Tag Archives: tweens

Fame, Entertainment Media, and Children: The Connection?

17 Sep


Children are people who range between the ages of 1 to 17. This is the age most influenced by entertainment. They are also more influential when it comes to entertainment too. The largest consumer demographic consists of children. Those of school age rely on television, music, and fashion to express themselves, and at the same time, rely on it to tell them about the world, as well as provide answers as to how to fit in their social groups. Businesses are quite aware of the power of children. Many famous stars today rose to fame by supporting children’s networks, programs, and other entertainment outlets. If most celebrities were to observe their large following, they would see that the vast majority of fans range from tween to teen.

Children today are exposed to entertainment now more than they’ve ever been. With technology, and internet access, children can find any entertainment they want-as well, as influence what’s trendy and popular today. Blogging and voting polls give children the power to use their “voice” to influence what’s trendy and what’s not. Networks are even airing Kids and Teens Choice Awards because the voice of teens are so powerful today.

The VMAs 2013 were obviously heavily influenced by kids. For over half the nominees, many of them were Disney Channel stars. To add, I could have sworn One Direction was nominated for almost every section…many of those supporting them being from the tween audience.

With children being so exposed to entertainment today, it’s easy to see how it can take over a mind as vulnerable as a child’s. Messages sent through these mediums shape a child’s life. At the same time, entertainment can tell us a lot about children’s mind-set today, as entertainment is really a reflection of the minds of the children and what’s cool to them, right?

Well, as I flip through children’s channels, purchase toys, and read children’s books, I notice that one theme is particularly strong among youth today: Fame. Particularly vulnerable to this are girls.

What is Entertainment Encouraging Our Children to Do?

Disney Channel, a children’s network that gets millions of views from kids everyday, encourages kids to follow “their dreams” through shows like Austin and Ally, A.N.T. Farm , and Hannah Montana. “Following One’s Dream” often involves being a singer, dancer, actress, or fashion designer. But not just any singer, dancer, actress, or fashion designer. A famous one. They also encourage children to even try all of them at once and become an “idol”.

Toys like Bratz often express themselves through fashion, music, and acting. All of the characters in the line strive to be famous at whatever they reach for. Even American Girl’s Girl of the Year Movie, Saige Paints the Sky, couldn’t resist adding music to it’s final scene.

With the rise of Youtube celebrities, ordinary kids realize how easy it is to get famous in today’s society: do something funny, controversial, or sing a catchy song.

Just about every role model for kids today are in the music industry. Children today want to imitate them, and they are told that it’s okay, that there’s nothing wrong with doing something “you love”. And just about every tween walking “loves” to be famous.

The USA is most influenced by entertainment. Test scores in this country have plummeted as compared to several years ago: and they didn’t even have the same technology! http://4brevard.com/choice/international-test-scores.htm

Is it because children spend too much time on entertainment? Or is it that too many children see a future in entertainment, and see no future in education? Especially because anyone can begin a career in these fields these days-even children as young as 5!

That’s the real question: Do children feel they have any other options in the world besides being a singer, model, fashion designer, dancer, or actor/actress? Or maybe a famous sports star?

Why don’t these networks and toy companies, those who have the power to influence children, utilize it to encourage children to be doctors, lawyers, astronauts?

It says something when the number one most searched topic on the internet was Miley Cyrus…while the USA was bubbling over about the Syrian War happening overseas. Are we too concerned with celebrity status, and do we encourage our children to become over-involved with fame?

Fame and it’s Controversies

There’s nothing wrong with singing, dancing, acting, or any performing arts. What could be a problem is fame. Sure, everyone wants respect, to be recognized, to be worshiped to a certain degree…but is that self-entitled behavior something we should encourage in children?

To add, the world of fame hasn’t proven to be too kind to humans. It especially hasn’t been kind to children. Children don’t often realize the reality of the world of “Fame”. People who are famous are popular, but they have no privacy. They have all the money, and yet many children are exposed to “all that money can buy”, including drugs. This gives them nothing to work for. This also makes life meaningless. When you’ve tried everything, what’s left? This can also lead to arrogant behavior.

To add, it’s hard to keep friends, or find love interests. You just can’t tell who loves you for you. Tons of fans…but no one who truly understands you or allows you to be you. Then you have to worry about family members begging you for money all the time.

Many people love you as long as you keep making movies, music, or books, but as soon as you plummet…usually, no one is left to help you pick up the pieces. Celebrities get old quickly, and there’s always a fresh new face to replace the old, especially when you really aren’t original. Justin Bieber is a prime example. Austin Mahone is an easy replacement. One Direction took over the Bieber craze. And Bieber took over the Jonas Brother craze. The cycle keeps moving, and sales fall in the hands of the freshest face. Generations grow up, and new kids arrive to claim what’s “trendy”. Many celebrities end up bankrupt.

While it seems they can do whatever they want, celebrities are constantly criticized for things that normal people get away with (like twerking at a party). Many get called ugly, stupid, boring, untalented, sell-outs, and many other negative comments. Professional critics and journalists are always watching you, waiting for you to mess up. Celebrities have to try and ignore all of this negativity because this was their choice. There is no room for mistakes. You almost have to be perfect, and walk on egg shells everywhere you go. Everywhere you go, you have to care what everyone thinks and feels and cater to them because everyone is a potential customer. As this is impossible, celebrities often end up offending somebody.

Many journalists print lies about celebrities, or exaggerate events. You have to watch everything you say. When people offend you, you have to show the utmost self-control. You can’t get angry like other normal people. It’s almost controversial to cry-people in the comments section might call you weak or a wimp, especially if you’re a guy. You’re forced to bottle everything up. No wonder so many celebrities are on depression pills!

Few get enough time to spend with friends or family. They are constantly traveling and working odd hours. When they get married, it’s hard to spend time with children or spouse. They are constantly tired.

They also have to watch what they eat and watch their weight. If they don’t, people will talk about them, and their business will be splashed all over the news. And acting as if others’ opinions don’t matter can be threatening to their career because every fan or potential fan counts if they plan on making money.

They travel so often, they often get jetlag. They are always in the air or on a bus.

Many feel they are trapped. Once you get famous, there is no turning back. Many who lose money, or decide that this “world” isn’t for them, can’t go find normal jobs because paparazzi will humiliate them and their “downgrade”. And many times, they buy expensive things, and end up owing money. Jobs with lower wages can’t compensate for what they’ve lost. While many celebrities get sponsored, and get many free things, when they lose popularity, many of these companies expect to be paid back every cent.

Celebrities are stuck with one reputation, and often times, it’s hard for them to try and change. People expect consistency, and as change is inevitable, this isn’t possible. Many celebrities change in a way that’s more appealing, but many change in a way that isn’t so likable.

Many celebrities begin by being what their manager or producer makes them like Britney Spears and BoA Kwon, who were too young to know exactly what they wanted. When they got older, they both tried to express themselves more. This was hard for fans to adjust to, and it caused issues in their music sales for a moment until fans could be more comfortable with their new images.

To add, so many people want the same “dream”. Competition is high. And so many talent-less people often outshine the more talented. A talented actress could be overlooked by a prettier one. A wild singer (like Miley Cyrus) could get more airplay than a talented one (Ariana Grande). The world of fame isn’t always fair, like many of these shows teach children. Sometimes, you can be following the same dream for years…

Do we really want to train up our children to enter into a world where it might not guarantee happiness or TRUE fulfillment?

Why can’t we teach children that fulfillment could come from doing things for others, from service, from contributing to humanity and making a TRUE difference? Being a scientist, astronaut, banker, and other important careers can help children understand the value in service, hard work, education, innovation, and many other up-building qualities.

Fame Can Be Good, if for the Right Reasons

What happened to the days when people used to become famous celebrities because they made a difference in the world? Amelia Earhart became famous for being the first woman to fly a plane across the Atlantic Ocean. Mae Jemison was one of the first women, African American at that, to fly into space. The Wright Brothers flew the first plane. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Martin Luther King led the march for civil rights. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. These people aren’t just famous, they are historical figures and role models. Because of them, many things are possible. They have a legacy that can’t ever be erased, unlike these famous “singers” who will easily be replaced by the newest, more entertaining face, no one can ever replace those historical figures. Those people deserved fame, and no one will mar their names because their personal life matters little to what they’ve accomplished.

So I conclude by saying that while there’s nothing wrong with the performing arts, using the performing arts to get famous is taking over the minds of children, and even some adults. Not enough children see the value in doing important things in the world anymore. It’s especially obvious that women are more consumers than inventors in the 21st Century. Many women aren’t making a difference in technology, science, or business…or few are getting recognized for it. Obviously, they get recognized in music because it’s a profession where a woman can shake her body and show off how beautiful she is. It shows that women still only get respect if they stay in professions that make them look good.

Even in the 21st Century, no one is trying to encourage children to truly bring in the future…without bringing entertainment with it. Entertainment is only for escape, but many businesses contribute to everyday functions of human beings in our “reality”. I feel that entertainment should tell the truth about fame, and try to encourage children to try many different things. I also feel they should encourage children to use the performing arts as a means of expression, not as a cheap way to get fame, glory, and respect.

Bratz dolls are Back 2010! This is also their 10th Anniversary!

5 Jul

Bratz are here! Take a peek at them!


There are so many different opinions about these dolls! Woo! So many!

One of the main concerns is

1) Lack of an edgy, outrageous approach, unlike the 2005 Bratz dolls.

This is my answer to that…so what? That was not the Bratz original style. In fact, that is when the Bratz LOST all of their diversity and originality. They DROPPED the Fashion Passions altogether because the lines became so intermingled with one another, they couldn’t come up with quality styles for each of the Bratz. Of course, there’s only so much individuality you can have before you just run out of ideas, but at least have one line that expresses the individual style. Freestyle a little. I’m talking about lines like Style It, Xpress It, 1st Edition, Formal Funk…those kinds of lines where the Bratz had distinct fashion styles that they expressed. And the the themes allowed them the freedom to express their fashion passions.

We don’t want a repeat of 2005, we want a repeat of 2001-2004.

2) Lack of articulation

Did the Bratz ever have articulation? That’s what made the Bratz popular. The Bratz got new bodies now and so people said they didn’t see “articulation”. They said the feet aren’t as big, and the bodies don’t have curves…but the two dolls they saw had baggy clothes on and short hair cuts and three-inch shoes…They looked urban.

3) Bad quality material

I have to admit this is also my concern. Of course, we have to wait a while. MGA is spending a lot of money on Moxie Girls, and have just gotten over the court case. They probably don’t have the money they used to.

4)No creativity with the fashions and make-up

Don’t know. Because this is only the first line, and only one outfit we saw, I can’t really say. But so far the Bratz look like they are right in style. Of course, no one can replace Carter Bryant. He probably had a huge hand in the make-up of Bratz. But hey, to me the Bratz look okay. Of course, I would like to see more make-up.

People were mad about the eyes, but I like the glossy approach.

So take a look at it, look out for it in stores, and look at the commercials and TV spots after this week!

I personally grew up with the Bratz dolls. My generation was actually the generation that they were directing these dolls to. At some point in generation next, more than any generation before us, we had a hard time playing with just ANY toys. In fact, our generation was tired of the glitzy, glam Barbie, the same old Blonde and pink, no diversity, no edge (which I think this generation is retreating into AGAIN). But as the generation of “Scorpios”, as Generation Next is also known, we just were attracting to the darker side of things, edgier music like punk rock, and into the hidden issues of things, not the surface of everything. We were not superficial, neither were we completely into the “fake” outer shell of Barbie.

Basically, to us, she was a plastic blonde bimbo, who believed she could do anything, especially with her unrealistic body, like big boobs and a tiny waist, and everything being pink including the “Barbie car” and the “Barbie mansion”. And what black, Asian, Native American, or Latin can relate to that kind of girl? None. Even the dolls that were supposed to represent diversity proved less than adequate to Barbie. Who even remembers any of their names? They all wore the same outfit as Barbie except in a different color.

Well, actually the problem wasn’t even only that. Some of the “still-superficial idiots” dumped Barbie, the original bimbo, for a new one, Britney Spears. Critics and Analysts alike realized more girls were buying CDs instead of dolls, especially with the rise of teeny, bubblegum pop music and CD players, and even…*gasp back then* Mp3 players.

And even today, barely anyone buys dolls….unless it has some pop singer’s face on it.

Back then, all doll companies took up a challenge. All companies were competing to bring tweens back into the doll world. All were trying to create dolls that fit the generation that would be Y2K. 21st Century kids needed something fresh, something new, something that fit how far the world has come. We needed a dolls line that was trendy.

For some time, the only doll company who had any measure of success with reaching tweens in even a small way was Mattel and their lines of Generation Girl Barbie and Diva Starz. And even though they were popular for a little while, they only lasted each about three years or four. Zodiac Girls had a small success and Mystikats. But none of the dolls could beat out the pop star Britney Spears….

In 2000, when I was 10, I happened to stumble upon a website that had this urban beat, and these urban-looking girls, with sneak peeks at the clothing. The website was under construction, but I’ll never forget the song. Because it had this “come on” in between every Bratz outfit. At first I thought it was going to be a cartoon, but then…

In 2001 a commercial came onto the screen that was like this:

I liked the urban tone, but was shocked when I saw them! I immediately went back to my computer that year, and saw that the site had finally been constructed. It was the dolls that I fell in love with. They had sass, diversity, urban originality, and they were just….everything Barbie was NOT. They represented the girls of the 21st Century, Generation Next: Edgy, dark, diverse…girls who didn’t follow the norm, but did their own thing. Girls who took risks. It represented the many styles that were becoming popular at the Turn of the Century. And most of all, it gave Mattel the first run for their money EVER since their debut.

Bratz was a creative edition to the doll world. At first, Bratz didn’t do so well the first holiday season, but unlike most doll companies, MGA had nothing else to work with. They had gotten a good designer on their team, and they didn’t give up. I had first started joining online fan groups back then, and I thought it was cool (never knew about Myspace and Facebook or WordPress, I was on Yahoo Groups the biggest Bratz area at the time ;p). I would keep up with ALL the details.

Then the next summer they released Funk N’ Glow, and it was over. The Bratz boomed in the markets. After that, all the wannabe copies came. The only one that even proved to be measurable was Myscene, which was liked for their beauty, realistic look, and City-like soap-opera webisodes. They were the first to do it, now LIV is doing it…and they weren’t kiddie episodes either. They were very mature. Bratz didn’t really get all into that. They were not a doll line to imitate, though they did imitate the movie deal. But the movie was NOTHING like the others, Bratz the Video Starrin and Stylin.

Of course there’s a price you pay for fame. When too many people start to know you and love you, of course, eventually you lose your identity and what originally made you popular. A new generation was coming into the mix. The “Sagittarius” generation, who is still the tweens of today, are running the show. And though they are very diverse, they lack the same edge and intense approach we have. They are much more freedom-oriented, diverse, open-minded, mutable, and often VERY superficial. They are blinded by fame and glory, so the cheesy, smiley Barbie might be right up their alley. And the type of Bratz they liked was the 2005 ones, where Bratz lost their identities in Rock Angelz and Dynamite, until the point they dropped the Bratz Passion Fashions altogether, but got PLENTY of attention. They can be a bit rebellious, but they don’t mind conventional either.

Well, then there was this ongoing battle between Mattel and MGA on who had the rights of the Bratz dolls. At first all seemed to be going in Mattel’s favor to the point Bratz were to be removed from shelves by 2009…but then, something miraculous happened. A new case opened up in the Appeals Court, and MGA won the rights to Bratz once again!

I mean really, what would Mattel do with the Bratz but throw them away? Nobody would buy a Mattel-owned Bratz because Mattel lacks what Bratz had: an Iranian CEO.

The Television Industry….SUCKS! (again)

5 Jul

This is the second part to my last journal entry. And it’s been bugging me for a while now as well. But the next thing that is irritating me is:


Now, I won’t say television was always good in the past. They had some really crappy shows in the past, just like they do today, but today’s “idea” of creativity is just taking a dump on viewers.

Take a look at MTV. It has gotten so retarded. This channel used to be for MUSIC only. That’s why it’s called Music TV! It used to be MUSIC VIDEOS mostly. Then they got rid of TRL for some odd reason…oh, because stupid reality shows and Podcast shows began to air, even though TRL was shysty too, considering it allowed a bunch of teeny boppers to vote! And even though, yes music sucked back then too, it showed a variety of artists so you wouldn’t have to sit through hours of your least favorite singer. Now, it’s just marathons and marathons of women acting like sleazes, running around pulling each other’s hair out. And one show was okay which was Flavor of Love…until EVERY SINGLE SHOW THAT AIRED MIMICKED IT! Now there is no variety on this Network. It is just infested with reality shows. Even VH1 is following suit. And VH1 is supposed to be VIDEOS! What the Hollow! But these stupid children don’t know variety. Even the teenagers have no concept of what creativity and variety means. MTV’s shows don’t even fit it’s title! Why is MOTHER AT 16 on there? That has nothing to do with music!

I really feel sorry for the boys. MTV isn’t for them anymore. At least it used to play music all genders could get into. Now, it’s a woman’s world….which I hate to be sexist, though I am a woman, but women are not very creative. All they want to see is drama, which becomes repetitive and just outright stupid.

MTV used to be for college students. Now these teeny boppers are taking over, ruining the network.

MTV sucks

What happened MTV?

Stop it MTV, get off the Air!

MTV used to promote new artists and give underground artists a chance. They used to promote artists. I mean they have MTV Iggy, but no one knows about that flapping show!


MTV a conspiracy???

MTV is taking a fart on it\’s viewers!

I know these kids have to have serious brain damage to feed into this poop. They like to eat this crap! This cowshisuck!

And apparently, MTV is not the only corporation that can’t read it’s own Network title. WTFOOL Cartoon Network?

Cartoon Network…LOL…Cartoon Network used to be a network full of great cartoons. In my youth, we grew up in the best age for television. We not only had old classic shows on Toonheads, which explained the history of the shows and showed the shows since 1930s, Tex Avery shows, Acme Hour full of Tweety and Bugs Bunny, Hanna-Barbara like Scooby-doo and Yogi Bear, but we had excellent original cartoons like Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samarai Jack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, O Canada, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Ed Edd and Eddy…..and last but not least Toonami. Toonami showed all the anime you could think of, plus some action animation, and super hero shows like Justice League with Batman and Superman, and there was even X-Men and Teen Titans and Puffy Ami Yumi. Even Captain Planet and Static Shock beats this shisuck, and they were the worst back in the day. I’d rather sit through five hours of Hamtaro before I watch this garbage!

Now look at Cartoon Network. They have stupid aspirin shows like 16 and TOTAL FLOCKING DRAMA ISLAND. They also got stupid crap shows like Camp Lazlo, if that hasn’t died already, and BEN 10! WTHALL! These shows can’t even relate to kids. Total Drama Island is like watching another MTV! I really do think that’s where Cartoon Network is getting some of their ideas for shows, I really do.  16? What kid who is watching Cartoon Network is 16? If they are, who would watch that crap? It’s a bunch of shallow cliche teenagers who do what the kids on MTV and Disney do (the other crapped-up channel). And where is the anime? These stupid kids don’t even watch anime. “It’s too boring” They said! Now I get it….kids are too dumb to even decipher a simple storyline in an anime. All they want is comedy. Again, no variety. It’s just the same stupid cartoons over and over again. Either they are total rip-offs of Spongebob *cough Flapjack cough* are more Disney Channel and MTV-like rip-off wannabe cartoons! And some kids have the nerve to defend this CRAP! *spit* They say “This is our generation. We don’t care about your golden age of cartoons.” Now I know the cartoons are brainwashing our kids to be idiots.

And wait that’s not all they adopted from MTV, they forgot they were CARTOON network and added CNREAL! Lord Have Mercy Kelly Clarkson Eddie Murpy! And kids defend this! Even a retarded person knows that cartoons have NOTHING to do with LIVE ACTION!! ARGGHHH!!!! It’s like the company never went to second grade before! Even a second grader knows that! They are not smarter than fifth graders! Oh wait, they are brainwashing these kids. Now the kids are just as dumb!

There are some smart kids left, so what\’s wrong with you \”CN\”?

CN sucks!

Oh the Day they KILLED Cartoon Network!

This is murder! This is scarier than watching a horror movie!

Cartoon Network must be making fun of their viewers right now saying, “Oh these kids are so stupid! They’ll watch anything as long as it looks like Hannah Montana.”

And that brings me to Disney. The person running Disney now is Anne Kathaway or something like that. Who the Hall put her in charge? Like I said, women, I’m sorry, but you are not very creative creatures when it comes to television. You suck in the variety department. And it’s as if Disney forgot all of it’s male viewers and are totally feeding into the female teeny-boppers. Isn’t that sexist? Oh, but now they have Disney XD, which many people might not have if they don’t have on Demand. And with that got rid of Toon Disney…sighs…what happened to the days when Disney was for everyone? The whole family. In fact, Hannah Montana wasn’t the face of Disney, Mickey Mouse was…and you know what happened to him? They threw him on a retarded show called Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They are humiliating an iconic Disney character. Walt Disney would kill himself all over again. He should come back to haunt whoever is in charge because they are ruining not only this channel, but they are setting the pattern for other shows to be CRAP! And whatever happened to the real Disney classical movies? Well, Princess and the Frog was one step forward. But the kids only know Disney Channel! What the buck!

Then the shows that I remember were WAY better. Disney used to have The Jersey, The Famous Jett Jackson (which Hannah Montana ripped off), and my all-time favorite, So Weird, which we can blame it’s decline on “soccer moms”. I HATE soccer moms. Moms…mind your own business! No one cared what you watched when you popped in bugs bunny and scooby doo! I remember them showing shows like Growing Pains, Brotherly Love, Smart Guy, Boy Meets World, In a Heartbeat, Bug Juice, and Disney even showed old classical shows like Zorro, The Ink and Paint Club which was Mickey mouse all night, and a Wonderful World, they even showed the original Mickey Mouse Club!….and the Disney Channel Movies? AW MAN! They were the highlight of my day! They had unique plots. There just weren’t girl movies, but movies for the fellows too like Brink, Johnny Tsunami, Genius, Punkz, 13th Year, Can of Worms,  Horse Sense, Jumping Ship, Smart House, etc. Then the girly movies like Wish Upon a Star, Stepsister from Planet Weird, Zenon, Halloween Town, Susie Q, Model Behavior, Rev It Up, ! Aw man, the horror movies actually were it’s best. Like Hocus Pocus, Scream Team, Phantom of the Megaplex, Mom’s Got a date With a Vampire, Under Wraps, Don’t Look Under the Bed, Tower of Terror, etc! Just so many good shows! To me, I think the decline started with Lizzie Maguire because that’s when all the “teeny boppers” showed up and changed Disney, but there was still some varietal shows like Even Stevens, Phil of the Future, Naturally Sadie, The Proud Family, Kim Possible.Some movies were also good like Read It and Weep, Tru Confessions, Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-off, Cheetah Girls (the first not the others), and I had no problem with the original High School musical until it got too ridiculous, like how do you have High School Musical over summer break? There is no school! stupid.

Now the only three shows that I liked on Disney was That’s So Raven, Phineas and Ferb, and Life with Derek. It gave Disney some variety instead of the SAME THING. But these kids are idiots. “It’s not funny..duh…” And Life with Derek was cancelled, the only REAL show during the Renaissance period of Disney CHANNEL. Why does every show have to be funny? See, that’s why everything is so repetitive. Because this generation lacks creativity of the mind! They like repetitive crap in their mouth to come out and puke on all the good old shows.

All of their shows are the same. Someone is trying to get famous and trying to hide their identity. Look at Hannah Montana. Just like Jett back in the day, she is a “famous pop singer” and all she does is whine and complain about how it’s hard to be a normal girl and a singer. And she has to hide her identity, when it’s clearly obvious she’s the same singer because they have the same face…Wizards of Whatever also are Wizards trying to hide their magic, same thing as Hannah Montana, trying to “hide something”. And then Sonny With a Chance, trying to be famous (another iCarly really), and Suit Life on Deck is just a retarded idea period. The original was okay, but when Maddy left, I said forget it. And then…it became INFESTED with comedies! The lack of variety is so obvious, it doesn’t matter which show I’m watching, they all look the same.

It’s like they are encouraging kids to grow up to be shallow, whiny teenagers, who instead of working for what they want, complain like they haven’t grown an inch. They are teaching our kids that they can get famous for not trying at all. Money, but no effort. How sick is that? I say that because I’m still perplexed how most of them became actors and actresses. Some of them need to get fired from the studio. And since when was it a good idea to make actors and actresses into singers? I know you want clean music for kids, Anne, but getting even worse singers and performers is traumatizing them just as badly! And now these kids don’t know the difference between good music and bad. They think good means “anybody who is on TV”. That’s not what makes a singer good. Because these television shows are not about finding talent, but finding someone stupid enough to act stupid on television. And now they’re only showing FOUR Disney Channel original movies! Bull crap! simply put. Bull Crap Disney. Fire this woman!

Disney, go kill yourself!

Argh! The Agony!

Last but not least I have to attack this network, though I don’t believe this is any of their fault. I blame the viwership: the mentally damaged children. This network is known as Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon was not only a good network for kids, but for everyone. It was one of the most awesome networks on television. This show had more variety than any kid’s network on the air. They not only had Nick Jr in the morning, which I watched even when I was 10, they had good shows for kids, like Blues Clues, Little Bill, Little Bear, Franklin, and Face, who introduced me to peanut butter and banana btw. They had Gullah Gullah Island, which even kids watched. Then by the afternoon, even greater shows came on like Rugrats, the most popular of course, Hey Arnold, Angry Beavers, Ren and Stimpy, Ka-blam, All That, Kenan and Kel, The Amanda Show,  Invader’s Zim, My Brother and Me, Clarissa Explains It All (before Lizzie Maguire), The Wild Thornberrys, even Ned’s De-Classified was pretty okay later on, and Spongebob, who was more like a surfer dude, than he was a gay clown like he is today. And not all gay people act like clowns, but does. I’d say the decline happened with Unfabulous. And that’s when I realized Nick was trying to imitate Disney and their “teeny-bopper” ways. I couldn’t believe it. Nick at Nite is still good because I like Malcolm in the Middle and Everybody Hates Chris. In fact, THOSE should’ve been on NICK!!!! What the FOOL!

But Nick can’t help it. I mean that’s what the stupid kids want to watch. The only recently good show they had on Nick was Avatar: The Last Airbender. That was pretty good. I watched the whole show, and was upset when it ended.

So yeah, I think television might be some sick way for kids to go outside and play. They got together and said , “Hey let’s make it suck so kids can be more active.” But it didn’t work. Instead, the retarded kids thought it was good…

So some people may ask, why am I ranting on this? Am I a “soccer mom”? I’m older now, I don’t have to worry about cartoons, right? Wrong. I DO care what the kids of today watch. I’m not a “soccer mom”, who just condemns every little thing with too much violence and killing and a little horror or suspense, but at least if you’re going to have it, do it right. These companies know they can take advantage of kids because kids are dumb enough to fall into their scandals. Kids don’t know any better. These corporations believe they can throw out crap and cash in on the kids who don’t think anything about it…rather don’t think at all!

I feel there is nothing wrong with me wanting the kids of today to have quality television, instead of a large quantity of bull crap! If you’re going to buy Demand Cable, you might as well make sure it’s worth it!

Also, my generation of viewers never grew up from cartoons. We loved our networks. We knew it was quality. So we are still among the viewers of these networks. Why do you think they’re trying to raise the bars on Cartoon Network with Adult Swim and stuff? Because we loved this stuff, and because we also watch it, we see what they’re doing to the kids. We see they are making the kids look like idiots, and it’s not right.

You may say, who am I to say it’s crap? Every generation hates the last, right? And that much is true. BUT, there are some things in the generation that I like, like Disney Channel has Pass the Plate. That’s good they are encouraging international union. BUT…any logical person knows that if something is called MTV, music television, you play music….and anyone knows that if you are CARTOON NETWORK, you play ONLY cartoons on the network. Why lead people astray with the title, and then they flip and see a live action show? I would be like “Is my television broken? Am I on the wrong channel?” If you’re going to do that, change the title of the network!


There’s only so much I can say. There is more, but I’m tired. Hey, me and a couple of 90s kids are getting together to create our own network of good shows, so if anyone wants to join in, let me know in the comments.