Tag Archives: Shooting

The “SMH” Files Part I

25 Jul

This article is talking about three videos that just made me smh.

This video is really an eye opener for most people. But for me, I work in a school as a substitute. I see exactly what this monitor is going through daily. One of the kids I worked with was so bad, I had to drag him to the principle’s office. He was running around the school and I had to chase him. He scratched me up, fighting me so that I wouldn’t take him to the principle. He talked about my mother, how ugly I was, and he tore up the room. The toy I took away from him, he picked that up during his tantrum. This boy was eight years old. We’ve written him up several times and he is sent back to our classroom the next day. One of the boys we wrote up was suspended but was allowed to go to the talent show! What kind of punishment is that?

The Jr. High is the worst. The kids are just maniacs and want to fight over every little thing. This bus monitor is going through her daily routine of harrassment. But I guess on this one particular day, she was crying, and some punk kid decided to film it and post it on youtube. Instead of getting laughs, these kids got hate mail. Jokes on you kids; you got the opposite of “likes”. The woman sparked so much media attention that people are raising money for her to go on vacation. Even though she’s really humble about it, I know she is ready to send out punishment.

Her wish was for the kids to apologize to her, and that they be suspended from the bus for a year. She also suggested they be denied the chance to play on sports after school. She received two letters of apology. Personally, the parents should’ve made the kids apologize in person instead of those typed up letters that obviously their parents dictated. In fact, I would’ve made those little worms scrub her house, the school, the bus, her butt, anything until they felt sorry for what they did.

She didn’t write them up because she didn’t feel their taunts were threatening, but they were insulting. And from my own personal experience and hers, she knew the school wouldn’t do anything about it because this all comes with the job. The school can’t do anything about write-ups all the time. Some days you have to try to control the area yourself. I know this from the classroom I was in. They told me that I can’t keep writing them up and that it’s my job to have some “classroom control”. Right. And a note: this is coming from the people who don’t work in the classroom. We had the principal come into our classroom and she just sat there and watched all the kids act bad. She didn’t do a thing! She didn’t do anything until one of the boys tore up her office.

I’m not going to lie. I was a kid once. And I used to think lame jokes were funny, and I used to laugh when kids made fun of a teacher. There was one particular teacher that was just scary…it’s a kid thing. But that doesn’t make it right. The woman’s job is hard enough, and these kids don’t even know the half of how hard a job like this can be. From their end, all they have to do is class work.

The thing is this woman didn’t even cuss them out, didn’t get enraged, didn’t snap, or smack the daylights out of them. She didn’t even bother them. For no reason at all, they just lashed out at her with mean jokes. She did nothing. She kept her head high. She tried her best to ignore them, which is what a mature person would do. She showed patience with these children. They better be glad it wasn’t someone else monitoring that bus, like James Holmes…

Some generalizations for you teens are coming. People are going to start grouping your whole generation as a group of idiots. Be prepared.

My only reservations about this whole ideal is the money being sent her way. Man, I should’ve brought my camera to film bad kids so I could get paid.

This was a true nigga moment. Probably like one of those moments off of the Boondocks show. People can’t say that the show was lying now or just being bias or written by racist people. This is the kind of thing that makes me ashamed to be black. And they played right into that black gangster stereptype too. People already think the black diet is kool-aid, chicken, and watermelon. Why verify it? And the worst part is guns were involved in solving this simple issue.

Like really, was it that serious? I can just imagine the scene: “I like rasberry, make mine rasberry nigga!” “Naw, mine got to be strawberry, you know I’ms allergic to dat rasberry”. “Nigga yo strawberry kool-aid taste like Sh**.” “What you say about my Kool-Aid? Oh nooooo yooouuuu didn’t say my kool-aid taste like Sh**”. Seriously black people, get it together. It’s KOOL-AID!  You can buy like three packs for dirt cheap and make your OWN.

I totally agree with this youtube user. Nanaluvstroubles is so untalented. Why does she have 15 million views and 30,000 subscribers? Really, youtube has now become a trainwreck of horrible videos that go viral and make people famous and paid. Seriously, just about anyone can get paid for ANYTHING. The sad part is I help in spreading these viral videos with some of my articles…This guy’s words are true. He’s not being a bully, he’s being honest. Just like sometimes when people say bad things about black people it’s not always racist…sometimes it’s TRUE.

In her defense, 1) It is called entertainment for a reason. And she is entertaining. Why should any entertainer get paid anything if that’s the case? Why do people watch basketball players play and pay money when they can play their own game? Why do we watch people act like idiots on television when we can make ourselves laugh. It’s called ENTERTAINMENT. And it’s truly a lie to say that in the past, everyone was talented. Just because it was classic doesn’t mean it was talented. People used to question why singers and movie stars got paid. And in those days, they didn’t get famous and paid. They were called “starving artists”. 2) It is hypocritical that this guy, who is obviously not displaying any talent at all is ALSO getting paid. And for what? To talk about another youtuber. Really talented.

However, like I said it is entertainment, and youtube is the place to get it for free (aside from an internet bill). Truly, none of the videos display a sense of “attention starvation” as much as the comments section.

Just some videos that I wanted to share that made me smh. If you guys like the “smh files” I’ll do more of them.

Can’t Even Go to See a Movie: the Dark Knight Killing Spree

20 Jul

Last night, a midnight show, there was a shooting in a Colorado movie theater. 12 people were killed, 51 were injured. Some of them were children. One of the victims was a girl who just escaped death at a shooting in a food court at the mall last month. She died during this shooting. I will not say this nut case’s name just so he can get attention and fame. My intention for this article was to give my condolences to the victims of this tragedy.

Read the Article to find out More

The opening of The Dark Knight was one of the most anticipated movies of the year. Many people were looking forward to the premiere. It was all ruined for these people. And to think the next day families had to settle with the fact that their loved one wouldn’t return home. Children who were victims will be forever scarred. People will begin to blame each other. Things like “Why would you bring your children to a midnight movie? Shouldn’t they be in bed, getting ready for school? Such irresponsible parents!” That was just the imitation of the many comments I saw in response to the article.

Don’t they feel guilty enough in their minds without people saying insensitive comments like that?

They are already thinking of the “what ifs” and the “could’ve, would’ve, should’ves” without people throwing their flaws in their faces . These people will fear leaving their homes, doing day to day things like going to the movies. They were just trying to enjoy the movie. No one anticipated that someone would take The Dark Knight THAT seriously. And if we were in that situation we wouldn’t be as “smart” as we expect others to be. What a lack of compassion! Think of the people who never got to see another day,and now are going to rot in a cold ground, having no chance to form relationships, or tell anyone good-bye, or get that Kingdom Hearts video game they’ve been anticipating for years! People are blaming the school system, the government, the white people, the black people, the parents, the Republicans, the Democrats, Obama, George Bush, gun laws, the neighbors,  and blaming the people who got killed for their own deaths! I bet the guy who did all of the shooting was blaming someone too. But it begins with you. What are you doing to stop violence? Stop blaming others. Of course, I know people blame because they want to fight. They want to find someone to take their anger out on. But blaming won’t solve the problem. Helping prevent something like this will.

This does bring me to another point. I don’t want to sound like a “soccer mom” or a boring, rigid prick, but I’m going to make the point. The Dark Knight has very dark undertones that attract the more edgy sub-cultures of society. People who connect with The Dark Knight see themselves as being a part of the dark side. Of course, everyone loves Batman and the movie, but just know that there will be the people who enjoyed Batman for it’s psycho-maniac theme involved. This wasn’t a Disney movie he decided to enter. It was a movie that had more of a connection to his purpose for being there. Batman has always been the dark hero with the controversial themes. That’s why we love him, but that’s also why people who look to dark themes as a hobby might love him too. With all the action and violence in the movie, it will attract those people who love weapons towards the movie too . I mean,the movie didn’t make them do it, but it is one of the reasons someone like him might’ve been attracted to the movie. Do you see someone like him entering into the movie Brave and getting away with it? No. It would’ve been more obvious. The Dark  Knight is attractive to the rebels of society, the adolescents seeking independence from the world, and it gives the “fed-up” murder ideas.

The Dark Knight movies out of all of them seem to carry an air of “bad luck”. A couple of weeks after the premiere of the first The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger killed himself unintentionally. Now after the premiere of this movie, some nut-ball shoots up a theater. This is sort of giving Warner Bros. a bit of a hard time. The Dark Knight brought out such themes as questioning “hero-ship” and downfall of heroes. The villains act as terrorists in the series. Characters like the Joker are idolized and glamorized as being “funny”and “cool”. Just Google in the Joker and you see his picture plastered everywhere. One even dares to say he is their hero…Might want to talk to that kid right now before he imitates. Look at all the merchandise that came with him! It’s no wonder the killer told the police that he was the Joker.

Look at how glamorized the criminal Joker is! Isn’t he cool? They even have t-shirts for him!

I mean, it’s not like we should blame video games and movies for the way people act. That’s not my point. I’m not saying that violent video games will INFLUENCE kids, even though sometimes they do (personal experience through someone else’s kid). I’m saying a kid’s entertainment says a lot about their PERSONALITY. The type of entertainment can give us insight into to the type of person we’re dealing with. We know that when we go to see movies like the Dark Knight what kind of people will be there. Just like we know when we go to see Brave, the vast majority of people in the ticket line and in the show will be little kids and their parents…and some Disney fans…We anticipate that the Dark Knight will have the strangest of people gravitating towards it because of the element and popularity. It’s unlikely that people would find a guy in the type of costume worn by the killer as alarming in a movie show like the Dark Knight than if a man dressed like that in a Disney movie; it would seem suspicious automatically.

The biggest question when it comes to kids playing violent video games and watching violent movies is whether they desensitize the generation and make them less compassionate. I believe it does. But what’s even worse is that the generation is in DENIAL that video games and movies have that kind of influence on them. And so when things like this happen they just say, “No he was crazy, it wasn’t the movie that made him that way.” But the Batman movie did give him an idea. It had something to do with this fiasco whether delusional kids believe it or not. The real reason why people are in denial is because they are afraid that restrictions will be placed on movies and video games that are being released, which could limit our freedoms. Which is understandable, but the true answer doesn’t lie in avoiding the issue. It lies in  analyzing and reflecting on yourself and the issue. Then helping someone else to analyze it. Another thing I see too is that there is more violence in PG-13 movies than there used to be. These kids are so advanced, due to having so much access to computers and video games, that a children’s cartoon movie doesn’t appease them. They would rather be sitting in a live action movie where guns and sexual innuendos are present. When I was a kid, live-action movies would put me to sleep.

How is all of this going to affect the rest of us,the moviegoers? Well, just expect metal detectors and bag inspections the moment you walk in. That’s going to take up some time so make sure you come early so you won’t miss the movie. It’ll be like going to the airport now…It only takes one cunt to ruin it for everyone else. Oh and trust me, there’s going to be a big debate about gun control, and the question of whether citizens should own a gun. Why did he do it? Who knows…The answer might be because he is just insane. Whether he had a motive for killing a dozen people, it was pure insanity to take whatever frustrations out on innocent lives. However, I do feel if people knew the true answer, it could possibly give them closure because it would make people aware of the issues that young people face today. This could lead to people trying to help them so they won’t ruin others’ lives. Of course, this is if he needed help. Some people just want to prove how smart they are by outsmarting the police. He was a college goer. Some people who go to college think they’re so smart and powerful that they start “Power-trippin”.

Some people say having less guns and putting restrictions on guns can prevent gun violence even more. And while I think it would stop more people from having easier access, it may not stop violence itself. Anything can be a weapon, even our bare hands, if used inappropriately. However, guns have shown themselves to be a deadly and destructive weapon and able to kill  more than one person at a time. But where do we stop with our restrictions? Some guns have helped people protect themselves. And on a one-on-one basis, can serve as a protection. Restrictions bring me back to the Prohibition days. That was meant to prevent violence as a result of alcohol…and that was a major FAIL. Even though Japan outlawed guns, and they were reported to have the lowest crime rate in the world…

Not doing anything about gun control can obviously prove detrimental. On a one-on-one basis, guns can be protective, but in an incident like the movie complex, imagine everyone standing up and firing at the person. Even though all those people might hit him, there’s a chance all the chaos and fear might cause people to unintentionally kill each other if they had poor aim or someone got in the way. And I mean if guns stopped production, no one would have a gun and killing dozens of people would be much harder to do. Guns bring out a spree of mass murders. So restrictions can prevent some gun violence actions in the case of a large crowd. But on a one-on-one basis, guns can be useful.

I don’t believe that guns should be outlawed, but I do believe we need restrictions, just like we have on cars, airplanes, and anything else.

So anyway,I just want to send my love and thoughts with the families.