Tag Archives: The Wind Rises

Myazaki’s Final Project: The Wind Rises

24 Feb

It’s so sad! This is the final film of Myazaki!

Myazaki was a genius at making Japanese animated films with his detailed characters, whimsical stories, and enchanting animation.

Myazaki’s first animated film to reach the US was Princess Mononoke. My first exposure to the director was through the movie Spirited Away.

That movie captivated my heart. I will truly miss his art. It was greatly appreciated and respected both in the US and overseas.

His final project is entitled The Wind Rises. It is focusing on a young man who dreams of flying. His one issue is his eyesight, which prevents him from doing so. But he discovers that he has a gift for building planes.

As he works on his creations, the world plunges into many eras: The earthquake of 1923, the Great Depression, and even World War II.

His plane innovation brings the aviation world into the future.

So, you know what this means, right?

Yes, a review is coming soon!

This will be coming to theaters this weekend so check it out!

I personally love movies that focus on history, though Myazaki is a master even when his movies take an adventurous and fantastical side…