Tag Archives: #redlight


3 Jul

Codename: SoratothamaxGN


TARGET: Noura_Majed00 (instagram)


COME ON OUT! I’m ’bout to go Antoine Dodson on her!

So this hater goes on Jackie’s instagram, supposedly calling herself f(x) Amber’s “fan”, and then starts calling Amber’s sister ugly. Now, I’m thinking, “Am I hearing right? Maybe this person doesn’t speak English well”. No. This person just keeps it going by stating that she loves “Amber”, not “Jackie”. Yea, a true fugly hater.

I’m still trying to figure out if this person is legally blind right now…

This trick tried to come at Jackie’s pictures, and she doesn’t even have an instagram picture up! I wonder why? Probably because she’s too insecure to show her OWN fugly face!

Anti-fan boooo!

Anti-fan boooo!

PEOPLE BE HATIN, PEOPLE BE HATIN’, I swear, and I’m puttin’ them on blast because, yes, I see the Liu family like my own! I respect the Liu family. And I have become a major fan of Amber and her sister since I watched the K’con in L.A. last year.

This girl is obviously jealous of the relationship that Jackie and her sister have, otherwise she wouldn’t have gone all the way to Jackie’s instagram, trying to bother her. Get a life! Amber doesn’t want this chick as a sister, so she needs to stop trying so hard to impress Amber. Amber already has a kind, playful, and hot sister. This girl failed at trying to stick up for Amber. She just ended up hurting Amber. Amber probably never even wants to SEE this person after what she said. In fact, none of Amber’s REAL FANS even want to see her. She brings so much shame and embarrassment to the f(x) fan base. I’m too ashamed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amber stopped posting openly on Twitter or Instagram for all her fans to see because of this chick. From what I know about Amber, she is protective, and she doesn’t like it when anyone attacks the people she loves. Pulling away from social media might be an option, and I wouldn’t blame Amber if she did step away. I would be that way, too. That’s why this is so discouraging. It is discouraging to see that there are such shallow people out here who think they are so great they can call other people names. They ruin the fun for everyone else. But luckily, Amber and Jackie aren’t cowards. They are pushing forward like usual. Hopefully, they won’t let this girl destroy their relationship with fans or each other.

But we’re going to try to stay positive. Tonight, in Korea, is a big night for Amber. She’s about to have her next performance of “Red Light” and yes, f(x) is SLAYING this year, 2014, baby! It’s up to Amber’s REAL fans to cheer her on, even if some of us can’t be there.



And Jackie Liu is serving it up with friends for the 4th of July! WOOT! It’s up to us to make sure Jackie has a wonderful and special holiday today!

Tweet #TeamLiu to put smiles on their faces. 🙂

July 4th is a day to PARTY for some people! xD PARTY LIKE IT’S NEVER GOING TO END! And haters, in the words of Youtube’s Pyrobooby, Peter Chao, stop getting drunk off the “haterade”, and start drinking some soothing “positive” Bubble Tea! Later, Haters! And yes, I’m doing the most! I’m doing it because I’m angry, and I fight for what I think is right.

It is wrong to attack Amber’s family when you don’t know her family. It is wrong to compare two sisters with the same genes. And it is wrong to lie, because that’s basically what this attention whore just did.



Who hates on this hotness? A fugly person hates on her, of course!

I’m done now. I blew off my steam and that is all. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this hater.

Really though, if you call yourself a fan of Amber, why would you get on Amber’s bad side like this? Good job, you got her attention by being a butt hole, you piece of turd.


Who is your f(x) ‘bias’?

3 Jul

VOTE FOR F(x): VOTE Click!


Vote f(x) for Summer Song on Fuse TV

This is a question that floats around the f(x) fan base. In my five-month time as an f(x) fan, I’ve become used to this question.

The true definition of bias isn’t so pleasant. It means ‘to be prejudiced’. To be prejudiced means to have a preconceived opinion that is not based on reasoning or experience.

But in the f(x) fandom world, bias simply means your favorite f(x) member, the member that you just can’t stop loving no matter what.

So, I’m going to ask all of you, “Who is your bias?”




There are five lovely girls in f(x). Fans have sided with their favorites since their debut. I’m going to go into detail about the five girls, and I’m also going to share with you what  I observed about their fans. I’ve noticed that there are some distinct characteristics that each girls’ fans carry. I’m going to review…

I’m going to start with the oldest member: Victoria.



Victoria is the flexible leader of the f(x) group. She can do back-bends, flips, leg stretches, and whatever “bends” you can think of. She’s a great dancer. She studied at the Beijing Dance Academy. Oh, yes, did I mention she is Chinese? Yes, she is the only Chinese member in the K-pop f(x) group. Victoria is youthful, dorky, and full of energy. She is the “big sister” to the other members.

Here are other articles that focus on her charms:

f(x)’s charm and Venus

Just how Talented is f(x) Victoria?

Now to focus on her fan base. These are some definitive characteristics of her fan base that I noticed:

True or False?

*Most of her fan base comes from overseas, particularly China.

* People who love her have an affinity for dance and acrobatics.

*There are some people who think Victoria’s body is perfect, and so they support her.

*People who love her may have been impressed with her limbs in earlier performances.

*Fans may have been introduced to her through dramas.

*Fans of 2PM are fans of Victoria. (Khuntoria 😛 )

*Fans were drawn in by her cute, babyish antics. (Pororo The Little Penguin 😛 )

*Perhaps many of her fans are older in some way (maybe the oldest sibling in their homes, at their school, on their job, etc..).

*This fan base is lively and perky, and they never usually have anything mean to say about other fanbases.

*This fan base wants Victoria to have more lines in f(x)’s songs. They complain a lot.

*Her fans are foreigners in their own countries.



Amber is the charming tomboy in the f(x) group. She is most distinct for her androgynous fashion and boyish demeanor. Amber also has a wide network of Korean celebrity friends, and is multi-talented: she sings, plays guitar, plays drums, writes music, and dances. She communicates more with her fans via social media than the other members do. She is from Los Angeles, California, USA. She’s of Taiwanese descent. She speaks three different languages: English, Chinese, and Korean. She has an older sister.

Here are other articles that focus on her charms:

f(x)’s charm and Venus

Just how talented is f(x) Amber?

Characteristics of her fan base:

True or False?

*Amber has the most fans from English-speaking countries.

*Most fans who meet her, fall in love with her.

*It takes males a long time to warm up to her, but when they see her personality, they love her most.

*She has a huge group of fans who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, tomboyish girls, girlish boys, transgender, or otherwise having gender and/or sexual affiliations that aren’t traditional.

*Most of her fans are underdogs in their own communities.

*Her fans tend to like edgy music, particularly rock music.

*Her fanbase tends to single Amber out from the group.

*Amber has the hugest female fanbase.

*Her fans are hip to popular American social media (instagram and twitter 😛 ). They are most up-to-date with everything f(x), thanks to Amber.

*This fan base is dorky, a little urban, and give funny nicknames (Llama 😛 )

*Fans are sometimes a little critical. They argue with people a lot. Maybe a bit hot-tempered? Or just defensive?…They will defend Amber and make you feel like scum if you even sound like you’re talking bad about her.

*She has the strongest fan group. (2010, hiatus, conniption 😛 )

*Fans of boy groups and 2ne1 also like Amber.

*The largest shipping happens in this fan group, from Kryber, to Sulber, to Keyber, to Henber, to Jackber…

*Most of her female fans would hope she is bi-sexual. She has been noted to make even heterosexual female fans feel like lesbians…

*It is very easy to become her fan because she knows so many other idols that give her special attention. Being a fan of hers, you get to know other K-pop idols.

*Most of her fans focus more on her unique looks and her funny personality than they do anything else. They’re always watching her instagram videos…



Luna is the “fire-power” of the group, the “vitamin” of the group. She is the best vocalist, and a powerful one at that. She is also a great dancer. She is truly talented. She is the most personally interested in her members and her fans. Luna is known as the “sweetheart”, the kind and compassionate one. She is sensitive, and cries easily. She works the hardest of all the f(x) members. She also loves to talk, and does most of the talking. She was born in Seoul, Korea. She has a twin sister and a brother.

Here are other articles that focus on her charms:

f(x)’s charm and Venus

Just how talented is f(x) Luna?

Characteristics of her fans:

True or False?

*Luna’s fans were drawn to her powerful vocals.

*Her fans are less superficial than other fans, but they like girls with a little “meat on their bones”.

*Her fan base thinks Luna is the cutest and sweetest.

*Most people who meet Luna become fans automatically. Even if people don’t become hard core fans, it’s hard to hate Luna.

*She has an impact on international fans, as she always strives to communicate to different people.

*Most people who like her respect real music more than anything.

*Most people who like her also like R&B and Hip-hop.

*Her fan base is the smallest, but the most dedicated.

*Her fan base is very kind and helpful. Her fans are just as cute as she is. But they are also sassy and fierce (in a good way). I’ve run into many, online and off-line…

*Her fans are very down-to-earth. They are very “normal”. They are the least critical. They are extremely humorous.

*Many of her fans like her sense of style.

*Fans of solo artists like IU, Ailee, and BoA are also fans of Luna.

*Many Luna fans drew to her after Amazing f(x), Hello f(x), and Koala f(x) where people got to know her more.

*Hip-hop dancers also respect Luna.

*Luna’s fan base is shy. They are quiet during performances, and only cheer when Luna reaches a key moment. I think they are trying to listen intently to her vocals…



Sulli is the “Giant Baby” of the group, and is often confused as the youngest member (she’s older than Krystal by a couple of months). She is the tallest member. Sulli began her career as a child actress in Ballad of Seo Dong. She acquired a desire to dance and sing when she attended an SM audition. She plays piano, guitar, and dances Rumba really well. She has nothing but brothers. Sulli is always noted for her unique features, and striking beauty. IU made a song, “Peach”, inspired from her beauty.

Here are articles that focus on more of her charms:

f(x)’s charm and Venus

Just how Talented is f(x) Sulli?

Characteristics of her fans:

True or False?

*Sulli fans were drawn to Sulli’s beauty more than anything.

*Most of her fans are into K-dramas. Many have been introduced to her through K-dramas.

*Many Sulli fans are also fans of Shinee.

*Sulli fans are extremely supportive of her, and will defend her to the ends of the earth.

* Sulli has a huge male fan base.

*Sulli fans are cute and friendly, but a bit too superficial.

*It’s easy to be drawn to Sulli’s charm and cute-ness. Most people can’t help but become a fan of Sulli.

*Sulli’s fans are possibly the youngest (in their families, in their schools, etc…) or just youthful in general.

*Her fans want her to have more lines in f(x)’s songs, but they are happy when Sulli is happy.

*Her fan base is positive and always sees the good in a situation rather than the negative.



Krystal is the beautiful “maknae” of the group, which means she’s is the youngest. Krystal is known as the younger sister of Jessica from Girl’s Generation (SNSD), a wildly popular all-girl group in Korea. But she has formed her own identity. Unlike her sister, she is known for her chic fashion sense, beauty, and her mysterious personality. Krystal plays piano, sings, and dances really well. She is also quite the ice skater. Krystal is naturally shy, cool, and doesn’t like too much attention. She doesn’t interact much with fans. She’s not phony. She was born in San Francisco, California, USA, but was practically raised in Korea.

Here are other articles that focus on her charms:

f(x)’s charm and Venus

Just how talented is f(x) Krystal?

Characteristics of her fans:

True or False?

*Most of her fans consider her the prettiest member. They may have been drawn to her because of her beauty. Fans consider her to have an enviable body.

*Most Krystal fans are also fans of Girls’ Generation. In fact, they are usually fans of most K-pop girl groups. They are hard-core K-poppers.

*Krystal fans focus on her appearance more than anything, though they will support any event where Krystal displays her talents.

*Most fans push Jungsis (Jessica and Krystal) as a sub-unit.

*This fan base is large, and very powerful.

*She has the hugest male fan base, but the girls aren’t far behind in numbers, either.

*Some fans consider her the “face” of f(x).

*The female fan base ships Krystal with Amber HARD. However, most of the male fans hope to marry her. (The boy in the red pants who stalked her… 😛 )

*This fan base can be very critical, perfectionists, and have high standards. I always hear these fans criticizing someone’s fashion, whether someone smiles or looks happy or not, whether an idol is nice to fans or not, etc…They often see Krystal as perfect, and expect her to be the perfect idol.

*The fans of Krystal are quite trendy and fashionable, just like Krystal. Some become fans of Krystal because of her stylish clothing.

*This fan base is a little “posh”, but very cool, much like Krystal herself. Some are also cute and dorky.

*The fan base can be a little superficial, but they always know what looks good on each member.

*Fans see two different things in Krystal: New fans see her as cute and adorable, older fans see her as cool and mysterious. She comes across as cute, confident, and friendly, but when you get to know her, she’s shy and quiet. She’s still lovable, though.

*Many fans appreciate Krystal’s grace and and her talents.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think, especially if you chose “false” on any of the above polls! After voting for your bias, let me know why you like that member! I will add it to this list.

Keep supporting f(x)! Their album dropped JULY 7, 2014! It is called ‘RED LIGHT’!

f(x) the Korean “Spice Girls” + Amber Liu in the Spotlight

f(x) Red light Review

f(x) Pink Tape Review

f(x) Summer on GN!

Which f(x) member are you? quiz

f(x)’s charm and Venus

f(x)’s Ideal Types by Sun and Mars

f(x) Around the World

f(x) in the USA

f(x) on Olleh: Korea’s most Unique Girl Group

Just how Talented is f(x) Sulli?

Just how Talented is f(x) Victoria?

Just how talented is f(x) Amber?

Just how talented is f(x) Krystal?

Just how talented is f(x) Luna?

GN’s Top 10 F(x) songs (so far)

Girls’ Generation vs F(x): Chocolate Love

Why does GN love f(x) so much?

Funny Reaction videos to f(x) “Red Light”

GN’s LEAST FAVORITE f(x) album?


USA’s Nylon writes about Girls’ Generation’s Jessica and F(x)’s Krystal, Jungsis!

F(x) Amber and Got7 on We Got Married Global! Which man wins Amber’s heart (Natal chart reading)?

F(x) Gets treated unfair by SM? And EXO is treated better?

Make Your Move, SM’s first American movie has songs from F(x) and Girls’ Generation in it!

F(x) Amber, a part of androgynous inspiration!

The Korean Wave

Venus signs and Love Stories, F(x) Amber Liu is mentioned

Music Core, f(x) mentioned

Jackie Liu, Amber Liu’s Sister, Gets Hurt by Fan

f(x)’s Amber in a parody Korean drama for A Song for you!

SM TOWN WORLD TOUR 2014! f(x) will perform!