Picture productions have is that they are NOT online yet. Megavideo and Megaupload just thought of the idea first. These dumb record label companies are banking on selling their “hard copy” materials and the movie productions want us to buy their “hard copy” DVDs. Well, it’s about time the companies start to update. How can you appeal to the people when you’re five steps behind the people?

The two bills SOPA and PIPA have really done it now. These bills haven’t even passed into laws, and have been shelved. But it seems like the U.S. government is retaliating against the people who protested against it’s passing. It’s a battle between the government and the internet users. This is a huge wave mass that I will tag as the THE CYBER REVOLUTION. It is the internet users revolt against the government and the fight has just begun.

The U.S. government feels that protecting us is best done by arresting the internet users that supply entertainment instead of protecting us from TRUE crimes.
