Tag Archives: video game

TWO Anticipated Namco and Capcom Games for 2011? I think I’m going to Faint Like a Little School Girl

9 Feb

The Tekken series is a video game series created by Namco and was first released way back in 1994. Since then, well really since the game Tekken Tag, it’s been one of the biggest next gen fighting games of the 20th and 21st Century.It was one of the first fighting games to make use of 3-D style graphics. I did an article on one before, but I’m bringing it back up in this one.

Now, what has been going on in the Tekken Community lately? Two of the best Tekken games to come out in the history of Tekken (besides Tekken 3 in my personal opinion): Tekken Tag 2 and, of course, as announced earlier, Tekken vs Street Fighter. Which game do you think is going to be the best?

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

This game was basically anticipated RIGHT after the first Tekken Tag came out. If you aren’t familiar with the gameplay of Tekken, it’s gameplay is in the tournament style, one to one combat. You pick one character, and you fight the character someone else picked. What Tekken Tag did is they put it at two-to-two combative style. You can choose two characters, and fights against two others. When one character was dying, you could pick up with another character. This was so fun, that it was bound to have a sequel someday. It is one of the most asked for games by Tekken fans. This time it’s even better:

This game has some advantages  over Street Fighter vs Tekken.

1) More characters. Now that we have more characters in the Tekken series, it’s about time we got a Tekken Tag Tournament 2. With the large cast, no one was able to play all of the characters and learn all the moves. Tekken Tag ensures that you can play two characters at a time, which not only is fun, but a useful tool for fans who want to play their hand at all the characters.

2) Story-wise, it will revolve around more than one character. Tekken Tag Tournament the original didn’t enhance on this as much. Even though you got to choose one character, it didn’t emphasize the story after the fight. They had endings together, but in this game, the two characters are going to have a story together. This kind of story is what makes a Tekken fan’s day. It’s the interaction that is exciting.

3) Super Tag Team: What I mean is when you make a move, you can finish it off with another character with one of their finishing moves. The original Tekken Tag you fight with one character, that character leaves, and the characters stands there until you fight. Whereas in this game if you’re in the middle of the battle, you can bring out the second character, WHILE YOUR FIRST character is still around and create the finishing move that the other character left. Pretty sick. Imagine trying sustain your health/life bar now…going to be a pretty hard thing to do now. Only the strongest Tekken fighter will succeed.

4) This is the most anticipated game since 2000-2001! Fans have been screaming for another one. And finally they broke and gave the fans what they asked for.


1) Will the graphics be up to par? Okay, let’s admit that Tekken 6 didn’t really do it for the graphics. Tekken was always known as a next gen game, with next gen graphics in it’s favor, but recently, the games have been sub-par in the eyes of most fans.

2) Stages-Tekken 6 had a lackluster number of scenes and stages. It was also poor in the story mode portion, where they seemed to emphasize RPG style. The need to not only expand more on the stages, but make MORE stages.

Street Fighter Vs. Tekken and Tekken vs. Street Fighter

That was the Capcom version, the one that created Street Fighter. The Tekken vs Street Fighter one is coming later.

Why does this game have advantages over Tekken Tag Tournament 2?

1) It’s two of the biggest rival fighting games for goodness sakes! With all of the fans rumbling about which game or character is the greatest, now this game puts those words to action. This allows the two rivals to show off just how great they are. No more talk, forum vs forum, now they can take that talking to the game.

2) More characters and a variety of characters-Think of the character selection! The fighting styles!

3) The graphics and the double gameplay-If you prefer the comic-book style, you can have Street Fighter with it’s gameplay, as shown above. If you prefer the 3-D style, you can have Tekken and it’s gameplay. It’s pretty awesome man! It seems Street Fighter actually have 4 other games in the works, so…wow…

4) It has a “tag” element- Even in this game, just like Super Street Fighter, and Tekken Tag, you will be able to fight with two characters at a time! Again learning double moves. I’m not sure if there will be a double story element like Tekken Tag has though…

5) Stages and Music…we’re combining two games. That means combining stages and music. Both have two of the most awesome soundtracks and one of the best scenery and stages.


1) Fighting techniques-how are they going to combine the two? Obviously, it’s because of this people felt this combination would be difficult to imagine. But it’s coming. Will they reduce the command list? Or keep all the same fighting styles? We know that the Street Fighter X Tekken will cater more to Street Fighter, and hopefully Tekken x Street Fighter will cater more to Tekken as far as gameplay.

2) Will they downsize the character choices on this game? Now that it’s coming, the expectations are rising. This could possibly be the best fighting game of the year or the worst. If certain characters aren’t in the game, expect the fans of both series to be complaining heavily. I mean, you always expect rival companies to rival, but you know that when two of them come together they can make one almost perfect game. The pressure is on for these companies. Don’t mess this up.

So it’s up to you to decide. Which one do you look forward to the most?

Then we have Capcom vs Marvel 3. Already the other two Capcom vs Marvel games got fairly good feedback. Of course, people are expecting more characters and enhancements on the moves.

So this is a big year for fighting games. Look for these throughout 2011!

Kingdom Hearts Prank Call by Friday Night Cranks

20 Sep

With all the hype and fun centered around Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, many people are using the series to their advantage (because it’s a drug that most people have on the brain nowadays…well any Kingdom Hearts fan). Some people say they can’t take the game seriously, but that’s because they’ve never played the game…I mean, sure, first off a game with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy seems….well, so childish. But has Disney EVER failed to deliver when it came to excellent storylines and magical worlds and a fun time? No way. Not even for people over the age of 18. Well, Kingdm Hearts is one of those games that works. It’s like watching anime…Shojos and Shonens. Can anyone take those animes seriously?….

So anywho, some ways people have used the arrival of Birth By sleep to their advantage is by science project with building gummi ships, learning how to make Paupu Fruit cookies, and even creating school plays from it. But the best one so far was using the series plotline as a prank call.

Know anymore Kingdom Hearts jokes and pranks? I used to watch TeamJohnnyCake, the best parody makers of KH EVER….but one moved to Florida to work in Disney World….

Street Fighter: Legacy the Best Street Fighter Movie EVER?

15 Jul

Lately another film franchise has been rising among the fans: Street Fighter Legacy the Movie. With the success of it’s recent video games, Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4, now the franchise is going to try again with the movie ordeal. And thankfully, this one doesn’t focus on Chun-li, despite my bias towards loving her character almost as much as Ken and Ryu. But this movie is going to focus on Ken, which means one thing: the main character is going to be in it. And hopefully all the characters are in the movies.

This is to rival the Mortal Kombat movie, having a few “famous fans” make the makings of the video game movies. I mean, it makes sense. Why get people who know nothing about the game to make the movie?

Tekken the Movie coming August 5, 2010

10 Jul

Okay, if you don’t know what Tekken is, you probably are not a fan of video games or just very very young. But anyone who group up in the era of video games knows that Tekken is one of the most popular fighting franchises in the USA. Namco’s biggest franchise really. It ranges from a variety of different consoles, mostly the Playstation.

It first came out in December of 1994 and continued throughout the 90s and even the 21st Century to be the third most popular fighting franchise next to Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Well, some people got together and decided to make a live action of the series.

Now I’m a bit worried. I hate to bring up all the other recent adaptations, but they haven’t been that good.

Take a look at DBE (Dragon Ball Evolution)….

total crap. The only thing that was Asian or Japanese Anime about it was Ayumi Hamasaki’s contribution to the movie with her theme song “Rule”. Goku was white, Piccolo had a pointless partner, the Dragon couldn’t talk, and it was just too cheesy. And then the scenes jumped so much, it looked fake. Of course, when I heard it was PG I was afraid. You just can’t make a good fighting movie with PG, I’m sorry. And what’s with Goku being in high school? Everything was rushed…but it was to be expected.

Nothing could compare to the EXTREME epic fail Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-li.

This was so bad, only a fraction of people knew about it and cared. This was the worst adaptation ever. Did I mention both the movies mentioned were made by Fox? They are just not good at adaptations. Look at Wolverine…it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as good as the previous X-Men movies. But The Legand of Chun-li was such a dump of crap movie, I almost puked watching it. Not only was the main character, Ryu, not in it, neither was Ken. But that wasn’t the worst part. None of the cast looked like the characters. They didn’t wear the costumes, and they barely fought. M. Bison looked like a Real Estate Agent. He didn’t even look the same. It was a pathetic excuse for an adaptation. And they just totally flucked up Vega. He was TABOO from the Black Eyed Peas! WTF! I was so mad about that movie, I thought about getting my money back at the movie theater. The only one who could even measure was Belrog.And who the crap is Mya supposed to be?

Fox’s problem is they keep trying to compete with Dark Knight and Marvel comic moves who have decided to make them “more realistic”. But comics are different from anime and video games. Marvel and Batman is different. Batman is based off of real crime in New York and Chicago urban cities. Most video games like Street Fighter and anime are inspired from Asian culture. Two opposite paths of thinking.

Then, they turned around and tried to make The Last Airbender, which most people thought sucked, which is what I thought people would say. So, it’s just not in favor of the public yet.

Hopefully, Tekken doesn’t follow the same fate. I see one problem in the trailer already: Christie and Jin….I’m sorry but that is just too weird. It seems like a repeat of some wacked out scenes in Legend of Chun-li. Eddie and Christie, maybe. Xiou and Jin, maybe. But Christie and Jin are on two different sides of the story idea. Sometimes, it just seems directors nowadays just throw anything into a movie, thinking it will sell. But a move like that is enough to make people hate it.

Check out more behind-the-scenes:

There is some hope with the Tekken franchise, despite how Bloodline Rebellion was overshadowed by Streetfighter 4, which is now getting a Super 4. There is a Tekken 7 being released so stay tuned in for that.