
F(x) on Olleh: Considered one of Korea’s Most Unique Girl Group!

6 Jun

VOTE FOR F(x): VOTE Click!


Vote f(x) for Summer Song on Fuse TV

The introduction is soo true about f(x): F(x) is a part of Korea’s hot summer music industry. They always release their hits around the summer. They’re a girl group that spans a Spring and Fall nationwide generation, as they are definitely multi-national and not all Korean natives. They have a protagonist appearance and inspire others. They have no embarrassing exposure and aren’t OVERLY SEXUAL like other girl groups. They are a bit tomboyish. They don’t have noisy marketing tactics like other groups and, in fact, aren’t overtly promoted, especially by social media. They came out before social media truly became a phenomenon.

They have no live controversy because they usually perform well and even if they don’t, they always seem like they are having fun. They have so many skills (I heard Amber sing rocketeer, play guitar in happy holidays vid, Sulli dance rumba and act AND play guitar and piano, Luna is just amazing, Victoria’s flexibility, and the ice princess Krystal can even play piano)!

They are not uniform like other girl groups. Other groups wear the same clothes, act alike, and have the same talents and skills as one another. F(x) music changes up and is different every album. They have 5 girls ONLY, not a dozen, and they all have unique personalities and can’t be generalized. It’s easy to get to know each member of the group. Each member is a distinct part of the group. Something would be “off” if even one girl was missing. Even the name is unique: F(x) is an intelligent mathematical title, not just feminine, unoriginal, and/or something that makes absolutely no sense.

This is why I LOVE F(x)!

For more f(x):

f(x) the Korean “Spice Girls” + Amber Liu in the Spotlight

f(x) Red light Review

f(x) Pink Tape Review

f(x) Summer on GN!

Which f(x) member are you? quiz

f(x)’s charm and Venus

f(x)’s Ideal Types by Sun and Mars

f(x) Around the World

f(x) in the USA

f(x) on Olleh: Korea’s most Unique Girl Group

Just how Talented is f(x) Sulli?

Just how Talented is f(x) Victoria?

Just how talented is f(x) Amber?

Just how talented is f(x) Krystal?

Just how talented is f(x) Luna?

GN’s Top 10 F(x) songs (so far)

Girls’ Generation vs F(x): Chocolate Love

Why does GN love f(x) so much?

Who is your f(x) bias?

Funny Reaction videos to f(x) “Red Light”

GN’s LEAST FAVORITE f(x) album?


USA’s Nylon writes about Girls’ Generation’s Jessica and F(x)’s Krystal, Jungsis!

F(x) Amber and Got7 on We Got Married Global! Which man wins Amber’s heart (Natal chart reading)?

F(x) Gets treated unfair by SM? And EXO is treated better?

Make Your Move, SM’s first American movie has songs from F(x) and Girls’ Generation in it!

F(x) Amber, a part of androgynous inspiration!

The Korean Wave

Venus signs and Love Stories, F(x) Amber Liu is mentioned

Music Core, f(x) mentioned

Jackie Liu, Amber Liu’s Sister, Gets Hurt by Fan

f(x)’s Amber in a parody Korean drama for A Song for you!

SM TOWN WORLD TOUR 2014! f(x) will perform!


Attack On Titan, Airing Every Saturday on Toonami!

4 May

To read more weekly updates and reviews, check out the Animejournal Menu above!


Adrian Von Ziegler and Brunuhville: Youtube’s Best Celtic Composers

23 Apr

I have always loved Celtic and Medieval music. It does really well for filming soundtracks, and just for some good authentic listening.

Brunuhville and Adrian Von Ziegler both make it to the top of my Celtic music lists. Their music is really touching. I can feel every sound running through me. I get the chills when I listen to their music. Beautiful, magical, and simply EPIC.

So have a listen. It’s quite a cultural experience. I, being the history and culture lover that I am, am always interested in world music on every scale.


Korean Ferry Updates

19 Apr

This is live footage about the ferry disaster in Korea. It’s not fair. So young. I hate that ignorant, selfish captain who saved his own skin before everyone else.

I hate to see this happening to South Korea, and at this moment where Korean culture is shaping many parts of the world. And to think this all could have been avoided. They had kids on the ferry! They should have been more prepared. They should have done their jobs. If the original captain was sick, they should have cancelled the trip and refunded everyone’s money!

After reading this further, it was almost as if the so-called “back-up captain” had no training at all. He barks out the wrong commands, and then saves himself! Who hired this guy?

All I can do is cry for those families. Between this incident and the Malaysian plane incident, I don’t want to just sit back and watch anymore. We need to get stricter about people doing their jobs and we need tighter security in the world. We need to DO something to prevent these things from happening. 😦

I wish I could have saved someone.


Good-bye March and f(x) month

1 Apr

My favorite song from f(x)!


Kids’ Choice Awards 2014 is Coming This Weekend!

28 Mar


Click the Link Below:

Go online and vote! The line-up this year is better than it’s been in years! Actors and Actresses who can actually act, comedians who are actually funny, musical artists worthy of the attention, and movies that each deserve a blimp! Check it out!

KCA has always been a big event for kids. It was the first awards’ show where kids could have a voice in choosing what’s popular according to entertainment geared toward them. Of course, many teens and adults also vote. He he Guilty…

Let’s walk down Memory Lane…

So much nostalgia, I can’t breathe…cough…cough…

Let’s hope the performances are good this year, and hopefully it’s exciting…just as it used to be.

KCA will be held tomorrow, March 29, 2014, 8/7c so stay tuned!

You can also vote for Teen Nick’s Your Choice Awards!

The winning show will air TONIGHT!


Malaysia Plane Crash, Sadness, and Justice

25 Mar

My condolences go out to the family to hear such shocking news without hearing evidence. They had to be put through the anxiety of this whole search, and now, to hear such devastating news, it’s horrifying. I won’t elaborate further, it’s too sensitive.

The families are angry, they are hurting, they want answers, they want justice. They are looking for the truth. That’s the question: What is the truth behind MH370, and is the government hiding the answers?

I just want to show my respect and love to the Malaysian people and shed my tears with them. 😦



24 Mar

Forget the haters! “Don’t hate, love and tolerate”. These men will stand by what they like: My Little Pony. Yes, these men love ponies. 86% of My Little Pony’s fan base consists of heterosexual males! They watch the show every time it airs and they collect the toys. Older audiences appreciate it because of the sense of nostalgia for animated cartoons. It all started when Amid Amidi, a blogger from a cartoon blogging site known as Cartoon Brew, posted a blog that was supposedly AGAINST Hub network’s airing of My little Pony by Hasbro.  However, while the intention was to possibly halt it’s promotion, this blogger gave major attention to it in the process.  Soon after, the interest in My Little Pony spread after there was a huge debate about the fandom on the website 4chan. In the end, the show ended up bringing the debators together rather than apart. The title “Bronies” was formed from male followers who can now be found on PonyChan. GO BRONIES! Isn’t it great that, finally, men are into something that doesn’t involve war, murder, or crude behavior? It’s a positive activity, and brings out the best in men.

I’m a woman, but I support men who stand by what they like, no matter what society thinks is “normal” for a male. I feel that the new “Man’s Movement” is on the rise. Men are fighting to express themselves, to be themselves. They are calling it the “Brony Movement”.

And some women have the nerve to judge them. Women who don’t support this movement DO NOT support equal rights. If they do, they are major contradictions. Considering how hard it was for women to be treated fairly in the world of sports and technology (and the fight continues), how can women expect to earn the respect of men if THEY don’t allow men to enjoy things that have been “labeled” as a “girl thing”? There are even women who go so far as to say they “wouldn’t date a brony”. I hope those women live miserable lives. I hope they get treated just as unfairly as their outlook on life. Screw those women. The women that think this is wrong A) are snobs anyway and will get dumped in a few years anyhow because of their ridiculously unfair attitudes (which will translate in all of their relationships), B) feel threatened because male supporters are getting more media attention than the female supporters, or c) are “traditional” women, who never had jobs, have tons of children, never played on a sport, and spend most of their time at home cooking, shopping, and painting their nails…In that case, when they have to get jobs, I hope men find them totally unattractive.

On USA Today, I hear the story about a boy named Grayson Bruce who brings a My Little Pony book bag to school, and what does the principal suggest? He leave his book bag at home to avoid “bullying”…Huh? What? WHUH? I can’t believe that here, in the 21st Century, we still have these closed-minded people…

Wait, I can believe it. Ignorance is bliss, right?

Now, after much attention, the school wants to change their minds. Like that will change how rejected he felt. At age 7, as innocent as he is, he now thinks that what he likes is wrong, and will feel that his feelings are wrong, when they are normal! I know a boy who likes Barbies. When I asked him why he likes Barbie, he told me it’s because he likes pretty girls! That seems like a normal response to me. Why make him feel weird about it? Especially because it’s just a toy. I used to play with X-Men and Spider-man toys all the time, and I’m a woman. SO WHAT? I watched Dragon Ball Z and bought the WWE video game as a kid. I still watch both anime and wrestling. SO WHAT?

And people have the nerve to say that people should expect kids to bully this child and should understand why the school told him to keep it home! That’s what’s wrong with people. I bet the people saying it are bullies. Their children will probably grow up or have already grown up to be arseholes. Okay, I know a little girl at age 9 that had a My Little Pony book bag and was teased and beat up because the other girls thought it was babyish. I know a girl that was teased and beat up for having a PLAIN book bag when all the other girls had book bags with pictures on them. Everyone knows children who were bullied for being out of style. Should the principal tell the parents to buy their children more fashionable clothing?

But did the principal tell them to leave their book bags at home? No. Why? Because apparently IT DIDN’T MATTER.

Then people are saying the parents don’t have common sense! Of course the parents don’t want their child bullied, but at the same time, if all the other kids can bring bags that they like, why can’t their son.

I got an idea. Let’s solve that problem. How about every child bring a plain book bag to school. Fair. Now there are no children who can carry fun book bags, since people want to stupid about it.

Oh, you’re right, kids will always find ways to tease someone, even for the color of their skin or even because someone thinks they are ugly. Should the principal tell an ugly child to be home-schooled just because the child is a “target for bullying”?

People’s reasoning and logic is flawed.

Anyhoo, enjoy the Documentary that highlights our gentlemen who love My Little Pony.



Malaysia Plane Disappearance: One Huge Mystery

21 Mar

Everyone is completely baffled about the disappearance of a Malaysia plane that disappeared clearly out of nowhere. Even with all of our modern technology, we can’t find it. It seems like everything has happened strangely…Watch the videos to get some information on what’s happened.

I’m praying so hard that they find the plane.

Maybe the plane landed somewhere, and the passengers are being held hostage.


Royal Pirates-Drawing the Line

13 Mar

Royal Pirates is a Korean band that takes a different turn into the Korean music industry. Their music is really good! Check them out!