Tag Archives: love

Frozen 2’s Elsa: Gay, Traditional, or Remaining Single?

13 May


Fans of Disney’s Frozen have been petitioning online for Elsa, the deuteragonist of the film, to finally find love in the sequel-only not with a man. Those among the LGBTQ+ community and beyond have been pushing for films to be more “inclusive” and have been pushing for LGBTQ+ romances to be seen as “equal” to heterosexual ones. They especially feel children’s shows should embrace the message. By allowing children’s programs and movies to openly represent LGBTQ+ relationships, the target generation may start to see it as beautiful and pure rather than taboo.

Many have zeroed in on Elsa. Elsa has come to represent alternative lifestyles. She seems to be a role model for those who don’t fit the “norm”. She steps out of society’s rules in several ways. For one, she’s one of the few Disney heroines without a love interest. Elsa also represents ‘freedom and tolerance’. When Elsa “let it go” in the first film, it seemed to send a message that told kids, “It’s okay to be yourself. Don’t conceal what’s inside”. This especially relates to the LGBTQ+ community because most of them often feel they have to “conceal” or hide who they are to feel more “normal”. So for them, if anyone is to represent LGBTQ+, it should be her. There is plenty of art online that expresses this. 

There are many who are for the push and many who are against it. The conservative, religious folk just feel it isn’t right for their kids. There are also those fans that already shipped her with Jack Frost.

Where do I stand?

I’ll be clear. I’m against it.

I’m not against it because I hate homosexuality. I’m Pan-Ace myself.  An LGBTQ+ character in a Disney movie in the near future would be fantastically progressive and is sure to send a statement worldwide.

However, I don’t think Elsa should be that character.

First, I’m sick of Frozen. Disney milks that movie a little too much. It was a “plot-hole” of a story and never really deserved the praise it received. I have more to say on this at the Frozen Review and Frozen-A Feminist movie or a Sexist One? And if I’m sick of the movie, I’m sure others are. It wouldn’t do a LGBTQ+ relationship justice. It would be stuck to a sequel, second base to most heterosexual relationships.

Second, Disney’s sequels aren’t usually too good. Do I have to remind you of Tarzan 2? Have you seen the Little Mermaid 2? Nah, Disney should stick to originals. Why place a LGBTQ+ relationship in a movie that may not even have a well-developed story? It’s cheap to stick it in a sequel. It makes it feel insignificant and takes away the message that LGBTQ+ relationships should be treated equally to heterosexual ones. And if the movie flops, that will kill the cause.

Third, what’s wrong with a character being single? It’s bad enough for women to be damsels in distress, but let’s not forget that women are also often stereotypically clumped with the romance genre. It was refreshing to see a female character that showed no interest in romance and had no struggles with betrothal or anything marriage-related (like Merida). It was just a refreshing story about a woman who wanted to break free and show her strengths. Anna’s relationship was so distracting and pointless, I almost wish SHE had also been single!

I side with those who want Elsa to remain single.

Some excellent arguments were best summed up by commenter Raygirl from the comments section of the article ‘Why it Doesn’t Matter if Elsa or Any Movie Character is Gay’:

Why must Elsa find love? Part of her appeal was being a single independent woman. She had different interests other than romance and proves that love does not always have to be romantic. The first movie proved that. By giving her a romantic love interest it will deviate from that message: that love does not always have to be romantic to save the day. The bond between sisters saved the day. I think they should focus on that.

…Why must we change [her from being single and independent to suddenly being a romantic] to fit an agenda? Why don’t they ask for a brand new character that is gay? Elsa was inspirational because she was single… By saying she should be gay or straight, people are insinuating that a person should never be without a romantic partner and that being single is somehow “sad”. Why is her being alone such a bad thing? Why is being single not good enough for people? It’s like the world suspects if you’re not straight, you’re gay and there is no room to be single or even in-between! I’m tired of people assuming a single woman or a man who refuses to marry or date is classified as “gay”. This just reinforces such stereotypes and doesn’t leave room for the imagination nor does it leave room for people to be okay living a single life regardless of their sexual orientation.
She was a loner and wanted to do her own thing. If this were to change, people like me would no longer relate to what made her character so great in the first place. She wasn’t focused on love, she focused on the powers inside of her.

In response to those who feel Merida, Disney’s and Pixar’s Brave heroine, already represents the single ladies and gents:

Why should I have to choose between Merida and Elsa? I like that both of them are single independent women with different personalities. It gives us single people variety to have two different types of women portrayed as single in Disney movies. We’re not all tomboys like Merida, y’know. Some women like wearing sparkly dresses and love our sisters. Are more feminine women like Elsa destined to just be in a relationship? Or can’t any of these women choose to be single? My question for you is why don’t you and many others ask Disney to make a brand NEW Disney princess who is lesbian? Does it have to be one that was already established as a single independent woman in their original form?

Now that she has come to terms with her powers I don’t feel it is necessary to make her a romantic necessarily. In fact, there is so much we have not learned about her powers! I want to see that part of her evolve rather than some offsetting romance. It was bad enough with Anna’s romance. Anna’s romance, in my opinion, interfered with the developing sister relationship in the first Frozen. I don’t want the same thing to happen to my favorite character Elsa.

…I have never had a romantic relationship. And I’m in my 20s. And I plan to keep it that way. My best friend is Asexual and my other best friend is handicapped. They also have never had relationships. My handicapped friend used to cry because she knew she could never date and get married. When she saw Frozen‘s Elsa she was so happy to see a story like Elsa’s and was relieved that Elsa was single. If Elsa had a romantic partner, this would make people like my friend feel bad. So you see, there are people that relate to Elsa in more ways than you realize, that are hoping romance won’t be shoved in their faces. To me relationships don’t mean “Happily Ever After”. My “Happily Ever After” and many others come from being with my friends and family more than some romantic partner. Friends and family will be in your corner no matter how you look or no matter your “sex appeal”. This is why I have chosen to be single. And many others feel the way I do.

In response to someone who related “sexuality” to skin color and gender:

…In Disney movies, the romances technically do advance or interfere with story plots. In fact, most times in Disney’s case the romance tends to be one of the focuses of the story. In the original Frozen, I would have never thought it was a sister story because they focused more on Kristoff and Anna’s growing love life.

A black person is only black by skin. But being black does not reflect a way of life nor a person’s behavior. A woman is only a woman by identity, but this also does not reflect her behavior or way of life.
When it comes to homosexuality, it is very different. This reflects not only a feeling and a behavior, but it also reflects a way of life. Therefore, it will alter the story in more ways than being a woman or being black. Including a subtle sexual/romantic theme is the same as including a religion. If people asked for more Jews in Disney movies, this would change the behavior and feeling of the character.

Ari Moore from that same website’s comments section made this interesting note as to why she thinks Elsa should be single:

Loving [oneself] is different from loving someone else for me because my love for myself is unconditional. The love for people however is very conditional.

…The princesses don’t find love, they kind of just meet some random person and do a lot to have that man. Recently it has not been that way but it was like that for a time. To be honest, I do not believe in love and I think stories where there is a love interest is silly and [it is] why women are so ridiculous when it comes to love. To be even more honest, women don’t love, they love the idea of love and men just lust. You can really like someone but I do not think it is love. I think stories about love are setting people up for failure in that aspect because no one really knows what love is. Yes, love stories sell but they should not. It is like false advertisement for the real world because the world is much colder than these fairy tales that disney recreates.

I really just had to put some shine on these words. They really put something on my mind and shaped my view of the whole situation.

While many people may argue that romance and romantic relationships are universal and relate easily to others, nothing is more universal than being single. We are ALL born single; we have all been single at one time. Everyone will not experience relationships or romance. We are only in control of ourselves and the love we have for ourselves. It is the most powerful message for both heterosexuals, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, pan-sexuals, and asexuals. Heterosexual people don’t often relate tothe LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ don’t often relate to heterosexual lifestyles. But they BOTH can relate to being single. Single people come from all backgrounds.

I think an even better idea would be to give Elsa another female friend in the film but leave their relationship ambiguous. This will allow viewers to see what they want to see and it will satisfy everybody.

So readers, what do you think? Do you think Elsa should remain single or get a female love interest? Or perhaps you’re more conservative and would like Elsa to suddenly follow a traditional route?

It all depends on how you feel the character should evolve. At the end of the day, Disney is going to go with what sales anyhow.

It’s interesting how a children’s film can spark so much debate… Why not let the kids decide? Throughout all of this, no one asked what the kids wanted. These movies are for children who haven’t yet developed an interest in romance.

If you believe that Elsa should stay single, too, sign this petition: #SingleForElsa

Another great article on this topic: Why I’m All for Disney Keeping Elsa Single in Frozen 2 

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

What Does He Want You To See in Him? By the signs (Masculine Identity)

21 Mar

Mars Symbol Small

If you don’t understand much about zodiac signs and you are new to planetary signs, aspects, and houses, read the introduction here.

Mars is the planet of war, aggression, drive, assertion, energy, force, the sex drive, and male sexuality. He represents how we express our passionate natures and how we obtain anything we desire. Mars also represents drive, energy, and freedom. Mars is instinctive about survival. It can also represent frustration and aggression. Mars wants us to compete, to fight, and to climb over obstacles in life. He wants to accomplish something and be independent. He thrives on the rush of the moment. Really, he just wants to release some tension.

The sign he enters shows HOW we express our passion and drive. The house he enters shows WHERE we express our passion and drive. The aspects show how difficult or easy it is to use his energies in our life and how much of it we use.

Ever heard of the saying “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”?


In a man’s chart, Mars is his ruler. This is more of a socialized condition than anything. We have all of these planets in our charts and are capable of using anything for survival. But in our society, men tend to connect more with Mars than women do. Even though women are more active today, women still shy from most of the principles of Mars and women still expect men to be more active and driven than they are. Thus, Mars tends to tell men a lot about their own status as “men” and their identities in relation to their peers. Mars is considered one of the social planets, though not quite as sociable as Venus.

Mars also reveals what how men go after the women, what they do to impress the woman they want.

Why are men so associated with Martian sexuality (and not women)? Mars is supposed to be the planet that represents sex directly. But since women are more encouraged to channel their yearnings into romance, the actual act is far less important for them. Men, on the other hand, are taught something different. The article 5 Lies that Distort Male Sexuality by Jamie Utt and Men’s Sexual Response by David Delvin expresses that men are often taught to see sex as something for their own pleasure “rather than their partner’s”. Men are often encouraged to see sex as a conquest and to have as many partners as they can. Thus, relationships are seen more as a game or a battlefield. Their role is to try to be the conqueror. This is very similar to the principles associated with Mars.

Men are taught they have to be “in control” sexually. Men feel pushed to be adequate sexually. As a result, men are likely to take sexual risks to build their experience and confidence, regardless of the consequences. They are not shamed for exploring their sexuality to the fullest. On the other hand, a man who can’t have sex for whatever reason will feel a heavy burden. He will feel more pressure to perform and others will make him feel like a loser. Men will more than likely feel “unhappy with their partners” and “disaffected with life” if their partners are not having sex with them. A man will also usually feel “desolate” if the object of his affections reject his sexual advances.

Mars can be a very powerful planet for men, blessing them with freedom, strength, energy, and leadership abilities. But Mars can curse them with rivals and enemies, competition, aggression, violence, tension, and loneliness.

Readers may remember my article regarding men and Venus.

What Does He See in YOU? by the signs

Venus and Mars are two relationship planets in our charts. For most men, Venus is projected onto women. He may often expect women to express qualities he himself doesn’t feel “allowed” to express. Men with Mars in his ruling signs (Aries or Scorpio) or in his exalted placement (Capricorn) have a harder time living up to the principles of Venus and will project their energies more. Men with Mars in detriment (Taurus or Libra) and his falling placement (Cancer) have an easier time with Venus and don’t project as much.

In a man’s chart, Venus represents his feminine ideal, a woman he is drawn to and attracted to. This is the woman he thinks is sexy, good, and perfect.

So if men project Venus on women, how can Mars influence what they expect from women? This is a tricky question and yet simple at the same time. Though men are drawn to certain women because of feminine energies, they still feel they deserve to be catered to by even the most passive woman. Quite frankly, men aren’t so soft. A softer woman would have trouble keeping up with his sex drive, wouldn’t understand his activities, and wouldn’t have the energy to make themselves useful in his life. Venus is superficial. Sometimes, Mars helps us see beyond the superficial and understand what people do and how people really behave.

Women can benefit  from reading this article. This article is useful for women who have a hard time understanding the male mind and may feel confused when dating a man. They may notice that though a man may say he is attracted to her and would often talk about how special she is, he may expect her to treat him the total opposite! So, women may find men difficult to please in this way. Well, women, worry no more! If you look into his natal chart and observe his signs, aspects, and house placements, you will understand him better.

Because men project Venus, this can create some conflict with Mars, especially if there are harsh aspects between the two planets. A good example of this complicated love life would be shown through Michael Jackson’s music. He has Venus in Leo with his Mars in Taurus. Having Venus in Leo, it’s clear he was drawn to dynamic women in his lifetime. Many of the women he was drawn to (as well as those drawn to him) wanted to be a “star”, much like the sun-ruled Leo! In songs like “Dirty Diana” and “Billie Jean”, he mentions women wanting “fortune and fame”, seeking him out just to get media attention. Though he may later dislike these women, he’s initially drawn to them allowing them into his life in the first place. So why does he dislike her later? When thinking about this question, we first have to observe how he sees himself. In music videos like “The Way You Make Me Feel” and “Bad”, we can tell that he’s really a peaceful guy like his fixed earthy Mars in Taurus suggests. He’s actually really affectionate and artistic. He doesn’t see himself as aggressive. He’s more easy-going and pleasant. MJ would rather use his music to impress a girl rather than any bold or assertive tactics. He’s really a loyal, stable man who hates drama! The problem is he keeps attracting drama to himself!

Michael Jackson’s Mars is how he wants to be seen, so it’s how he wants to be treated.

For MJ,  the “drama girl” is him projecting his own “dramatic nature”. He’s only perceiving these women as dramatic. But we can never truly know what’s going inside of a person. We aren’t them. Each person has their own natal charts that may reveal things we may not even expect from a person. The woman he perceives as dramatic and attention seeking may see herself as someone else entirely and may just be reacting to him!  Inside, he’s the one being drawn to the fame, attention, and drama. It’s his internal “Drama King” that has led him to people that bring drama to his life. This is probably why he’s the “King of Pop” in the first place!

In a gay man’s chart, he tends to balance both his masculine and feminine energies well in a relationship, considering he may not feel the need to be the dominant one or the submissive one. He may even use both energies interchangeably. Still, he may feel pressure to conform, like all the other men. Society will make him feel out-of-place if he’s not like other men. He may also feel he has to defend himself more, causing him to express more assertive and strong-willed tendencies. He may not project his Venus on a potential  partner, but he may end up projecting Venus on women in general or on close female friends.

In a woman’s chart, Mars tends to reflect the qualities she would rather project on men and reveals her idea of the “ideal” man. A gay woman is likely to own both her own Mars and Venus, but may not really consider Mars as important as Venus in relationships.

What Does SHE See in YOU? By the signs

What Does HE See in YOU? by the signs

What Does She Want You to See in Her? By the signs

Venus in a woman’s chart will reflect her social identity, what she expects from a relationship, and her own sexuality

So now that you know more about Mars in a man’s chart, we can learn how each man utilizes his own Martian gifts, how each man defines masculinity in his own terms, and his own sexuality through the signs.

*Some parts of the interpretations might be too much for those under the age of 18. Reader discretion is advised.

Mars signs:

Mars in Aries

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Cancer

Mars in Leo

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Libra

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Aquarius

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Aries


Male Identity: Mars first enters his own domain when he enters the sign of Aries. Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Here he is at his best, free to be as forceful and assertive as he would like to be. He can get the most accomplished here.

Some Mars in Aries men would like to be seen as strong, assertive, and passionate in the eyes of the object of their affection. They would like someone they’re interested in to see them as super masculine.

Other Mars in Aries men would like their love interests to see them for who they really are. These men like to let it all hang out and be themselves. They are not the most refined types and they are strongly independent. Many times, they aren’t really too serious about anything, not even relationships. They would want a partner to accept everything about them and have fun. So, in this case, no matter what their Venus, they can’t stay with people who restrict them in any way.

When trying to impress the object of his affection, Mars in Aries men are generally forward. They aren’t the types to put on airs. They will make you see how interested they are in you. They act confident, even when they don’t always feel confident.

Some may do daring stunts or fight for the object of their affection, all just to impress this person. They may join competitions or show off at a sporting event. When out with someone they like, they try to take initiative. They might be the ones to pay the bill, even when they weren’t asked to. They are the types to ask for a dance without waiting to see if their partner wants to. They act to make sure things go the way they want it to go.

His weakness is he can be selfish when pursuing the object of his affections. He may not be considerate about the time or place or the person’s circumstances. He may mostly choose dates that are filled with activities he wants to try. Generally, he isn’t accommodating, and would rather have a partner who is on the same page. This would allow him to freely take the lead. He’s also a risk taker and doesn’t often consider the comfort level or safety of the partner when trying things. When you go on a date with this person, be upfront about what you don’t like. Don’t passively go along with the program.

He also has a quick temper. He may not always be abusive (depending on aspects, anyone is capable), but when someone slights him or upsets him, he’s impulsive and often acts without thinking. This can be troublesome for some people.

He’s also competitive. He might compete with other men, even when it’s not warranted. Sometimes, he may feel the need to compete with his own partner, especially if his partner makes more money or is more successful than he is. He might not be comfortable with a partner that dominates him in any way, but sometimes he might enjoy the challenge or receiving attention and stuff for a change.

These men might be rather immature or unrefined at times. I mentioned this. They might say or do things that might seem rude or obnoxious. Generally, they aren’t oily at all.

Another weakness these men might have is their impatience, especially sexually. They want what they want when they want it. This could frustrate people who want to take it slow. And if you’re too slow, they will move on! Did I mention they can be selfish?

Any activities he may enjoy doing with someone has to be exciting and thrilling. They can’t sit still. He may enjoy motorcycling with a love interest, attending a sporting event with a love interest, or even skydiving with a love interest! These activities are sure to get him pumped for another date.

Sexually, these men are passionate. They jump right into sex if they can. They tend to have sex after just one date! However, they tend to be rather forceful, quick, and selfish in the bedroom. They might forget to please their partners and may be more concerned with pleasing themselves. They are generally looking for a partner that has the same drive anyway, so they would want someone who finds pleasure in the same things they do.

They get impatient when they have to wait for sex, though they might also like the challenge.

Celebrities: Steve Jobs,  Andre 3000, Russell Crowe, Clint Eastwood, Tobey Maguire, Michael Pitt, Prince, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Marquis de Sade, Russell Brand, Russell Crowe, Iggy Pop,  Malcolm McDowell, Zachary Quinto, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Confucius, Allen Iverson, Erik Satie, Nat King Cole, Kris Humphries, Larry Bird, Otis Redding, Mos Def, David Cross, Ron Jeremy, Rod Serling, Idi Amin, Dr. Seuss, H. R. Giger, Tony Goldwyn, Lee Scratch Perry, Jeb Bush, Bruno Mars, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kevin Costner, Hayden Christensen, James McAvoy, David Letterman, Jay Sean, Sam Smith

Kpop Idols: G-Dragon (Big Bang), Baekhyun (EXO)

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Mars in Taurus


Male Identity: Mars enters the domain of Venus, his opposite planet, when he moves into Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Mars doesn’t feel very comfortable here. Mars is in detriment. Taurus is an easy-going energy. Mars is active and assertive. Taurus takes its time and finishes things on its own time. Mars wants everything done now. Venus is the planet of beauty and charm. Taurus lends the men with this placement attractive qualities. Mars would rather impress others with its actions.

Just because these men have a detrimental placement doesn’t mean they don’t aim to be masculine. In fact, some Mars in Taurus men want their love interests to see them as a traditionally strong man. They want to be the rock in their relationship.

Others want their love interests to see them as people who are affluent, practical, patient, and calm. They would like their love interests to find them attractive, charming, and appealing to all the senses. They particularly try to smell good.

In order to impress their love interests, these men generally like to shell out money or other resources they have. They pick up the tab. They also try to impress their love interests by looking their best, showing calm in a chaotic situation, and by picking and lifting heavy things (just to prove how strong they are).

They might show off a business they own or work for. They might take their love interests to the finest restaurants, just to show they have exquisite taste.

Taurus is ruled by the throat. These men might sing their love interest a song.

Their weakness is they are not open to trying new things. They might do the same things to try to impress their love interests. They might seem a bit conservative or rigid in many ways, too. They generally do what they’re comfortable with. Some people might find this boring.

They are also possessive. They might feel they own a lover when they’ve only gone on one date with someone. They get jealous rather easily.

They are also rather hesitant when approaching a love interest. They aren’t really “go-getters”. This isn’t to say they can’t be outgoing, but when it comes to getting what they want, they take their time. Some may lack confidence or may not be comfortable trying new things for fear of losing their security. Or they just don’t think that they should have to exert too much energy.

Sexually, they enjoy all the sensual pleasures. They like the touch, smells, sounds, and sights of a sexual experience. Venus plays a major role in this regard. He can only be turned on for sex if he’s attracted to his partner. He’s a patient man, and may not like to jump right in. He may enjoy a little pleasurable foreplay or teasing.

He also needs to be comfortable in order to enjoy sex. A comfortable bed or couch is preferable.

Look at his Venus sign to get an idea of what pleases him. Read the Mars sign on this page that is closest. For instance, if he has Venus in Gemini, find Mars in Gemini.

Generally, once he gets started, he can go all night if he wants to. He’s not a rough or experimental man, but he loves playing around with food, whipped cream, sensual baths, and petals of sweet-smelling roses.

Celebrities: Kanye West, Michael Jackson, Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Andy Warhol Bruce Willis, Mick Jagger, Robert de Niro, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Christian Bale, 50 Cent, Muhammad Ali, Chuck Norris, Fidel Castro, Tim Burton, Lenny Kravitz, Billie Joe Armstrong, Leon Trotsky, Babe Ruth, Stephen Colbert, Stanley Kubrick, Vince Vaughn, James Maslow

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Mars in Gemini


Male Identity: When Mars enters Gemini, he’s entering the domain owned by Mercury. There are many things Mars has in common with Gemini, and some things he’s not so comfortable with. Gemini is a mutable air sign. Gemini is a busy, busy energy. Mars likes to keep busy. But Gemini is so scattered it lacks focus. Mars likes to accomplish things and likes to focus on one thing at a time. Mars is very direct.

Mars in Gemini men typically want their love interests to see them as fun, charming, clever, intelligent, experienced, and socially aware. They want their love interests to find them funny and unique.

Mars in Gemini men impress their love interests first by flirting, talking with their love interest, and trying to charm them with their wit.

Next, they would try to be more adaptable to impress their love interests. They would rearrange their schedules and bend backwards to make time for their love interests. They would also try many different creative ways of getting their love interest’s attention.

To further impress their love interests, they would try to take their lovers out to all the newest and trendiest spots. They want to show their love interest how open-minded and cultured they are. They might introduce their lover to some fascinating locations they’ve been to, possibly a place their partner hasn’t been to, so they can seem like they’ve experienced a lot. They might show off how smart they are by fixing their love interest’s smartphone or by engaging in an intellectual conversation. They may show interest in a book or article their love interest is reading and they may share whatever it is they’re reading. And they really love to crack jokes. They might crack jokes all night.

Mostly, they try to show a mental interest in their partner. They want their partner to know that they are interested in the mind. That’s why they’re ruled by Mercury. Look at his Mercury sign to get an idea of his conversation. Read the Mars sign on this page that is closest. For instance, if he has Mercury in Cancer, find Mars in Cancer.

They try to impress their lovers in clever ways. They are likely to have little treasure hunts or leave notes leading to places they want to have dates. They send clever and interesting gifts. They want their love interests to be mentally engaged with them.

Because they are ruled by Mercury, they might like to move-that means dance! They might like to show off their dance moves or make their lovers laugh with the way they dance.

His weakness is he can be a little immature. They have a little boyishness about themselves all their lives. Not only do they like to crack jokes, they like to tease and play pranks. They can be mischievous. They also talk A LOT. In fact, they have nervous and wiry energy. They can’t sit still, they don’t listen long, and they talk, talk, talk.

Sexually, these men like to experiment. They are open sexually. They like to try new things. They generally want a partner who is open to new things too, otherwise they will seek multiple partners to satisfy their need for variety.

They generally don’t get too emotionally wrapped up in their sexual partners. Sex is just a fun activity for them. They aren’t the most passionate sex partners, but they’re a whole lot of fun. They generally enjoy quickies. They get bored if they do too much on the first night. They like to leave a little surprise for later.

CelebritiesTyler the Creator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Martin Luther King Jr., Al Pacino, Sean Penn, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Day Lewis, O.J. Simpson, John McEnroe, Bernie Madoff, Damon Wayans,  Louis Vuitton, Tom Brady, Joseph Fiennes, Nigel Barker, Jason Momoa, Eli Roth, Ghostface Killah, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ed Sheeran, Kendall Schmidt, Elton John, Robert Downey Jr., Big Sean

Kpop Idols: Kris Wu (EXO), Seungri (Big Bang), Daesung (Big Bang)

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Mars in Cancer


Male Identity: When Mars enters Cancer, he enters the sign ruled by the Moon. Mars falls in this sign. Cancer is a cardinal water sign. The Moon is the planet of emotions, most associated with women in general, the mother, the “motherland”, and our early home environment or our roots. Mars is a masculine planet, associated with independence, which separates him from his roots. These men often feel a pull. They want to be close to their families, to keep traditions strong, but they also want to be independent and be seen as their own man.

Mars in Cancer men want their love interests to see them in many different lights. Some may want their love interests to see them as strong and protective. They may want their love interests to feel safe around them.

Others may want their partners to see them as good providers and family men.

Other men with this placement may want their love interests to see them as sweet, thoughtful, and understanding.

Mars in Cancer men often try to impress the object of their affections in indirect ways. They try to be there for a love interest whenever they can. They conveniently keep themselves in the presence of their love interest. They try to be a listening ear or “best friend” to a love interest. They should be careful this doesn’t put them in the “friend zone”.

Mars in Cancer men generally try to protect their love interests in even the smallest ways. They walk on the dirtiest side of the sidewalk. When it’s raining, they give their jackets and umbrellas to their love interest. If there’s only two items of food left, they let their love interest have the last bite. They try to pay for everything on a date to show they can provide security.

They might try to protect their love interests in major ways as well. They might fight anyone who insults or harms their love interests in any way. They might avoid locations that can even put their love interest in danger.

They try to remember important things. They try to remember birthdays, anniversaries, or the names of all the members of their love interest’s family. They are likely to introduce their love interest to their own family.

His weakness is that he’s rather sensitive and clingy. He may seem a little insecure. He might follow a lover around like a shadow and may always be suspicious. Or he may just be super sensitive to any little jokes thrown his way. The Moon would reveal more about his emotional temperament. Look at his Moon sign to see more about his sensitivities. Find the Mars sign on this page that mirrors it best. For example, if he has Moon in Leo, find Mars in Leo.

He’s also incredibly shy. He might have a difficult time taking initiative in some ways. It’s hard for him to be DIRECT. He just doesn’t go for who he wants and waits to see if his crush is interested in him first.

Sexually, they enjoy sex more when they feel secure in a relationship. They literally have to have feelings for a person to really feel fulfilled in a sexual partnership. They may not necessarily have to wait for marriage, but they need to at least feel their partner is the one or they have to feel like the only one in their partner’s life.

They are generally moody sexually. They might enjoy different things according to their moods. Sometimes, they may be soft and gentle, albeit a bit traditional and conservative. They still might enjoy some romantic foreplay, like a nice bath or meal at home together beforehand. Other times, they may be rough and aggressive. It all depends. Overall, though, they prefer sex to be performed in a secure and comfortable environment, mostly at home.

Celebrities: Michael Phelps, Chris Brown, John Mayer, Keanu Reeves, Ashton Kutcher, Roger Federer, Ryan Reynolds, Pablo Picasso, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William Shakespeare, Stephen King, Robin Williams, Al Capone, Notorious B.I.G., Ludacris, Noam Chomsky, Shawn Mendes, Nick Jonas, Kendrick Lamar, Busta Rhymes, 

Kpop Idols: Jr. (Got7), Suga/Agust D (BTS), Jin (BTS), Rap Monster (BTS), Chanyeol (EXO), Kyungsoo (EXO), Suho (EXO), Chen (EXO)

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Mars in Leo


Male Identity: When Mars enters Leo, he enters the Sun’s domain. Mars’s own sign, Aries, is exalted when the Sun enters it. This shows that Mars has a lot in common with Leo. Leo is a fixed fire sign. Mars is a masculine planet and the Sun is considered a masculine planet. The Sun represents the father and manhood. Mars is the masculine principle. Yet, when two dominate forces combine, they are bound to bump heads eventually. Leo is all about “attention” and putting on a “show”. It wants lovers and admirers. It wants to be important. Mars is only concerned with accomplishing goals, overcoming obstacles, and getting what it wants. It’s a planet of action, not “displays” of action.

Mars in Leo men want to be seen as confident, generous, popular, attractive, affluent, and creative in the eyes of their love interest. They might also want their love interests to see them as strong dominant. Some may want to be seen as fun and adventurous.

If they could, they would want their love interests to see them as the ultimate man, anything and everything to anybody. They would want their love interests to always see the best in them, so they often seek to highlight their strengths rather than their weaknesses.

They might try to impress a love interest by bringing attention to themselves and their love in some way. They might sing to a lover, give open proposals, or carry loud signs stating their love. Whatever they do to impress a lover, they like to do it big! And with a whole bunch of people witnessing it all.

They generally like to give a lot to their love interests. They pay for everything. Heck, they may pay for everyone in the restaurant if they have the money like that! Some of them like to appear like they have that kind of money, even when they don’t.

They might take on dares or try to win competitions to impress their love interests.

They love to make their love interests laugh. They like to be the one to keep their love interests entertained.

They might throw large parties or have double dates with a large number of friends and fans just to show off how popular they are. They even want to show off how desirable they are. They may get a kick out of other women flirting with them and making a love interest jealous. They should be careful with this tendency.

These men like to be creative when trying to impress someone. They don’t want to imitate other men or fade in the background as just another guy. They want to stand out and be noticed by someone they like. Whatever it is they decide to do to impress someone they like, it will be unforgettable.

Their weakness is their ego. The Sun would tell you more about that. Look for the Mars sign that’s closest. For instance, if he has Sun in Virgo, look for Mars in Virgo.

While they like to do the most to impress someone, they tend to do things in front of people, not considering the feelings of the person they are trying to woo. It could be a stab to their ego to be turned down or rejected. And then, because they do everything so flashy, they end up embarrassed, too!

They also tend to get frustrated when they’re rejected after doing the most for a love interest. The love interest may not have asked them to go broke or embarrass themselves, but they still might feel salty towards the person they did all of that for. They can’t take outright rejection too well. They should try to be a little less flashy so they won’t feel the loss. They should also try to consider other people’s feelings. Not everyone cares for the flash.

Some people might get the impression that they do things for the show and that they aren’t really serious.

Sexually, these men can be fun, adventurous, and romantic. They generally want to have a good time and they want their partners to feel they had a good time, too. They like their egos stroked.

They may want to dominant though. Some of them want to give, and don’t leave any room for the other person. On the other hand, some may expect the partner to do everything like a humble servant. Some of them may be more concerned with their own satisfaction, they forget to make sure their partner is satisfied. But they don’t like to be talked about negatively, so they will try to satisfy as best they can.

Celebrities: Michael Jordan, George Clooney, Robert Redford, Frank Sinatra, James Franco, Channing Tatum, Quentin Tarantino, Derek Jeter, Ne-Yo, Donald Trump, Bill O’Reilly, Duke Ellington, Anthony Kiedis, Ralph Fiennes, Ringo Starr, Leonard Cohen, Steven Tyler, Seal, Marlon Wayans, Lamar Odom, Conan O’Brien, Neil Young, Pedro Almodovar, Jim Henson, Joel Osteen, Bob Fosse, Dennis Rodman, Jon Stewart,

Kpop Idols: Youngjae (Got7), Tao (EXO)

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Mars in Virgo


Male Identity: Mars enters the other area belonging to Mercury when it enters Virgo. Virgo is a mutable earth sign. Mars has some things in common with the mutable sign, and some things he doesn’t really feel comfortable with. Virgo is a busy, hard-working sign. Mars likes to keep busy and get things accomplished. But Virgo is earthy, practical, and a little more cautious. Virgo is also scattered. Mars doesn’t hesitate to jump into things, regardless of the consequences. He’s also direct and focused.

Mars in Virgo men want to be seen as pleasing and efficient men. They want their partners to always be happy with them. They may expect themselves to be perfect. They would want their love interests to be easily satisfied because they feel pressure around high-maintenance individuals.

They might want their love interests to see them as hard-working, intelligent, resourceful, ingenious, and creative in some way. They want to be their love interest’s ideal.

They try to impress their love interests by being a humble servant. They will do ANYTHING for someone they are interested in. They will help you clean your house, take care of kids, do your homework, fix your car or bathroom sink (as they are “Mr. Fix-its), and they will even think with you and help you come to a decision.

They aren’t the flashy types. They might not propose to you on live television, but they will pick you up from work, take you out to dinner, and hand you a gift of roses.

These men tend to cater to every little detail when it comes to the things they want to do to impress someone. They plan each step carefully. They try to be creative in a simple way and thoughtful.  They try to show their love interests that they’re attentive and notice the little things about them. Mercury plays a role when it comes to what they actually pay attention to. Look at his Mercury sign and then find the Mars sign on this page that’s closes. For instance, if he’s Mercury in Libra, read Mars in Libra.

Their weakness is they’re perfectionists. Sometimes, they get so lost in the details, they forget the big picture. They might want everything to go so smoothly for a date they often forget why they created the date in the first place. They may focus so much on being the ideal lover they forget to highlight their own personal strengths and express who they really are.

They are also rather modest and shy. It’s hard for them to let go even on an easygoing date. They get nervous and often don’t know what to say or do in some situations, especially if there are things happening that they haven’t rehearsed or planned ahead of time. They may not go out of their way to be adventurous if they hadn’t planned to be.

Sexually, this men aim to please. They want their partner to be satisfied in every way. Just tell them what you want. They also appreciate a lover who takes initiative and aims to please them. They may never ask a lover to do this. They would hope a lover willingly wants to.

Again, they may get so caught in the details of a perfect sexual night, they may forget the greater picture. They might be too focused on the foreplay and getting it down perfectly, they may not get to the act.

Celebrities: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ben Affleck, Charles Manson, Friedrich Nietzche, Trent Reznor, George Michael, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Jeff Buckley, Thom Yorke, Eddie Vedder, Ernest Hemingway, Stevie Wonder, Jeff Bridges, Quincy Jones, Jerry Garcia, Wiz Khalifa, Evel Knievel, Idris Elba, Joe Jonas, Chris Hemsworth, Carlos Pena, Jr., Logan Henderson

Kpop Idols: Taemin (Shinee), BamBam (Got7)

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Mars in Libra


Male Identity: Mars enters another one of Venus’s signs, Libra-the cardinal air sign. Mars feels uncomfortable in this position. Mars is in detriment here. There are a lot of things about Libra that rubs Mars the wrong way. Though Libra is one of the extroverted, masculine signs, Libra is like Venus in the fact that it is passive-aggressive, balanced, and superficial. Mars has no time for indecision, moderation, and superficiality. Libra is considerate and thinks about things before taking action. Mars wants to come to quick decisions, go after whatever it wants with fierce intensity so that it can get what it wants faster, and doesn’t really care what anyone looks like while doing it. Libra cares about others; Mars is an independent energy. Libra baffles the planet Mars. Still, Libra is an energetic and positive placement, so Mars can have some fun along the way at times.

Mars in Libra men want their love interests to see them as charming, romantic, attractive, irresistible, fun, affluent, cultured or worldly, and intelligent. They want their lovers to be dazzled.

Generally, they aim to be a “ladies’ man”. They want their love interests to feel swept off of their feet.

They try to impress their love interests by tending to every romantic aspect they can think of. They buy the gifts, give the roses, send the cards, give the kisses and hugs, and they’re known for their chivalry.

They are the types to open the doors, pull out chairs, feed, and lift their love interests. They try to be the knight-in-shining-armor type. They pick their lovers up in a nice and clean vehicle (or even by horse and carriage). They try to look attractive, smell good, and wear a smile. They generally try to put their lovers at ease and win their lovers affections.

These men try to appear intelligent and well-mannered. They discuss sophisticated topics. They appreciate beauty and the arts. They may show off their knowledge in these areas. They might be artistic, musical, or a great dancer.

These men like for their love interests to see them as fun and adventurous. They might enjoy rock-climbing or horseback riding on the beach.

Their weakness is they have a difficult time taking initiative. They might be indecisive and may not know what to do around their love interests. They generally just do whatever their lover wants to do. If their lover is looking for them to make a decision, they will be disappointed. Their favorite thing to do is shrug and say “I don’t know. What about you?” They may try to take initiative but then second-guess many of their choices.

These men are really subtle in their approach. Somewhat, they may give the impression that they lack confidence because they don’t seem sure of themselves.

Another weakness of theirs is the fact that they are natural flirts. Though they are really romantic when they want to be, some people may feel like they treat all the girls the same. They may seem romantic and charming towards everyone, and it might make their love interest insecure. They may have too many obligations to people and may not know how to say “No” to other people’s advances.

Sexually, these men enjoy the sensual aspects of it all. They generally have to be attracted to someone they get sexually involved with, too. Venus plays a role in this. Analyze the Venus sign. Look at the Mars sign that’s closest. For instance, if his Venus is in Scorpio, look at Mars in Scorpio.

They may be adventurous and fun as well as romantic and sensual lovers. However, they aren’t usually too kinky and rough.

Celebrities: Alexander Skarsgard, Kobe Bryant, The Dalai Llama, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Bill Gates, Freddie Mercury, Eminem, Bill Clinton, Frank Ocean, Sigmund Freud, Nelson Mandela, Jean Reno, Zac Efron, Roman Polanski, Abraham Lincoln, Alfred Hitchcock, Winston Churchill, Jean-Michel Jarre, R. Kelly, Gore Vidal, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Rain, Jason Derulo

Kpop Idols: T.O.P (Big Bang), Mark (Got7), Yixing (EXO)

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Mars in Scorpio


Male Identity: Mars traditionally rules over Scorpio. It’s not surprising. Both have intense and passionate energies. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. On the outside, Scorpio is a quiet energy. Within, Scorpio boils with watery feelings that are channeled in a powerful way. Mars can certainly find an outlet for all of his intensity.

Mars in Scorpio men want their love interests to see them as powerful, resilient, wise, magnetic, passionate, and sexy. They don’t want to reveal too much about themselves until they trust the person they want, so they don’t mind being a little mysterious for awhile.

These individuals want their love interest to be wrapped in their spell.

They try to impress love interests by giving their all to the person, whether it be money, time, or energy. They are the types to do whatever it takes to win their love interest’s affections. They are not intimidated by rejection. They know who they want and they aim to get who they want. If it takes a soft romantic approach, they will do it. If it takes a forceful and assertive approach, they will do it. However, their favorite way of getting what they desire is in a quiet and secretive way. Generally, they aren’t the types to put on fancy airs. They feel out a person, get to know a person, and then go after them with everything they’ve got. They may have been observing who they want for a long time, long before anyone else knows.

They are willing to be a little vulnerable, but there still may be some things they keep close to them. If they really feel the person they want is truly to be trusted, they will let it all out.

Their weakness is their intensity. It does fuel their passionate drive. They never give up on trying obtain someone they want. But they do a little too much to try to get who they want. Some of them tend to go overboard, which can be a bit intimidating to others. They need to lighten up a little. Mars and Pluto show you more about his passion and depth. Look at the signs and find the Mars sign that’s closest on this page. For instance if he’s Mars and/or Pluto in Sagittarius, read Mars in Sagittarius.

They are also rather possessive. They may not give their love interest their space or freedom to think about who and what it is they want. Mars in Scorpio is known for giving ultimatums.

These men might also test their love interests, just to see how loyal or into them they really are. This can be frustrating and intimidating to people, too.

Sexually, Mars in Scorpio is famous for their magnetism and raw sexuality. They are passionate and really like to dive in deep into a sexual affair. Their style is not necessarily light, airy, and experimental, but they can be kinky. And they want everything a partner’s got.

They might explore too many sexual experiences within one night, and they may not leave enough for next time.

Some people may find their style to be too much, but those with the same passion will appreciate their sex drive.

Celebrities: Bruce Lee, Ryan Lochte, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Leonardo Dicaprio, Joaquin Phoenix, Marilyn Manson, Jude Law, Mel Gibson, Joseph Stalin, Charlie Sheen, Mark Zuckerberg, Benicio Del Toro, Usher, Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Lagerfeld, Deepak Chopra, Bobby Brown, Martin Scorsese, Billy Idol, Howard Stern, Danny Devito, Mao Zedong, Bill Murray, Frank Zappa, Hunter S. Thompson, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Dr. Phil, Ravi Shankar, Dylan McDermott, Richard Pryor, Terry Gilliam, Louis Tomlinson, Lloyd Polite, T.I.

Kpop Idols: Jungkook (BTS), Jimin (BTS), Kai (EXO)

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Mars in Sagittarius


Male Identity: Mars enters the placement ruled by Jupiter. Mars has a lot in common with Sagittarius. Mars likes freedom and independence. Sagittarius likes freedom and independence. But like most mutable signs, Sagittarius scatters its mutable fire in various directions. Sagittarius is too freedom-loving. Mars needs focus and drive, otherwise he gets into trouble. So, there are things Mars is comfortable with and some things he’s not comfortable with here.

Mars in Sagittarius men want their love interests to see them as fun, good-humored, adventurous, honest, open-minded, achievement-oriented, and philosophical. They are ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter will shed more light. Check his Jupiter sign and then find the Mars sign that’s most similar. For instance, if he’s Jupiter in Capricorn, find Mars in Capricorn.

They want their love interests to notice their “no strings attached” approach. They can’t really maintain a long-term relationship with someone who clips their wings, no matter their Venus sign.

Mars in Sagittarius men seek to impress the object of their affections by sharing their adventures with the person. They generally want to appear exciting to the person they want. They may take on dares.

Some of them want to make their love interest laugh. They might try to impress the person with their humor.

They may try to prove their honesty in some way. They may lay cards down on the table about something most people wouldn’t reveal in an attempt to appear “open and honest”.

They might try new restaurants or other new locations, especially if it’s cultural or has an ethnic theme, just to show how open-minded they are.

They like to appear like they’ve achieved or want to achieve something. They may share their goals and dreams. They may exaggerate their achievements a little as well.

They might spend a lot of money on someone they’re interested in. They will max out their credit cards if they really want someone. They should be careful not to be so careless and extravagant. Generally, they tend to be overly optimistic about what they could do to please a love interest and may go overboard to do so.

They might try to appear intelligent or philosophical. They may quote some of their favorite philosophers and books. They might want to show they are spiritual men and may quote verses from religious texts. They often want to appear knowledgeable about the world, like they have a higher understanding.

Their weaknesses are their carelessness and irresponsibility. They generally don’t take things as seriously as maybe the object of their affections may want them, too. They are also not responsible when it comes to remembering their commitments or promises. They tend to talk a good game, but they don’t always deliver everything they aim to.

And because they don’t like their wings clipped, they may go from romantic interest to romantic interest, not really caring who’s heart they’re breaking along the way. They should be careful playing with people’s hearts.

Sexually, these men can be adventurous and fun. Sex can be like a sport to them. They generally like to be open and want the experience to be memorable. Maintaining their fidelity and loyalty may be an issue sometimes, but trying to maintain their loyalty through sex would not work. They may not see sex as a sign of commitment.

On the flip side, some of them may be so into their religions, they may follow their religious principles regarding sex.

Celebrities: Jon Hamm, Joe Manganiello, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Lil Wayne,  Javier Bardem, Jules Verne, Gianni Versace, Guy Pearce, Michael C. Hall, H.P. Lovecraft, Elliot Smith, Dick Cheney, Arsenio Hall, Billy Dee Williams, John Cassavetes, George Takei, Charles Mingus, Louis CK, Liam Hemsworth, Stephen Colletti, Simon Baker Skrillex, Joe Nichols, Sean Paul, Louis Tomlinson, Ice Cube, Charlie Puth

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Mars in Capricorn


Male Identity: When Mars enters Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, he enters his exalted position, his most effective state of being. This may shock people, considering Saturn is falling in Mars’s sign Aries and considering Capricorn is really not like Mars. It’s not that they have similar natures (that’s the role of Mars’s rulership signs). Mars is most EFFECTIVE in this sign, meaning he gets the most accomplished and finds the best channel for all of his energy. Usually, Mars is impulsive, passionate, and fast-paced in getting what he wants. In Capricorn, he can still be ambitious, but he’s able to channel his passionate energy towards goals and his career. He finds outlets for his anger instead of impulsively jumping into senseless fights he’s not prepared for. Capricorn allows Mars to be focused but slows down his pace a bit so that he can really accomplish MORE. But Capricorn doesn’t slow him down too much. Mars can still be a leader in this cardinal earth sign, but he’s more responsible with his actions. Capricorn disciplines Mars so that Mars can accomplish a great deal more. It may feel a little suffocating for Mars, but Mars won’t be disappointed. Mars has to make some sacrifices in this sign, but it’s well worth it in the end.

Mars in Capricorn men want to be taken seriously. They want the object of their affections to see them as dependable, responsible, ambitious, hard-working, and mature men. They want their love interests to see them as competent, cool, and in control.

When trying to impress their love interest, they are generally traditional and practical. They plan out what they are going to do and say before they ask someone out. Usually, they ask someone out formally, in a polite and respectful way.

They generally try to impress the object of their affections by showing off how dependable and responsible they are. They provide receipts of their labor. They like to show their love interest how many things they are responsible for. They might show off a home, car, business, or anything else that shows they can manage their lives well.

They might handle each situation in a mature fashion. They want their love interests to respect them, so they try not to fly off the handle in tense situations and they consider the safety of their partner. They will speak to protect their partner, but they won’t get in all-out brawls while they’re on a date.

Saturn, the planet of limitation and wisdom, is their ruler. Check his Saturn sign and find the Mars sign that’s similar. For instance, if he’s Saturn in Aquarius, read Mars in Aquarius.

They will be there for their love interest whenever their lover needs them. They try to be on time for dates and they try to make sure everything runs smoothly so that their date is comfortable.

They want their love interests to see that they have goals and that they aren’t just stuck in one position. They may discuss some of their goals and the steps they’re taking to reach them.

And they pay for everything! If they ask someone out, they will be the one to pull out the wallet. They aren’t unrealistic though. They buy within their budget and they will point out that they have limitations.

Their weakness is that they are a little too controlled and formal. They have a difficult time just letting loose and getting wild while around their love interest. They may expect everything to go exactly as they plan, and may get a little frustrated when things don’t. They have a bossy tendency as well, which sometimes makes them seem like a big brother or someone’s father.

Some people might find them to be a little formal and outdated in their approach. They aren’t necessarily spontaneous or creative people. They are simple and straightforward when asking someone out.

Sexually, they tend to like it raw and straightforward, like with everything they do. They don’t necessarily care about experimentation or kinks (though they might have some). They generally just like to get down to business.

Celebrities: Marvin Gaye, Brad Pitt, Aleister Crowley, Walt Disney, Bob Marley, Marlon Brando, Robert Pattinson, David Bowie, Rafael Nadal, George Harrison, Jim Carrey, Edgar Cayce, Ewan McGregor, Taylor Lautner, Woody Allen, Jake Gyllenhaal, Usain Bolt, Shia Labeouf, Tom Selleck, P-Diddy, Jerry Seinfeld, Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L. Jackson,  John Wayne, Gavin DeGraw, Big Sean, Ross Lynch (R5), Drake Bell, John Legend, Mac Miller

Kpop Idols: JB (Got7), Yugyeom (Got7), V (BTS)

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Mars in Aquarius


Male Identity: Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Mars has a lot in common with Aquarius. Aquarius is an independent and free energy. Mars likes independence and freedom. But Aquarius is rooted and doesn’t have the passion or drive Mars is used to. Saturn cools Aquarius’s normally erratic nature.

Mars in Aquarius men want the object of their affections to see them as original, unique, intelligent, cool, and independent.

These men are generally friendly and outgoing, and they don’t like people to see them sad, brooding, or depressing.

They try to impress the object of their affections by coming up with surprises. They want whatever they do to be unique and innovative. They want to switch up what they do and do something forward thinking. They want a potential lover to be impressed by their ingenuity.

They also want potential lovers to be impressed by their intelligence. They often talk about high-profile and sophisticated subjects. They normally produce controversial opinions on these topics, just to show that they are independent thinkers.

They want to appear cool and fun. Sometimes, they might seem like they are above petty feelings and behavior. They try to remain detached from situations. They try not to act too jealous or possessive. They try to give their love interest their freedom. They remain hands-off. They try to have a good time with everything and may try to make things easy for a potential love interest.

Even though they have a few ways they try to impress a love interest, nothing is as important to them as being with someone they are already in sync with. They don’t like having to do too much to try to impress someone. Either the person is impressed with them or not. They really can’t deal with high-maintenance and judgmental people too long. Of course they want to see their crush smile, but if the person they’re interested in looks down on everything they do, they will move right on.

Mars in Aquarius men’s weakness is that they are a little too detached and independent. They don’t get too personally involved with people, even people they are interested in. They aren’t the types to sit down and listen to a long sob story.

They do their own thing and expect a love interest to do the same. They are ruled by Saturn, the planet of limits and detachment, and Uranus, the planet of change and independence. Check out those signs and find the Mars sign that’s similar on this page. For instance, if his Saturn and/or Uranus is in Pisces, read Mars in Pisces.

They are also not the most passionate individuals. They won’t do the most just to win someone’s heart and they have a hard time coming out of the head and into the body. They aren’t usually “hugs-and-kisses” types. Sometimes, their cool act can be frustrating.

But then again, these men are full of surprises. You just never know with them. They might bottle up so much passion inside that it explodes later.

Sexually, these men are open-minded, into experimentation, and kinky. They get motivated when they are trying something new and different. They are the types to get into sexting, filming, cross-dressing, and even role-playing. The only thing that may be missing is the passion and the close intimacy. Sex for them is another experiment, not truly a display of their love.

Celebrities: Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Pharrell Williams, Leonardo Da Vinci, Drake, Gerard Butler, Serge Gainsbourg, Jay-Z, Tupac Shakur, Cary Grant, Lance Armstrong, Gary Oldman, Axl Rose, Mark Wahlberg, Ang Lee, Jamie Foxx, Julian Assange, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Hefner, Snoop Dogg/Lion, Howard Hughes, Matt Dillon, Elijah Wood, Adrien Brody, George W. Bush, Akon, Sacha Baron Cohen, Justin Theroux, Tennessee Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Trey Songz, Karl Rove, Harry Styles, Silento,

Kpop Idols: Jonghyun (Shinee), Taeyang (Big Bang), J-Hope (BTS), Xiumin (EXO), LuHan (EXO)

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Mars in Pisces


Male Identity: Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Pisces is a mutable water sign. Mars likes Pisces’s freedom-loving energy (thanks to Jupiter), but he’s not too fond of Pisces’s passive nature. It has some things in common with the sign, but there are a lot of differences.

Mars in Pisces men want to be seen as self-sacrificing, creative, alluring, and the ideal man. They want their love interests to really accept them overall. They are willing to be anything and everything for win the affections of someone they want.

Mars in Pisces men try to impress their love interests by basically being a chameleon. Whatever their lover needs, they are there. If their love interest is crying, they’re there to be a listening ear and fight their love interest’s battles. If their love interest is stuck in the snow, they will come by to help shovel that person out. If their love interest needs them to be romantic, they get creative. If their love interest needs them to back off, they will.

Their weakness is that they’re not the most direct men in the world. They aren’t the types to just say what they want or take initiative. They generally react to their partner’s demands. This can make them a bit of a doormat.

They also have an issue with pretending to be something they’re not. They don’t try to lie or be fake, but they don’t like disappointing their love interests either. So, some of them may stretch the truth and may pretend to be their love interest’s ideal just to make that person happy. Sometimes, though, this may not make them happy in the long run. There’s a difference between acting as prince for a night to please a lover, while your lover knows who you really are, and pretending you’re a prince when you’re really a pauper.

Sexually, these men have quite the imagination. They can be creative and visionary. They enjoy role-playing a lot. They can be adventurous sex partners. They may be open to experimenting and they enjoy kinks. They can be romantic, sensual, and gentle with a lover. They can try and do it all.

However, some of them may have an idealistic view of sex. They might believe sex is like what they see on TV or online or from what their friends tell them. They are impressionable. They may get so caught up in fantasies about their sexual experiences and adventures that the real thing ends up far more disappointing. In this case, sometimes their expectations are too high. They might go through partners, looking to make their dreams or fantasies come true only to find out that there’s nothing real about a fantasy. They should try to see people for who they really are. It would be best they avoid media and gossip that distorts their image of sex so that they can go into a sexual relationship with few expectations.

They are ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, so it would shed more light on this placement to look at those planets’ signs. Look for the Mars sign on this page that’s closest. For instance, if Jupiter and/or Neptune is in Scorpio, read Mars in Scorpio.

Celebrities: Che Guevara, Lebron James, Heath Ledger, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Keith Haring, Tom Hanks, Bob Dylan, Denzel Washington, Steve McQueen, David Beckham, Miles Davis, Josh Brolin, Christoph Waltz, Ian Curtis,  Socrates, Chris Isaak, Ray Liotta, LL Cool J, Vincent Gallo, Paco Rabanne, Desi Arnaz, Michael Cera, Phil Spector, Zack de la Rocha,  Ralph Nader, Art Tatum, Danny Boyle, Corey Haim, Enrique Iglesias, Tupac Shakur, Adam Levine, Machine Gun Kelly, J. Cole

Kpop Idols: Jackson (Got7), Sehun (EXO)

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Leave me a comment and let me know more about your Mars placement or the placement of your love interests!

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What Does She Want YOU to See in HER? By the signs (Feminine Identity)

14 Mar
Venus sign

Venus-the planet of love and beauty

If you don’t understand much about zodiac signs and you are new to planetary signs, aspects, and houses, read the introduction here.

Venus is the planet of love, beauty, pleasure, justice, sex (aphrodisiacs and arousal), and peace. It is an air planet. It’s associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Venus wants us to live a pleasant life of ease. She represents all we appreciate and adore. The sign she enters shows HOW we express our love, adoration, and appreciation. The house she enters shows WHERE we express this love, adoration, and appreciation. The aspects show us how difficult or easy it is to use her energies in our lives and how much of it we use as a result.

Ever heard of the saying, “Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus”?


In a woman’s chart, Venus is her ruler, while men are ruled by Mars. This is more socialized than anything. We have all the planets in our charts and are capable of using all of our energies.  But in our society, women tend to connect with Venus more than men do. Thus, the sign Venus is in tends to tell woman a lot about her own status as a “woman” and her identity in relation to her peers. Venus is a social planet, after all. Venus also reveals what women expect from relationships in general and her own sexuality, which is what I will be discussing in this article.

Why are women so associated with Venusian sexuality (and not men)? Mars has often been associated with sex as well. So why are women associated with Venus sexually? It has a lot to do with our society. More than men, women are often faced with situations that repress their sexual urges. Slut-shaming is very common. Women are also faced with other issues. I found a very interesting read on Psychology Today titled 5 Myths About Men’s Sexuality by Deborah Anapol. Even though the article mostly focuses on male sexuality, the author made some interesting points about women that relate to the idea that Venus is a woman’s sexual ruler. She discovered that “women are more socialized to channel their erotic yearnings into romantic fantasy”. Women are controlled and criticized when it comes to sexuality and their interest in a partner, especially one of the opposite sex. Because of “sex-negative conditioning and social judgments,” women are not able to explore their sexual potentials as widely or as easily as men. Until they are freed of these restrictions, subtlety will rule over directness. Love will rule over passion. Foreplay will be preferred over actual sexual intercourse.

The article 10 Things You Need to Know about Female Sexuality by Bella-Ellwood Clayton tells us that “[Women’s] desire to appear desirable exceeds desire itself…[Women] are too busy chasing beautiful to want to kiss beautifully.” Of course, she also recognizes that media and advertising does a lot to make women ashamed of their bodies and their “genitalia”. Therefore, women often focus more on “looking like they are having sex” rather than actually desiring to actually have it. They are so focused on being beautiful themselves that they feel uncomfortable seeing this beauty in their partners. This also relates to Venus having power over a woman’s sexuality rather than the sex planet Mars.

Venus has a real beautiful side to it, but she isn’t flawless. While Venus blesses women with charm, grace, beauty, and love, it curses them with a passive nature, vanity, and social conformity (stifling originality). Of course, there are some women who are exceptions to this rule.

Mars is another planet that rules sex, as I mentioned before, but it’s different for women than for men. Readers may remember my article regarding Women and Mars: What Does SHE see in YOU? By the signs

Venus and Mars are the two relationship planets in our charts. But for most women, Mars is projected onto men. She may often expect a man to live up to standards she herself doesn’t feel “allowed” to release. This will come in the form of the man she’s “attracted to”. From my experience, the stronger her Venus is, the more pressure she feels to conform. Therefore, women with Venus in her rulership signs (Taurus, Libra) or her exalted sign (Pisces) tend to project their Mars energy more in relationships and feel more uncomfortable expressing such “masculine” traits. Women with weaker Venus signs, such as Venus in detriment (Aries, Scorpio) or Venus in fall (Virgo), tend to be more comfortable with revealing sides to them that are deemed more “masculine”, though all women struggle with the need to conform. Aspects from Venus to Mars also make a woman more comfortable with her masculine energy.

Because women so often identify with Venus, any planets in your chart that are in Taurus or Libra will affect your feminine identity. If you have Sun in Taurus, for example, you may identify with the principles associated with the Sun.

So you may be wondering: If Mars rules the kind of man a woman is attracted to, why does Venus rule over what she expects out of love? This is the tricky question. It’s actually quite simple. Though women may be drawn to certain men because of their “masculine” energies, they often have certain codes for how even the “baddest” boy is supposed to treat a “lady”. In other words, even though women are attracted to the “bad, rough, and tough” Marsian energy, they still expect to be treated well by him, according to the “lady” she feels she is (which is ruled by her alter ego, Venus). So though she may naturally be drawn to a man’s approach (Mars sign), she may not feel he treats her well if he doesn’t respect or honor her the way she feels she deserves  (reflected by Venus).

Because women project Mars, often times this can create conflict with her Venus energy, especially if there are harsh aspects. A good example of this complicated love life would be singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s love life (well, as she describes in her music). Taylor Swift has Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Scorpio. Having Mars in Scorpio, she’s naturally drawn to “Pluto and Mars” in a man, the edgy, bad boy types. It’s pretty evident when we listen to songs like “I Knew You Were Trouble” and “Style”. She describes a guy who “doesn’t care” and “she guessed she liked that”. In style, she describes the man as having a James Dean look in his eyes, long hair, slicked-back, white t-shirt…She seems to be drawn to men who sweep her in passionately, who give her a rush, men who have the ability to manipulate and control her psychologically. She likes this bad boy image.

So why would it hurt her for him to leave? Why would she be arguing with him? After all, you can’t expect a bad boy to be good, right? This is because of what she expects when she gets with him, which has a lot to do with the woman she is. It has something to do with her Venus in Aquarius. Unlike Scorpio, Aquarius is a mental air sign. Aquarius upholds humanitarian values, stays away from the depths and drama of messy emotions, abhors power and control, and tends to be social and friendly. When we hear the song, “You Belong With Me” or songs like “Style”, we see the woman SHE is: quirky, lovable, and a good girl. She likes her “tennis shoes” rather than “high heels”. Instead of being “cheer captain”, she’s on the bleachers. This good-girl-geek seems in total contrast to the bad boys she seems to be drawn to. She likes the bad boys, but expects to be treated like a “good girl” BY this bad boy.

What she may not know is the “bad boy” is her projection. It’s only how she PERCEIVES him. Honestly, we all can only “perceive” how others are. We can never know what’s truly going on inside a person. We aren’t them. And no matter how we see a person, they each have their own natal charts that may reveal things we may not totally expect from a person. She may see him as a “bad boy”, and his chart may reveal he’s nothing but a softy! So in all honesty, inside, SHE’S the one who’s drawn to the dark side! It’s her internal bad girl that is constantly drawn to the bad boy! She’s the one who desires to live life on the edge. But she has projected this energy onto the men in her life. That’s how Venus and Mars work in many womans’ chart.

There are other planets in signs that affect our relationships (as well as houses), but Venus is directly associated with our attraction to others, our love for things, and what we desire. Mars works with Venus, but Venus is especially important when it comes to women understanding their gender identity.

Moon is another planet that reveals a woman’s “feminine identity”. But Venus is the beauty and charm in women, Moon is the wife and mother in women. Venus is the girl, Moon is the woman. Venus is our identity when we’re among our peers and potential lovers. Moon is our mother’s identity or our identity as a “parent” or “wife” or long-term girlfriend. This is how we represent our family and how we see ourselves among our family and close friends. Mother’s influence often follows us wherever we go, so we carry her presence with us in public, too. We just don’t often realize it (or if our relationship with her is shaky, we don’t want to).

In a lesbian’s chart, she tends to balance both her masculine and feminine energies well in a relationship, considering she may not feel the need to be the submissive or assertive one in her relationship. It may vary according to her partner. Still, even lesbian women may feel the pressure to conform like all the other women. She may not project her Mars on a man she’s interested in, but she may end up projecting her Mars on men in general. She may even look for a female partner who has more masculine qualities if she really is out of touch with Mars.

In a man’s chart, Venus tends to reflect the qualities he would rather “project” and reveals his idea of the “ideal” woman.

Read What Does HE see in YOU? By the signs

The Moon in a man’s chart also reflects his

Mars in a man’s chart will reflect his social identity and what he expects from a relationship, especially sexually.

Who is HE and What Does He Expect From YOUR Relationship? By the signs

This article can be the most enlightening for men who are looking for a lovely lady or for men who are particularly interested in a woman right now. This article can be very helpful. Many men have a hard time understand the female mind and often may feel confusion when trying to date women. They may notice that though some women claim to be attracted to certain qualities in a man, some women may wish for that man to treat her just the opposite of who he is! Therefore, he may feel women are difficult to please. Well, worry no more! If you look into her natal chart and observe her Venus and Mars signs, aspects, and house placements, you will understand her better.

For ladies, this article can help you understand yourself better in relation to society. This can help you exactly define what you are searching for in relationships. You may relate to the following explanations. This article might be enlightening for gay women as well.

Now that you know a little bit more about Venus and her partner Mars, we can learn how each sign utilizes Venus’s gifts and how women define themselves differently according to her Venus sign!

*Some parts of the interpretations might be too much for those under the age of 18. Reader discretion is advised.

Venus signs

Venus in Aries

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Gemini

Venus in Cancer

Venus in Leo

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Libra

Venus in Scorpio

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Pisces

Venus in Aries

Fantasy hd, hq, wide screen wallpapers, pictures and images

Fantasy hd, hq, wide screen wallpapers, pictures and images

Feminine Identity: Venus first enters Mars’s domain, Aries, the sign of her detriment. Aries is a fire sign and cardinal. Venus and Mars are two of the relationship planets, but they are polar opposites. Mars has always been the planet associated with masculinity. Venus is the feminine principle. Mars is the planet of war; Venus is the planet of peace. Mars is active; Venus is passive. While being in the sign of Aries can be a little scary for her, it’s always exciting! Thus, when Venus is in Aries, these women don’t often mind doing things that are considered…well, unladylike! For them, men are not the only ones from Mars!

Some Venus in Aries women want to be seen as fun and sexy individuals. They want their love interest to feel an irresistible pull towards them. They want to stand out as the hottest female in every group. They might wear bold and bright colors to stand out. Red may be preferred. Their other preference might be the edgy color black. They might make sure they have their hair done or their faces made up so their love interest can see how pretty they look from first glance. They might show some skin so their love interest notices their assets right away. Most importantly, they wear confidence. They generally try to be the first one on the dance floor, just so their love interest notices them. They might also dance in a sexy way so their love interest wants them.

Other Venus in Aries women may want their love interests to see them as brave, confident, and independent. They might play hard to get or present some sort of challenge for a suitor. They might be daring flirts or they tease their love interests. They might show off their accomplishments. Some of them might take on challenges or dares to impress their love interests. They should be careful not to do something too reckless just to impress someone.

They might want their love interests to see them as passionate. They want their love interests to see that they will do anything for them, anything to win their affections. They will do whatever you ask if they really want you.

They attract people to them by taking initiative. They don’t really “attract” people so much as they “approach”. They really come on to a person they want. When they try to attract someone to them, they do it obviously. They aren’t false charmers. Most people know exactly who and what they want. They don’t play games. If you don’t know that they want you, you are pretending you don’t know. They make sure they are visible around their love interest. They often can’t contain their excitement. When they  like someone, they wear a smile around that person all the time. As a sign that rules the head and face, their love is written on their face. Plain as day.

They come on so strong because they want to make their love interests feel wanted and desired. They hope this will win their love interest over.

These women are not too shy to ask someone out. Most women expect the man to do it. These women don’t have time for those outdated rules! They know who they want and they go for it!

But if you’re the one asking them out, some of them won’t make it easy for you. Depending on their Mars sign, some will test you to see if you can handle them or to see how far you’re willing to go to prove yourself. Some of them are far too independent to be tied down and must really be convinced that the person trying to ask them out is the one.

The Venus in Aries woman’s weakness is selfishness. They often expect to be catered to, to be given all the time and attention, and to be doted upon or considered in every occasion, especially in a committed relationship or if they were asked out (rather than asked someone out, as they tend to do). They get impatient with people who don’t do what they want them to do. But they have a hard time meeting others’ expectations or accommodating to other people. They expect to just be accepted for who they are in every way and they don’t often believe it’s their role to have to do anything for someone else (unless they get something out of it). Some of them may be too demanding or aggressive for some people.

Despite the fact that many Venus in Aries women would rather approach a love interest, some of them may expect their love interest to notice them and take initiative. They may get impatient when the person doesn’t notice them quick enough! This could cause them to be frustrated and they may take it out on the person. They are famous for their temper. It would be better for them to just let their real feelings out.

Unfortunately, they can’t handle rejection. It might stab their ego for awhile. They often go through this because, unlike other women, they actually go after who they want instead of waiting until the guy notices them. But when you do the approaching, you have to face the rejections. Venus in Aries may face this dilemma all the time. They may avoid approaching to avoid rejection, but may be too impatient to wait for a response to their love. It complicates things for them.

They can be a bit aggressive and unrefined. They aren’t always ladylike. They aren’t into tradition. Even if they have some ladylike traits, they are free-spirited by nature. They may be accused of wearing the pants in their relationships.

They’re also rather bored easily. Most of them may expect their love interest to spice things up or keep it exciting. Others might openly flirt with other people. Some of them may grow tired of a settled relationship and may find themselves crushing on someone new.

In order to feel loved and happy, they need someone in their lives who keeps the romance going. They need someone who’s just as enthusiastic about the relationship as they are. They would expect their lovers to keep them on their toes constantly. Try new things, be bold, create a challenge for them, and they’re all yours.

But they don’t need their lovers clinging on to them. They need their independence. They need to be able to do their own thing sometimes. They often need the absence so they can desire their love interest or so their love can grow fonder. They need a partner that accepts that part of themselves. Their partner needs to have their own thing, too. They don’t like being controlled or monitored.

However, when you two do get back together, they want the relationship to be just as exciting and romantic as it was when you first met.

Sexually, these women often want the experience to be fun, passionate, and a little rough. They want to try new things, but they often don’t want to waste too much time getting into the act. They like it wild. They can do the act anywhere, but may get really excited if they’re in a dangerous location.

They may enjoy their heads carrassed. They may also like their hair pulled or tugged at. They love to kiss during the act.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, action, sex. These ladies’ Mars sign will shed more light. Look at their Mars sign and then find the Venus sign on this page that’s closest. For example, if the lady has Mars in Taurus, read Venus in Taurus.

Celebrities:  Jennifer Aniston,  Mia Farrow,  Shakira, Sarah Palin, Christina Ricci, Lana Turner, Rosa Parks, Roberta Flack, Anna Pavlova, Rihanna, Elizabeth Taylor,  Eva Longoria, Queen Latifah, Carrie Underwood, Liza Minnelli, Emily Blunt, Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea Handler,  Jean Harlow, Lady Gaga, Sarah Jessica Parker, Keira Knightley, Rooney Mara, Mariah Carey, Marcia Cross, Doris Day, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Linda Goodman, Leona Lewis, Ashley Judd, Alessandra Ambrosio, Mandy Moore, Jayne Mansfield, Joan Crawford, Susan Boyle, Julia Stiles, Julie Christie, Ali MacGraw,  Rosie O’Donnell, Elizabeth Montgomery, Vivienne Westwood, Melissa Joan Hart, America Ferrera, Jessica Chastain, Alek Wek, Caroline Winberg, Jessica Hart, Verushka, Renée Zellweger, Audrey Hepburn, Lily Allen, Katharine Hepburn, Cate Blanchett, Sofia Coppola, Janet Jackson, Toyah Wilcox, Donatella Versace, Arielle Dombasle, Virginie Efira, Alison Goldfrapp, Audrina Patridge, Sophie Anderton, Andrea Corr, Bianca Jagger, Miranda Cosgrove, Natasha Richardson, Arissa Hill, Shirley Temple,  Marilyn Monroe, Bar Refaeli, Helena Bonham Carter, Priscilla Presley, Lea Thompson, Fairuza Balk, Annette Bening, Carey Mulligan, Mutya Buena, Annette Bening, Denise Van Outen, Anne Heche, Jewel

Kpop Idols: CL (2ne1), Lee Hyori, Sulli (f(x)), Mina (Twice), Dahyun (Twice), Lalisa (BlackPink), Yeri (Red Velvet), Yoona (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD)

Sun in Aquarius and Sun in Pisces with Venus in Aries

Sun in Aries with Venus in Aries

Sun in Pisces with Venus in Aries

Sun in Taurus with Venus in Aries

Sun in Gemini with Venus in Aries

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Venus in Taurus



Feminine Identity: Venus enters one of her homes when she comes into the second sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign. Here, it may not be as exciting as her last domain, but she sure feels safe and comfortable here. Any partner who gets with a Venus in Taurus woman would feel the same. These women may or may not have tomboyish streaks, but they still hold themselves to traditional feminine values. They can be fighters when pushed, but they would rather not reveal this side. They prefer peace to chaos. These women are always moderate in their tendencies. Thus, most women admire them. While they are strong, hard-working, and practical, they don’t always feel like they have to be one of the guys to earn respect. They know how to get attention without stealing someone else’s shine.

Venus in Taurus women want to be seen by their love interests as beautiful and valuable. They want to be pleasing to the senses in all aspects. They want their love interests to see them as worth more than all the riches in the world. Thus, they hold themselves with a lot of dignity when in the presence of their love interest. They always show they have a lot to offer a lover, whether its with their money, cooking skills, or calm temperament. They might wear jeweled colors, like ruby red and emerald green, to show their value.

They may want their love interests to see them as feminine and traditional, especially amidst a changing world. They might have some traditionally feminine traits that they feel would be valuable to many people. They might go for soft and feminine colors, pastels like pink, to show their feminine and soft side. They may enjoy soft and sensual fabrics at times.

Don’t get it twisted though. They are practical and perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. They are money-savvy. But they would like their partner to add to the pot.

They may also want their love interests to see them as sensible and practical. They tend to be rather down-to-earth. They may go for earth-tone colors to show how practical and humble they are. Some of them may even dress practically

They tend to embellish all of their looks with jewelry, especially necklaces. Or they might show off their necks and collar bone area by keeping it bare. They tend to have a classic appeal when trying to impress someone they like. They don’t go overboard, and may only show a little skin. They may accentuate their bodies though. They may possibly show off their curves. But they try not to appear desperate.

These women want their love interests to see them in a calm state. They may be embarrassed if their love interest were to see them lose their cool or get angry.

They also want to look, smell, and sound their best when a love interest is around. They may not like their love interest visiting them when they’re sick.

They want their love interests to feel comfortable around them at all times.

Venus in Taurus women attract a potential love interest to them by being graceful and feminine. They try to tickle their love interest’s senses.

They tend to make physical offerings. They give massages, cook for you, buy or make little gifts, and spend a lot of time with someone they’re interested in. They’re known for their subtle flirting style. They give hugs and pecks on the cheek (the lips come after commitment). Taurus being ruled by the throat, they always make sure they watch their tone of voice around someone they’re interested in. They don’t want to scare anyone away. They might even sing to their love interests if they have a good singing voice.

They are always patient when they really like someone. They will wait forever for their love interest to come around. They may even be long-suffering when dealing with a potential love interest.

The Venus in Taurus woman’s weakness is her superficiality when dealing with people. She’s more drawn to people who do things physically for her. It’s not that she’s all about the money and good looks, but they are assets. She at least wants someone charming. She doesn’t really get too deep and meaningful when it comes to love. She’s relatively simple and may be confused by any sort of loving that happens beyond the physical and material realm.

She can also be difficult to please. If she’s not interested in anyone in particular, she will make potential suitors work for her love and she takes a long time choosing the right one. She will enjoy a couple of dinner dates before she decides. This might cost suitors a lot of money. She may not make a decision for many years! Most suitors might move on by the time she decides. She really needs to spend a lot of time with a person before deciding to date them for real. She’s also not likely to sleep around on the first date unless the person is really attractive and convincing. Some people might consider this a strength. More impatient suitors might consider this a weakness.

They might be daring in other aspects of life, but they are not the most experimental or adventurous person when it comes love. If it makes her uncomfortable, she will refuse to do it with a lover. She tends to stick to what she’s used to and can do the same thing every day. This doesn’t just apply to what she wants to do in public but also in the bedroom. If she’s never tried something or she’s tried something that failed her before, she will be hesitant to try it at all. In public, she prefers simple and traditional dates like dinner and a movie or just a walk and picnic in the park. Or maybe even just sitting at home or in a hotel doing nothing.

She likes for love interests to make her feel safe and secure. If you do want her to try something different, you need to make her feel at ease with it. She has to trust you. She has to feel relaxed. She won’t mind a nice motorcycle ride or trying a smoke, but don’t try any “fast and furious” type of garbage or drugging her drink. Show that you have some sense.

This woman is rather traditional. Even when she likes someone, she doesn’t like to be the one asking someone else out. She would rather her love interest notice her and ask her out. She tends to be cautious with love and definitely doesn’t want to face rejection. She would rather the other person take the chance. Some potential suitors might like that she’s willing to let them take initiative, but others might be confused as to what she really wants because she isn’t open. They might pick up the wrong signs. It’s not that she plays games, because she’s genuine and honest, she’s just subtle in her approach.

She’s traditional in another way: She prefers her partner to be the one paying all of the bills. If she has to reach in her pocket for any reason, that’s a turn off.

Last, these women can be possessive. They get jealous rather easily. They won’t like their love interests around other women. They might even get upset if they even THINK their love interest is around someone else. They like to be the only woman in their love interest’s lives. They don’t usually lose their cool in front of a love interest, but if you really want to excite the bull, surround yourself around female friends.

But they are not against stepping out of the relationship if they don’t feel their partner is pleasing them enough or giving them enough attention. The worst part is they may string a lover along while cheating because they don’t want to lose their security or start any drama.

Yet, you don’t want to please them too much. They tend to get comfortable. They get so comfortable they forget to give as much as they’re given. When they get used to something, they won’t know how to change their ways.

In order to feel happy and loved, Venus in Taurus women want to be treated like a valuable item. They want someone to care for them, be patient with them, and to protect them. They want a partner that makes them feel good and satisfies their desires. They want someone who is willing to spend money and time. They want someone to make them feel secure and special. They expect their lovers to be loyal. Fidelity is very important to them. They prefer a partner who has had few relationships to one that has had many. Though they love a skilled sex partner, they would prefer a man who has never had sex to a man who has slept with too many. They can’t stand a player.

Sexually, these women enjoy the sensual aspects of it all. They want to experience every touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell that could enhance their feeling of pleasure. They need the physical pleasures to actually get aroused. Usually, they are cautious when jumping into sex, so you have to make them feel secure and at ease. They will make you work or wait.

While they are generally basic and simple, not caring to jump into experimenting and such, they focus on ultimate pleasure. They take their time and enjoy foreplay. They prefer a comfortable environment to a rough one. If you really want to spice things up, foreplay dealing with a nice bath or playing around with food might be nice.

They like their neck and collar bone stroked or kissed.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Taurus is her home, so she blesses them with a lot of charm, beauty, and grace. They just have to be careful not to get vain and spoiled.

Celebrities: Juliette Binoche, Pasha Grishuk, Mercedes McNab, Chaka Khan, Fergie, Amanda Bynes, Jamie Lynn Spears, Iggy Azalea, Kathrine Sørland, Paloma Picasso, Leighton Meester, Carol White, Jessica Alba, Amber Heard, Grace Jones, Ann-Margret, Jessica Lange, Linda Evangelista, Miuccia Prada, Susannah Harker, Emily Beecham, Grace Phipps, Diana Hayden, Monica Keena, Lisa Marie Presley, Alanis Morissette, Anne Frank, Luo Zilin, Sophia Manzano, Sophie Lowe, Princess Diana, Debbie Harry, Cindy Lauper, Michele Lee, Liv Tyler, Ariana Grande, Carroll Baker, Ellen Barkin, Betty Compson, Ella Fitzgerald, Steffi Graf, Jessica Lange, Peggy Lee, Debbie Reynolds, Jane Russell, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Jhene Aiko, Jessie J

Kpop Idols: Irene (Red Velvet), Jessia (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Shinbi (GFriend)

Sun in Cancer with Venus in Taurus

Sun in Aries with Venus in Taurus

Sun in Gemini with Venus in Taurus

Sun in Taurus with Venus in Taurus

Sun in Pisces with Venus in Taurus

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Venus in Gemini


Feminine Identity: Venus enters Gemini third, the sign ruled by Mercury. Here, it’s not too far away from who she is, but some things are different. I wouldn’t say she feels completely comfortable here, but there are some things that are familiar. Gemini is an air and mutable sign. Venus is considered an air planet. Like Venus, Gemini is social and charming. But Gemini’s energy is too scattered for Venus to find a consistent love. Gemini is also too curious about everything that it never stops to settle down. Venus likes to relax sometimes. Gemini is too nervous to relax. Thus, these ladies are charming, but they hop around too much.

Venus in Gemini women want to be seen as fun, young, attractive, charming, and intelligent individuals by their love interests.

They usually wear bright and cheerful colors to give them a youthful and lively appearance. They might tease love interests by showing a little skin here and there. They tend to often show off their shoulders and arms mostly. They make sure their hands look well-manicured. They also pay attention to their lips. They try to appear kissable.

They are generally open to trying all new looks, and may pick a style depending on who they are going out with and depending on the occasion. They should be careful not to pretend to be something they aren’t to impress a love interest. Mostly, though, they tend to dress in the latest trends, which gives them a young vibe no matter how old they are. To most people, they always look young, which helps them find love timelessly.

They want love interests to know that they are open-minded and willing to try new things.

They want to appear witty and funny. They love to make their love interests laugh. They love to tease their love interests, too.

They may want love interests to see them as busy socialites with places to go and plenty of suitors waiting. In their own way, they feel this will convince slow suitors to pick up their feet. Really, plenty of suitors are usually waiting for these dynamic women. If you don’t scoop them up when you can, you will miss the boat.

Venus in Gemini women attract love interests to them by being talkative and flirty. They have an airy charm. They aren’t necessarily stupid though, even if they act ditzy. They generally have a smooth and adaptable way of talking to people, and this draws all kinds of lovers their way. They can change up their whole approach to attract the one they want to them. They also know how to work that body language. They tend to be good with languages of all kinds really.

These women try to stay open to things. They attract people to them by trying new things with their love interests.

They might try to show interest in the person. They typically try to get inside a person’s mind and see how they think. They are naturally curious.

Venus in Gemini women’s weakness is being scattered. They are so scattered all over the place, they have a difficult time giving the attention and time to their love interests. They are relatively independent and don’t really need a partner around them all the time. They tend to have so much going on at once, they are hard to pin down. It’s hard for them to be a domestic homebody.

They keep their options open, too. Some potential suitors may get frustrated with this. They tend to go on dates with two different guys at the same time until they decide which one they want. Everyone might not be okay with this. They don’t mean to play with people’s hearts, but sometimes they come across that way.

They’re also friendly with everyone. They tend to have a lot of people surrounding them from both sexes. This might make some people insecure. And they’re not going to let go of their friends just because it makes some suitor uncomfortable (especially if they haven’t decided if they really like the person yet).

They can be rather shallow. They tend to only care about things superficially and may not offer any depth. They might not be interested in anything too deep, intimate, personal, and meaningful either. They just want to laugh and have a good time. They don’t like when people act coy, “woke”, or dull.

They can be two-faced, too. They may let their friends influence them too much. They might be turned off from a suitor just because their friends don’t like them. Or they might only be interested in a suitor just because all of their friends are interested.

As mentioned before, they might pretend to be someone they aren’t just get with a love interest. Some of them might be a little fake.

They generally talk a lot, too. If you want to keep some aspects of your relationship private, it’s nearly impossible with this woman. She slips up all the time.

In order to keep the Venus in Gemini happy and feeling loved, you have to keep things interesting. She doesn’t want to be bored.

Not only do you have to mentally engage and entertain her, you have to communicate. She needs to be able to talk to her love interests at all times, no matter where you are or who you’re with. She needs to hear that she’s loved. Constantly make her feel attractive by complimenting her when she changes her looks up. Pay attention when she speaks and at least show some interest in what she’s saying.

You need to do some fun things with her. Invite her places. Show her off to all of your friends.

If you don’t cheat and lie, she won’t either. But if she catches you, best believe she will find someone much easier than you did.

Sexually, these women want to have a good time. They want someone who makes the experience fun for them. They are open to trying new things as long as it’s not too weird (and even if it is, just don’t film it).

They find pleasure with words. Pillow talk might be a favorite. They might also enjoy some tempting text messages or little romantic notes. Be clever and creative if you want them knocking down your door.

They need someone that can get them out of their heads and into their bodies. They might be so focused on talking, they may not actually get down to the act. They might be thinking so much about what they want to do, they may not actually do it. A nice massage might be just the thing to release that nervous energy and tension.

These women like their shoulders and arms touched or kissed. They may like being kissed in general. They might enjoy holding hands during the act as well. They might like their hands kissed. They may enjoy playful touching. They enjoy anything oral.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and movement. Look for their Mercury sign and then find the Venus sign closest on this page. For instance, if their Mercury is in Cancer, read Venus in Cancer.

Celebrities: Jennifer Garner, Olivia Hussey, Bette Davis, Miranda Kerr , Cher,  Lena Dunham, Joanna Lumley,  Megan Fox, Tori Spelling, Uma Thurman, Carmen Electra, Kylie Minogue, Heidi Klum, Joan Collins, Joan Rivers, Brooke Shields, Naomi Campbell, Riley Keough, Courtney Love, Kim Carnes, Eva Green, Jessica Simpson, Tulisa, Sandra Bullock, Jacqueline Kennedy,  Jennifer Lopez, Rachel Miner,  Clara Bow, Amelia Earhart,  Sheena Easton, Helen Mirren, Eva Peron, Isabella Rossellini, Mary Pickford, Jennifer Saunders, Wallis Simpson, Venus Williams, Adele, Lil’ Kim, Alessia Cara, Adele, Sofia Vergara, Normani Kordei (Fifth Harmony), Ally Brooke (Fifth Harmony), Lauren Jauregui (Fifth Harmony)

Kpop Idols: Chaeyoung (Twice), Sunny (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD),Eunha (GFriend), Hyuna (4 Minute)

Sun in Cancer with Venus in Gemini

Sun in Gemini with Venus in Gemini

Sun in Aries with Venus in Gemini

Sun in Leo with Venus in Gemini

Sun in Taurus with Venus in Gemini

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Venus in Cancer


Feminine Identity: Venus enters the sign of Cancer, the area belonging to the greater feminine luminary, the Moon. Cancer is a cardinal sign and a water sign. There are some things Venus is comfortable with while being in Cancer, and some things she’s not. Like the Moon, Venus is a planet that represents femininity. But unlike the Moon, Venus is far more social and superficial. She’s more about pleasure, romantic love, and beauty. The Moon focuses on the emotions and commitment, which can be the good, bad, or ugly. Moon reflects overall womanhood and motherhood. Venus would rather think about life in love…rather than the responsibilities of a family and emotional commitments. She’s the young, beautiful, untouched woman. Still, at least here she can find lasting partnerships and romance.

Venus in Cancer women want to be seen as sweet, feminine, and maternal by their love interests. They might wear sweet and feminine colors like pastels or white. They might enjoy some glitter or silver, too. But if they want to get a little dangerous, they go for eye-popping red. To show that they are capable of being nurturing mothers, they might accentuate their chest a little.

Usually, they aren’t gaudy or too provocative. They want to appear like good wives. They often think about how their attire will influence their future children, too. They want to be good role models.

They don’t really care about the design of their clothes. Most of them might be fine with just a simple top and jeans. They may like loose-fitting dresses. Still, they are artistic, so they may be drawn to certain colors and designs.

However they look on the outside, it’s underneath that they care about. When going out with a love interest, they make sure to choose the finest underwear and sleep attire. Lingerie makes them feel sexy.

Venus in Cancer women attract love interests to them by being a caring, understanding, and thoughtful person in their love interest’s life. They are the ones who are there whenever they’re asked to be, buy thoughtful gifts, and lend a shoulder to cry on. They always try to be understanding.

They try to remember birthdays, the names of their love interest’s family members, and other important information about that person.

They also try to appear like good wives and mothers. They might cook and clean for a love interest. They might show interest in babies or children. They might care for animals. They will always think about their love interest’s family. They usually get close with their love interest’s mother. They work hard to win the family’s approval.

They might also want potential love interests to see how practical and smart they are. These women are capable of providing for their families because they are business-savvy, know how to nurture a business, and know where to find money. They are creative as well. They may want to be admired for these qualities.

One of Venus in Cancer women’s weakness is that they expect others to intuit their feelings. It’s hard for them to just go after whatever it is they want, so they tend to leave indirect clues that they expect love interests to pick up on. If their love interest doesn’t get the hint, they get upset. They might expect others to be as intuitive as they are.

Venus in Cancer women are also rather shy. This can be an endearing quality in some ways, but it can be a limiting quality in other ways. Because they shy away from certain things, they aren’t the most experimental and adventurous lovers. They stick with what’s familiar to them when it comes to love.

These women can be unrealistic and impressionable when it comes to what they expect out of love. They might be extremely romantic or they may be influenced by movies and romance novels to be this way. They might expect partners to wait beneath their balcony windows and whisk them away on midnight excursions. They might be disappointed by lovers who lack imagination.

Venus in Cancer women can be sensitive and moody. They might get their feelings hurt rather easily, and they aren’t against being manipulative to get back at someone.

In order to feel loved and happy, Venus in Cancers need to be pampered and cared for. They need someone to treat them gently and sensitively. They need to feel understood. They also love some imagination and romance from time to time. They need a thoughtful lover that thinks about what they want without having to be told to.

Sexually, these women are all about intimacy and feeling a sense of closeness. Sex feels pleasurable for them when they are in love with their partner. Romantic foreplay would make the experience more memorable. They may not be avante-garde, but they may be open to trying new things if they really love a partner enough. Their feelings influence them.

They may enjoy their chest being played with or kissed. They might like being touched or held by their lower stomach. They mostly like to face their lover so they can feel a connection in that person’s eyes.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is the planet of emotions, the past, and nurturing femininity. Find out what her Moon sign is. Then find the Venus sign that’s closest on this page. For example, if she’s Moon in Leo, read Venus in Leo.

Celebrities: Grace Jones, Eva Peron, Nicole Brown Simpson, Amber Tamblyn, Juliette Lewis,  Natalie Portman, Elizabeth Hurley, Judy Garland, Josephine Baker, Courteney Cox, Angelina Jolie, Ashley & Mary-Kate Olsen, Stevie Nicks, Leah Remini, Ginnifer Goodwin Aubrey Plaza, Anna Friel, Barbara Stanwyck, Meryl Streep, Kristi Yamaguchi, Phyllis George, Serinda Swan, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Brigitte Nielsen, Marianne Williamson, Khloe Kardashian,  Valentino Jourdan Dunn, Anna Paquin, Hilary Swank, Halle Berry, Brit Marling,  Camilla Parker Bowles, Geri Halliwell, Maureen O’Sullivan, Colleen Moore, Mae West,  Kim Cattrall,  Iman, Alice Dellal,  Devon Aoki, Elisabeth Moss, Cameron Diaz, Raquel Welch, Tom Ford, Iris Apfel, Tia & Tamera, Dinah Jane (Fifth Harmony), Jade Villalon/Valerie (Sweetbox), Nâdiya 

Kpop Idols: Luna (f(x)), Joy (Red Velvet), Yerin (GFriend), Hwasa (Mamamoo)

Sun in Leo with Venus in Cancer

Sun in Taurus with Venus in Cancer

Sun in Gemini with Venus in Cancer

Sun in Cancer with Venus in Cancer

Sun in Virgo with Venus in Cancer

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Venus in Leo


Feminine Identity: Venus enters the sign ruled by the Sun, Leo. Here, she meets fixed fire. Sun is naturally falling in one of Venus’s signs, Libra, so there are going to be some things Venus isn’t comfortable with in Leo. Still, there are things that Venus can handle here. For one, Leo is highly romantic. Venus is the planet of love. In Leo, Venus is able to enjoy love to the fullest. Our Venus in Leo ladies are very good at honoring Venus in their own special way. They are just a little more independent and can be self-centered.

Venus in Leo women want to be seen as faithful, generous, sweet, creative, popular, and attractive but also confident and independent.

If Venus in Leo women could have their way, they’d want their love interests to see them as any and everything any man would want! Venus in Leo women are all about putting their best out there. They want their love interest to see nothing but the best in them. They want their love interest to see their strengths.

Generally, when these women are around their love interests, they try not to show their sadness or anger. They want their love interests to see them smiling and having fun at all times.

They want to appear confident and independent. They don’t want to appear clingy. They want to show a love interest that they have a lot to offer. They want to show their accomplishments and what they could share with a love interest if they were to merge. They want to be considered “rare” and valuable.

When trying to attract their love interests, they might choose colors that help them stand out. They usually go for sunny or sunrise colors like red, orange, yellow, and gold. They might like soft pinks and purple as well. They may like to show or highlight their back and shoulder, which would make them seem confident. They might show a little bit of their chest as well. They do like to show some skin, but they have too much dignity to come out of the house looking tasteless and classless.

They try to attract their love interest to them by looking their best when they’re around them, by wearing confidence, by flirting, and by giving everything they’ve got.

They are very generous. They give of time, resources, energy, and effort when they like someone. They want their love interest to feel special. They can get really creative when it comes to trying to impress their love interest. They want to be unforgettable. They want their love interest to feel like royalty.

They generally like to make their love interest laugh. They try to be a ray of sunshine in their love interest’s life.

Venus in Leo’s weakness is that they have very high standards for love. They treat their lovers like royalty, but they also expect to be treated like queens. They usually want their way in a relationship. They want the relationship to go the way they want it to. They expect their partners to be romantic, chivalrous, sexy, attractive, confident, and accomplished-just as they feel they are. You have to get on their level in life.

They’re also popular and they know it! They can get any suitor they want to. Though they generally are faithful, they aren’t against flirting a little and dancing a little with someone else if they feel their partner isn’t giving them enough attention.

And they require a lot of attention. If they get a flat tire, you’d better be there to pick them up. If they are having a bad day, you’d better listen. If they’re bored, you’d better entertain them. They aren’t giving anything up for anyone who isn’t willing to jump and leap for them.

They get jealous rather easily as well. Don’t you dare even acknowledge that another woman is attractive. Though they love to be flattered and may innocently flirt with others, they can’t handle it when their partners do the same thing. They may only accept their partner stepping out if both parties agree to have more than one partner. This means Venus in Leo women will explore, too. It’s only fair.

They can be a little bossy and dominant. They are often more sure of themselves than some of their love interests, so they end up doing all the planning and telling their lovers what to do.

In order to feel loved and happy, these women have to feel like queens. They need their partners acting as both kings and servants. They need someone to take care of them, someone who is always there for them, someone who is always into them. They need attention and affection. Their partner should always notice when they style themselves up or when they need help. They need a partner that is creative and romantic. They need someone adventurous and fun. They need to be living their fullest life with a lover.

Though they want a servant, they also need a king. They need a partner that is proud of them and stands by them. They need a partner that takes the lead in most affairs and takes the reins from this women every once in a while. They want a partner that is confident and content.

Sexually, these women want to feel wanted. They want their partners to work to please them. They also want to have fun. They can be adventurous and a bit of an exhibitionist. Sex is usually a love-making experience for them. They would want all of their sex partners to be in love with them. They won’t tolerate their partner having too many other sex partners.

They might enjoy their backs being caressed and their chests being played with or kissed.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. Look at the Sun sign then find the Venus sign that’s closest on this page. For example, if her Sun is in Virgo, read Venus in Virgo.

Celebrities: Nicole Kidman, Crystal Renn, Paula Abdul, Kathleen Turner, Zoe Saldana, Leelee Sobieski, Diane Kruger, Nicole Scherzinger, Cheryl Cole, Pamela Anderson, Lindsay Lohan, Gina Lollobrigida, Selena Gomez, Linda Cardellini, Whitney Houston, Monica Lewinsky,  Madonna, Stephanie Seymour, Jennifer Lawrence, Kate O’Mara, Amy Adams, Kelis, Coco Chanel, Amy Winehouse, Greta Garbo, Salma Hayek, Lauren Bacall, Anna Karina, Faith Hill, LeAnn Rimes, Shirley Ann Manson, Sophie Dahl, Dita Von Teese, Olivia Newton-John, Gwyneth Paltrow, Monica Bellucci, Linda Hamilton, Lilly Singh, Chyna McClain, Michelle Branch

Kpop Idols: Tzuyu (Twice), Seohyun (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Umji (GFriend), Lee Hi, Jimin Park (15&)

Sun in Gemini with Venus in Leo

Sun in Cancer with Venus in Leo

Sun in Leo with Venus in Leo

Sun in Virgo with Venus in Leo

Sun in Libra with Venus in Leo

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Venus in Virgo


Feminine Identity: Venus enters Mercury’s other sign here, only this time it’s the mutable earthy Virgo. Here, Venus is in a difficult falling position. Mercury and Venus aren’t really opposite planets, but the natural nature of this earth sign makes it difficult for Venus to really blossom the way she would like. This doesn’t mean the women with this position aren’t feminine. Quite the contrary! Some of these women are quite prim, demure, and docile. They have very soft qualities at times. The real issue Venus has in this position has to deal with Virgo’s modesty. Really, Venus and Virgo have some things in common, considering she has triplicity in Virgo. They are both subtle and easy-going (Venus being a planet of pleasure and Virgo being a physical earth sign). They both believe in being fair and have a strong sense of righteousness. But the vanity of Venus is humbled in this sign. Venus is usually a pleasure-seeking, easy-going, mostly lazy goddess. She cares about material comforts as well as her appearance. She is also quite involved with love. Virgo is the sign of hard work. Virgo is practical and rejects idealistic romance. Virgo makes the person less interested in superficial looks and charms and prefers the real girl. This means that the women with this position may look fabulous, but they work hard to get there.

Some Venus in Virgo women want to be pleasing in the eyes of their love interest, no matter what that means. They want to be helpful, useful, attractive, self-sacrificing, sweet, modest, sexy-whatever will please their love interest. They work really hard to be the kind of girl their love interest can fall in love with.

Other Venus in Virgo women generally want to be seen as down-to-earth and smart. They don’t want their partners to have super high expectations of them. They would rather be their natural selves.

Many Venus in Virgo women swing between desires.

Some of them tend to want to look perfect when around someone they like. They attend to every aspect of their appearance until they can attract the right love interests to them.

They tend to choose form-flattering attire. They use natural but enhancing makeup. They don’t usually go for gaudy or colorful clothing, even if it is a bit revealing. They want most people to consider them stylish. They prefer professional and muted colors.

Other Venus in Virgo women try to be as natural and down-to-earth as possible in their appearance. They try not to put on airs. They just try to look decent and tend to their hygiene. They might want their natural beauty to shine through.

They don’t directly try to attract potential suitors to them. They are often too shy to openly flirt and they are apprehensive about love. They are modest and quiet about their feelings.

However, when they really are interested in a person, they will do anything for that person. You will notice their affections in the little things they do. They won’t outright tell you they like you. You have to pay attention.

They are the type of people to help their love interest with small errands and household tasks. They are really helpful and useful. They will be there to give advice, too.

They tease the people they like a lot, too. They tend to have a playfulness about them that’s endearing.

These people keep themselves together. When they feel unattractive, they work hard to improve themselves. They are constantly blossoming because they are always fixing themselves. They keep their bodies tight, their skin clear, their teeth in check, and their health in order. This makes them physically attractive to people.

One of Venus in Virgo women’s weakness could be that they are perfectionists. They are often very hard on themselves. Some of them have all sorts of insecurities, especially when it comes to their appearance. Many women with this placement get plastic surgery, go on diets, and try to fix themselves up in other ways to get that “perfect” look. They know logically what the beauty standards are. Many of them don’t believe in the “everyone is beautiful in their own way” philosophy. Really, all of their imperfections are what make them perfect. But it’s hard to convince them of this.

The ones that do believe everyone is beautiful in their own way had to work through many insecure moments in their lives to get to that point. This side of Venus in Virgo usually comes out much later in their lives.

They also expect perfection from suitors. They can be picky. The littlest thing can turn them off. If you really want them, you have to fix yourself to their liking. They won’t let just any person in their lives.

Venus in Virgo women are also not the most romantic individuals in the world. They are not the most imaginative. They might find some gestures to be corny or cheesy. They aren’t easily impressed by the flash or sappy gestures. They prefer someone to be real and down-to-earth in their approach.

In order to feel happy and loved, Venus in Virgo women need someone in their lives that accepts them, flaws and all. They need someone that can stick with them through everything. They want someone that appreciates them and acknowledges their efforts. They want someone who makes an effort to show their devotion as well. You don’t have to do it in fancy ways. It’s the little things that count. Just pick them up from work, offer to help them fix something, or spend some relaxing time with them. If they are having a bad day, be there to comfort them or provide a listening ear. Make life easier for them so they won’t have more stresses and worries. Help them pay some bills.

Sexually, Venus in Virgo women tend to be service-oriented. They perfect their craft until it becomes an art. They want their partners pleased and satisfied in all sexual areas. At the same time, they want a partner that is just as skilled to please them, too, even if they don’t always ask for what they want. Though they aren’t going to initiate any kinks, some of them can be kinky at times.

Their issue is they have a hard time seeing the big picture. They may get so focused on pleasing a partner, they forget to enjoy it or connect with their partner. They might also have a hard time getting out of their worries and stresses so they can be there mentally for sex. A good massage can cure this. Their partner would have to take some initiative.

They aren’t always shy, but if they don’t feel their best they won’t be aroused too easily. Their partners have to make them feel attractive and secure.

They might enjoy being touched in general while doing the act, but holding their waist might arouse them more.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and movement. Look at Mercury’s sign then find the Venus sign on this page that is closest. For instance, if Mercury is in Libra, read Venus in Libra.

Celebrities: Kylie Kardashian, Audrey Tautou, Lucille Ball, Mila Kunis, Cara Delevingne, Kate Beckinsale , Charlize Theron , Gillian Anderson , Demi Lovato , J. K. Rowling , Rosanna Arquette , Debra Messing , Alicia Witt , Charlotte Casiraghi , Sylvie Vartan , Melanie Griffith , Sarah Brightman , Lynda Carter, Pixie Geldof , Sophia Loren , Victoria Silvstedt , Evan Rachel Wood , Blake Lively , Ingrid Bergman , Amy Poehler , Luana Piovani, Pink , Rachael Ray , Stella McCartney , Brigitte Bardot , Kim Kardashian , Michelle Trachtenberg , Carrie Fisher , Sarah Ferguson , Catherine Deneuve , Kay Parker , Lourdes Ciccone-Leon , Heather Locklear , Gwen Stefani , Kate Winslet , Michelle Trachtenberg , Julie Andrews , Catherine Zeta-Jones , Nolwenn Leroy , Toni Braxton,  Joni Mitchell , Gabrielle Union , Alexa Chung,  Tara Reid , Tina Arena , Julia Roberts , Sylvia Plath , Lisa Scott-Lee, Julia Roberts, Anjelica Huston, Diana Rigg, Linda Ronstadt, Natalie Wood, Michelle Rodriguez, Mélissa Theuriau, Martha Stewart, Kylie Jenner

Kpop Idols: Tiffany (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD)

Sun in Cancer with Venus in Virgo

Sun in Leo with Venus in Virgo

Sun in Virgo with Venus in Virgo

Sun in Libra with Venus in Virgo

Sun in Scorpio with Venus in Virgo

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Venus in Libra


Feminine Identity: Venus enters her second home when she comes in contact with Libra, the air and cardinal sign. This means these women have a strong feminine identity, one that most women can’t help but admire and relate to. Libra is the sign of relationships. It’s easy for people to relate to them and therefore easy for them to form relationships with people. They are very charming. This is because they are polite, well-mannered, and considerate.

Venus in Libra women tend to want their love interests to see them as cool, sweet, intelligent, cultured, attractive, and charming-beautiful on the inside and out, mind, body, and spirit.

They want their love interests to see them as equal to them.

In order to appear calm and sophisticated, they might wear cool and soft colors like blue or pink. They tend to like clothes that bring out their best assets. This depends on their body shape, personality, and other natural assets. They know how to make their clothes work for them. They aren’t usually provocative though. They might showing some skin, but they are typically sophisticated, casual, and/or cool when dressing up. They never over-do it. They just dress up their usual.

They might want to emphasize their butt in some way, though. They might wear jeans, skirts, or shorts that give them a nice rump.

They don’t usually need to wear anything special. All they need is their charm.

Venus in Libra women attract love interests to them with their natural charms. Their ruler, Venus, gives them a natural sweet and cool temperament. Most people feel at ease in their presence. They generally try to be pleasant, polite, and open-minded when dealing with others, which makes them endearing. They use this charm to attract their love interest.

They try not to get impatient or frustrated with others, but they especially do not like to lose their temper in front of their crush. They want their love interest to mostly see them in a collected state.

They usually hate being alone, so they try to make friends with people. They are good at finding what they have in common with others. This makes them pretty popular and makes them gain others’ love quite easily. They especially try to find common ground with their love interest.

They are flirty, but they aren’t vulgar with it. They will acknowledge when someone looks good or when they like the way someone smells, but they will try not to be rude or step over any boundaries. Many people appreciate this about them.

They go out of their way to show their love for the person they’re interested in. They aren’t forceful, but they do tend to lavish affection, gifts, and other tokens of their love.

They try to fall in step with their love interest. They will attend events where their love interest is present.

The Venus in Libra woman’s weakness is that they are flirty with everyone. Sometimes, it’s hard to know who they are really interested in. They treat everyone equally. They act too cool to act desperate, but some people are left wondering about their feelings.

Venus in Libra women are also indecisive. Even when they have someone they like, they are always wondering whether they’re making the right choice. And if they have two really good suitors, they might date them both just to see if they can find the right one! They also don’t like to hurt people’s feelings, so they might give others a chance even if they know who they like.

Some of them want to be in a relationship so bad or they fear being alone so much, they settle with the first person that asks them out. They may not be sure if they like the person, but they just like the attention they’re getting from this person.

They might let their relationship define them. They might lose their own identity when with their partner. Sometimes, they end up sharing too much with their partner. If the relationship doesn’t work out, they end up losing half of the things they worked hard for. They often have a difficult time separating themselves from their partner in many ways. They should find some things they can keep for themselves and learn that it’s okay to do so.

Some Venus in Libra lack confidence. They may not feel they have what it takes to fight for the one they love. But the opposite is true! They have so much going for themselves! They just need to believe in themselves.

Venus in Libra women should avoid being superficial and judgmental. Though they’re generally pleasant around most people, deep within they tend to judge people based on their lifestyle, appearance, behavior, or mannerisms. If they let go of some of these judgments, they might be able to pick the right person for them.

In order for these women to feel happy and loved, they need to be treated as an equal. If they do something for someone, they need it returned. They don’t like double standards.

They want to feel wanted, loved, and cared for. They want someone to romance them. They want someone that buys them luxuries, takes them on dates, and tells them they are loved.

They want a partner they can do anything with. Do couple things with them. Make them feel special. Own them and acknowledge them in public.

Sexually, they just like the art of love-making and being with a partner. They love a little foreplay and romance before the act. They generally want to be pleased and they’re willing to please their partner. They may not be avant-garde in their approach, but they still have an adventurous and playful side. They can enjoy any sexual style as long as it’s not too painful or disgusting. They don’t like to get too dirty.

They might like to be held by their waist or they may enjoy their buttocks squeezed, held, or carressed during the act.

Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, gives them all the charm and beauty they need. They just have to be careful not to get too dependent on the ease Venus offers.

Celebrities: Jennie Eisenhower, Susan Saint James, Shelley Long, Beyonce Knowles, Jada Pinkett Smith, Rachel Bilson, Claudia Schiffer, Tai Babilonia, Florence Welch, Gloria Estefan, Shania Twain, Cheryl Tiegs, Hilary Duff, Susan Anton, Rita Hayworth, Elke Sommer, Grace Kelly, Vivien Leigh, Lisa Bonet, Kate Capshaw, Calista Flockhart, Anna Nicole Smith, Vera Fisher, Ciara, Emma Stone, Lorde, Rose McGowan, Hayden Panettiere, Shailene Woodley, Cassie, Jennifer Hudson, Miranda Lambert, Gloria Gaynor, Mya, Gloria Estefan, Rachael Leigh Cook, Bebe Rexha, Soko, Foxy Brown, Natalia Kills, Nikki Bella

Kpop Idols: Amber Liu (f(x)), Nayeon (Twice), Jungyeon (Twice), Momo (Twice), GaIn (Brown Eyed Girls)

Sun in Leo with Venus in Libra

Sun in Virgo with Venus in Libra

Sun in Libra with Venus in Libra

Sun in Scorpio with Venus in Libra

Sun in Sagittarius with Venus in Libra


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Venus in Scorpio


Feminine Identity: Venus enters another uncomfortable position when she enters the sign ruled by Mars and Pluto. That sign is Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. In the watery depths of Scorpio, Venus feels like she’s suffocating. Though Scorpio is subtle on the outside, Venus can’t help but feel there is something not-so-subtle going on underneath. Underneath the quiet Scorpio is a whole lot of passion and desire. Venus is not comfortable with such an extreme energy. She does everything in moderation. Scorpio, on the other hand, is an all or nothing sign. And when it comes to their own feminine identity, they are no different. They can be powerfully feminine or reject femininity altogether. If they are women who are powerfully feminine, they are all about female empowerment. These women may feel more content being single than being with a male partner. Some of them may be more interested in dating women. These women are fiercely independent, but they still enjoy all the things that make up a girl. In fact, they may feel that more people should honor femininity. These women may put a lot of emphasis on their own individual charms and beauty. They may reject the idea of women having to live up to “masculine standards” and may feel that men should do more to be like women. The ones that reject traditional femininity are out to prove they can just as powerful and strong as the boys.

Venus in Scorpio women want to be seen by their love interests as powerful, self-reliant, magnetic, sexy, wise, and intuitive individuals.

They both want to attract the right suitor towards them and scare away those that aren’t any good or can’t handle them.

While they want suitors to be attracted to them, they want suitors to like them for their strength, natural beauty, and brains. They aren’t superficial ladies. There’s always more than meets the eye, and they want suitors to know that.

While, they want suitors to be mesmerized by them, they want suitors to know they don’t need a lover to complete them. They are capable of taking care of themselves, just as a warning. Even if they know the love interest they want, they won’t let that person subdue them or stop them from getting all they want out of life.

Though they can be wrapped around a love interest’s fingers in many ways, they try not to let a love interest control them in every way. They don’t like feeling like they have to change everything they are for a love interest. They aren’t the types to want to appear desperate for a love interest, either. They know where it leads. So, they tend to tease and play hard to get sometimes.

And yet, deep down, these women are willing to change everything about themselves to gain their love interest’s affections. It’s because these women are the types to be willing to do anything for a love interest that they put up their defenses. They just don’t want their love interest to know that and use it to their advantage. It takes the right love interest to ignite their passion and desire to be and do anything for love.

Everyone wants to be attractive and loved. In order to give just enough sexiness and yet keep some power to themselves, these ladies tend to be drawn to clothing in black or dark red and maroons. They go through many style transformations. At one point in their lives, they might go for more form-fitting attire, only to add sharp accessories that instill some fear. They might wear loose-fitting clothing so they can leave something for the imagination. They might wear a little sheer just to tease a love interest. They might get their nails done and wear perfume, too. They can be gaudy and provocative at times, and then flip the script and be conservative. They tend to be like a spy, switching identities constantly.

Venus in Scorpio women attract love interests to them in very subtle ways. They aren’t open flirts. They aren’t overt at all. While everyone is asking a partner to dance or sitting down and flirting, Venus in Scorpio women are hanging back in the corner, watching and observing. They are lone wolves. Some might already be on the floor by themselves, eyeing the one they want and silently asking their love interest to come and get them.

They can be a little shy of too much attention, so they might not make themselves noticeable to their love interest. But if that person is observant enough, they can catch their seduction through their eyes. The eyes are the window to their emotions. That’s where they hide their deep well. Through their eyes, you can see their real feelings.

Venus in Scorpio women are the queens of staring. They know how to mesmerize love interests with a look. They tell a story and send signals with their eyes. They might even add a little magnetic smile there.

Their mysterious aura can be attractive to those who take the time to notice. They’re like a magician casting a person under their spell. And the fact that they are hard to catch is even more appealing.

They also tend to do a lot of research about the one they are interested in just so they can know what their love interests like and want. They observe, too. As a result, they know how to satisfy their love interest’s desires. By the time a love interest has noticed them, they would’ve known more about the love interest than that person knows themselves! The right one will find this intriguing. They are super intelligent and can work rings around a partner. This can be powerfully sexy. Their research helps them keep a love interest satisfied and content.

Despite the fact that Venus in Scorpio women hate to be desperate for love, they are willing to do anything to obtain the one they love. This is what makes their love so deep and meaningful. It’s because their emotions run so deep. They are willing to give their everything-money, time, energy, body, and soul. Some of them are even willing to die for the one they love. They will be cute, sweet, sexy, good wives, anything their love interest wants them to be if it means they can have the person’s love in return. Some people find their undying loyalty irresistible.

These women are passionate about anything and anyone they want. Their passion is evident in the way they do things. This can be alluring.

These women are also willing to break all social rules when it comes to love. Many people find this appealing. They don’t care what others think. They can get lost in a love.

The Venus in Scorpio woman’s weakness is her need to control how everything goes. She plans all of her moves carefully, but when things go astray, which it often does in love, she gets knocked off-balance. She may form love-hate relationships with lovers because she’s both in control and out of control when in love. She may want love to be the way she wants it to be, but the other person is another being with needs and desires as well.

There’s also some things she keeps close to her chest, things she’s not willing to give up, and things she’s not willing to accomodate on. But she may expect that from a partner.

As much as these women respect control, they can get lost in love and lose all of their control. They might lose their whole identities while in a relationship. This is why infidelity is the worst for them. If you leave them, they might feel as if they are losing everything. This can cause them to get vengeful.

They are known for not fully trusting others, not even the one they love. They don’t always stalk their lovers, but they might at times. Their jealousy can be nasty. They can be possessive and obsessive. They don’t let things go. If they even suspect their lovers of giving their time and devotion to someone else, it can get ugly. Remember I said they’d do anything for the one they love?

With harsh aspects and the right motivation, they will fight and kill for their lovers, too. They don’t like competition. And if their love interest gives the competition any attention, they will be resentful. They don’t even want their lover spending more time with family and work than with them, let alone another broad.

Then the amount of drama they need to be happy in a relationship can be overwhelming. They need a relationship to be deep, passionate, and meaningful. They expect their partner to make a lot of sacrifices for them. They are known for their ultimatums, which can make lovers feel like they’re in a binding contract rather than a loving relationship with a healthy moderate exchange.

Because they get so deeply involved in their relationships, it’s hard for their lovers to let loose and have a good time. This isn’t to say they can’t be fun partners, but they aren’t a “hook up” buddy, either. There are always strings attached with these ladies. You’re not just going to have your fun with them, move on, and come back later. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’d best lay all your cards on the table. Once you’re with them, though, you’re with them for life or you’re not with them at all. There’s no fooling around and playing games with this emotional water sign. No way. They will find a way to keep you or they will let you go and you’ll be dead to them.

In order to keep the Venus in Scorpio woman feeling happy and loved, you must be genuine. That’s it. While you would think it would be that simple, in order to prove you’re genuine you must be willing to sacrifice and share everything you have and are with this person. You must be willing to ride or die with them, just like they are willing to do the same for you. The ones that aren’t serious will cower away from this. The ones that are totally in love with Venus in Scorpio will find these demands to be easy.

She wants someone who’s willing to invest the time and effort it takes to keep her around. She wants love to have meaning. She wants it to transform her life. She needs someone deep, someone who isn’t superficial.

Sexually, these women are passionate. They don’t just give up their bodies to anyone, so when they do find the right lover, they let it all out. They enjoy skin to skin action. They might be experimental and a little kinky (they are willing to break all rules when it comes to sexuality), but they need to have a deep connection with their partner in order to be willing to do it at all. And when they do give and get it all, they need to know that they are the only one. Sex is their confirmation of their love. If their partner steps out on them, that’s ultimate betrayal. They might pretend to forgive you, but they will never forget. Best believe they will find some way to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

They should be careful not to use sex for power in their relationship or to keep a relationship going, though. Sex can’t buy love all the time.

They may enjoy their inner thighs rubbed or kissed during the experience. They may like to be held at the waist. They may like their toes kissed or rubbed, too. The may like their sexual organs teased in some way, too. They might like to return the favor to their partner.

Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars and is currently ruled by Pluto. Look for her Mars and Pluto signs. Then, find the Venus sign on this page that’s closest. For example, if she has Mars and/or Pluto in Sagittarius, read Venus in Sagittarius.

Celebrities: Lisa Scott-Lee, Nicole Richie Naomi Watts, Avril Lavigne, Ashlee Simpson, Sigourney Weaver, Demi Moore, Brittany Murphy, Winona Ryder, Jodie Foster, Anne Hathaway, Goldie Hawn, Chloe Sevigny, Carly Rae Jepsen, Gemma Ward, Jean Shrimpton, Kris Kardashian, Teri Hatcher, Katie Holmes, Milla Jovovich, Lara Stone, Felicity Huffman, Jane Birkin, Vanessa Hudgens, Nelly Furtado, Katherine Heigl, Sarah Silverman, Bette Midler, Lucy Pinder, Dionne Warwick, Ellie Goulding, Marianne Faithfull, Carla Bruni, Annie Lennox, Diane von Furstenberg, Holly Madison, Halsey

Kpop Idols: Krystal Jung (f(x)),  BoA, Jisoo (BlackPink), Hyoyeon (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Yuju (GFriend)

Sun in Virgo with Venus in Scorpio

Sun in Libra with Venus in Scorpio

Sun in Scorpio with Venus in Scorpio

Sun in Sagittarius with Venus in Scorpio

Sun in Capricorn with Venus in Scorpio

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Venus in Sagittarius


Feminine Identity: When Venus enters Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign, she enters a lucky placement. She doesn’t feel entirely comfortable in Sagittarius, but there are a few things she has in common with the sign. For one, Venus is a benefic planet just like Sagittarius’s ruling planet Jupiter. This makes both energies positive and beneficial all the time. Neither can ever bring too much harm. Of course, too much of a good thing can cause some problems. Venus likes that Sagittarius provides a life of ease. They both want to have a good time. With all the luck she gets in this placement, why work? On the other hand, this combination can cause laziness and weight gain. Venus is also different from Sagittarius in many ways. She may not like the exaggerated nature of Sagittarius because it causes too much drama. She might also find Sagittarius to be blunt, fiery, and unrefined. She’s into balance and harmony. Sagittarius isn’t always interested in pretending they’re everybody’s friend. Last, while it’s easy for her to attract love in this sign, it’s hard to keep it consistent.

Venus in Sagittarius women want their love interests to see them as fun, good-humored, adventurous, positive, knowledgeable, and experienced individuals. They want their love interests to know they won’t tie them down.

They tend to want to be the ideal girl in their love interest’s eyes. They want to be sexy, cute, beautiful, sweet, quiet, talkative, independent and yet co-dependent, a friend, a good wife, a good mother and everything in between! While achieving all of this is difficult, if it’s not impossible, they will try it!

Some of them are religious, spiritual, and/or philosophical. They want their love interests to know they have morals and ethics. They generally try to be good to people, especially the one they love. This might tame the wild spirit of Sagittarius just a little more.

They can be generous with their love interests, showering affection and an abundance of resources to impress their love interests.

They also try to impress their love interests with their accomplishments. They want their love interests to know that if they get with them, they can share in their wealth.

These women might wear clothing that displays their success and wealth in some way. They might like wearing designer items when around someone they like. Or they might prefer casual clothes that are loose-fighting, like a loose-fighting dress that blows in the breeze or some dusty jeans. They might care less how they look in front of their love interest. Some might like to show some skin. They may especially like to show their legs. Short skirts and shorts might be preferred. Some of them tend to like colorful or eclectic fashions that display their humor and individuality. These ladies look good with or without weight, so they can gain or lose and still manage to look good!

Venus in Sagittarius women attract love interests to them through their sheer zest for life. They just appear like a lot of fun. They have a careless nature that makes them seem easy to be around. They always seem young, no matter how old, so they never lose suitors.

They are not usually shy. They are flirty and honest. They compliment their love interests and might invite them to dance. You’d better take them up on that offer when you can. These ladies tend to move on fast!

The ones that are shy can’t help but show their excitement all over their face. They are known for being a little too enthusiastic when their crush is around, so they’re pretty obvious.

A lot of suitors are attracted to them because they don’t seem demanding. They seem to keep lovers at arms-length and they seem up for a good time. They seem down for an open relationship. Even if they are looking for something stable, they seem to know how to keep things exciting and sexy even in committed relationships.

They know how to make people laugh. They always know how to make love interests smile, which is very appealing. And they tend to have dazzling smiles themselves.

The Venus in Sagittarius woman’s weakness is that she’s difficult to pin down. She might think you’re cute and all, but that doesn’t mean she’s always looking for anything serious.  Even sex is not enough to make her stay in a steady relationship. You’ve got to offer so much more than that. Even when in a steady relationship, she’s also always busy doing something. She’s outgoing and on-the-go. If you’re looking to make her into a domestic kitten, you’ll be disappointed. For her, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. She needs her space, independence, and freedom.

As easy-going as she looks, she’s far more difficult to please than she appears. It’s not that she can’t get all she wants herself, in fact she’d rather, but if you really want her to stay loyal and connected to you, you have to be an asset. You need to make a committed relationship beneficial and worth her while. You need to be dropping money. You need to be making love to her. You need to be going out of your way to take her on some of your adventures. And most importantly, you need to respect and accept her right to be herself.

It might seem that she expects perfection from a lover. She is idealistic and does want to be put on a pedestal. She wants to be treated like a trophy girl. You need to be proud of her and show her off. You need to show her how much you want her. That means you’ve got to travel the world over to please her.

She can be a little insensitive. She tends to be blunt to a fault and may seriously hurt a person’s feelings. She might jump into affairs and quickly cut them off, not caring who she hurts. She might dump people for lacking in some way, and she won’t be afraid to say it. Venus certainly doesn’t get along with this unrefined nature, so she might lose love interests because of her mouth.

Some of these women are careless in general. They might drink and drive, they might sleep around and have too many children, or they might go out clubbing all night, no matter who’s at home watching the kids. Of course, the whole natal chart would shed more light on this tendency. This happens with the less evolved types. This type might have a difficult time taking responsibility.

She has a hard time taking responsibility during arguments, too. If you come to her about something, about anything, her first reaction is to run, run, run. She doesn’t like negativity. She doesn’t want to talk about her feelings and how serious she needs to be. She wants to think about nothing but positive things when with someone she loves. She feels if a lover can’t make her happy all the time, then that person isn’t the one for her. This is a nearly impossible standard though.

She might be preachy or take the moral high road. She won’t act like a victim, but she may always think she’s right and everyone else is wrong, including her lover.

In order to keep this lady feeling happy and loved, she needs someone who makes her life better. She wants a partner that makes her feel more attractive, happier, and more confident. She wants someone who is positive, someone who is generous, and someone who accepts her. She needs to feel like a trophy in the eyes of her partner.

Sexually, these women are open-minded and adventurous. They enjoy the experience best when it’s fun. They like to try new things, but they don’t like when foreplay is too complicated. They don’t like to take too much time on foreplay. They eventually need the action.

They may like their legs held, kissed, or caressed during the act.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Look at the Jupiter sign and then find the Venus sign on this page that’s closest. For example, if Jupiter is in Capricorn, read Venus in Capricorn.

Celebrities:  Christa Päffgen ‘Nico’, Suzanne Somers, Bella Thorne, Dawn French, Keyshia Cole, Angela Lansbury, Margaret Thatcher, Kelly Osbourne, Kendall Kardashian, Anne Hathaway, Katy Perry,  Sasha Cohen, Nicollette Sheridan, Jean Seberg, Jamie Lee Curtis, Christina Aguilera, Alyssa Milano, Kim Basinger, Beatrice Dalle, Tina Turner, Judi Dench, Julie Delpy, Jane Fonda, Christina Applegate, Amanda Seyfried, Nicki Minaj, Rita Ora Nigella Lawson, Donna Summer, Vanessa Paradis, Carolina Herrera, Georgia Jagger,  Christian Louboutin, Eliza Dushku, Francoise Hardy, Michelle Stanley, Diane Sawyer Anita Pallenberg, Farrah Fawcett, Emma Bunton, Melanie Safka, Jeanne Moreau, Rosamund Pike, Tatyana Ali, Raven Symone, Meghan Trainor, Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch

Kpop Idols: Dara (2ne1), Song Qian (Victoria of f(x)), Sana (Twice)

Sun in Libra with Venus in Sagittarius

Sun in Scorpio with Venus in Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius with Venus in Sagittarius

Sun in Capricorn with Venus in Sagittarius

Sun in Aquarius with Venus in Sagittarius

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Venus in Capricorn


Feminine Identity: Venus enters the cardinal earthy Capricorn. This sign is ruled by the cold and calculating planet Saturn. There are some things that Venus is comfortable with here, and some things she’s not too keen on. Saturn is exalted in Venus’s own sign, Libra. Therefore, Venus understands Saturn’s need for self-control, modesty, and relationship responsibility. She relates to Capricorn’s reserved nature. But Capricorn can be a little more firm about it. Venus is easy-going and not as serious as Capricorn is. She’s happy as long as a relationship is pleasurable. Capricorn wants to place rules and boundaries, which can make a relationship less pleasurable and ideal.

Venus in Capricorn women want their love interests to see them as ambitious, hard-working, down-to-earth, cool, dependable, mature, and loyal individuals.

They want their love interests to know that they can be good providers and will make good mates. They want their love interests to see they have a lot to offer. But they want the dirty dogs to know they also don’t play any games.

These women are mature and looking for real love. Even with someone they’re really attracted to, they set those boundaries.

Mostly, though, they are goal-oriented. When they set their sights on someone, they are determined to win that person’s affections.

In order to give them just the right class and just the right sexy, they aim for form-fitting attire in business, earthy, or sleek colors. They might be a fan of pencil skirts or bodycon dresses. These ladies like to stay in shape. They might choose attire that gives them a slimmer waist.

They may not show a lot of skin, but they make sure you know what’s going on underneath. Some do show a lot of skin if they’re feeling ambitious enough. They know what it takes to get their love interest to notice them. When they do show skin, they might like to show off their legs.

Leather always makes them feel sexy and in control.

They might whiten their teeth and make sure their skin is glowing before they get around their love interest. They might feel self-conscious if they wear braces unless braces are the new trend.

They like to look like they are worth it, so they might wear name brand attire or high-quality clothing and accessories.

Then there are others who are more simple.

Venus in Capricorn women attract love interests to them in traditional ways. They might flirt quietly and maturely. They might offer to cook dinner for a lover or they might buy or make their love interest a gift.

Love interests are drawn to them because they appear cool, calm, and in control. There’s a bossy sexiness about them. They seem to be able to manage a whole lot at the same time. The only thing they can’t control is their charisma.

These ladies like to take their time. They don’t like to rush. Those who appreciate that in a woman will love this about her.

These women seem like they have it all together. They are smart, practical, and wise. They are good with finances. They seem to have their scruples. When you get to know them, you realize they know what they’re doing.

Despite the fact that these women seem to be in control, these women cherish the simple things in life, and this makes them appear like simple lovers. While some Venus in Capricorns may intimidate suitors because they seem difficult to please and they seem to be self-reliant, others may be so appreciative of the little things in life that they may seem easy to please.

Because these women usually have their own money and other assets, they are willing to split the bill or treat their partner to some dinner sometimes. This can be attractive to a partner who wants to be taken care of.

These women aren’t attention-seekers when it comes to love. In fact, they can even be shy. Even if they love attention in other aspects of their lives, when around their crush they play it cool and keep their distance. They prefer to be approached, but if they want you, they will approach you in a smooth and straightforward way after they’ve carefully thought out what they want to say.

They don’t toy with people’s feelings. Eventually, they will let you know how they feel. They just need the right time to do so.

These women are classy. Despite what you might think, they have standards and they know how to behave on a date. This can be very attractive.

They are down-to-earth though. They know how to let go and have a little fun. They can be easy-going as well. They have a sense of humor, too.

The Venus in Capricorn woman’s weakness is that she’s got far more to offer than most of her suitors can compliment. Really, she doesn’t often need a partner accept for companionship. But her success can really be intimidating, especially because she often expects partners to offer even more than she has! She wants to be taken care of, but she can really take care of herself. It’s hard finding a partner that can truly meet her halfway. She may have to lower some of her expectations a bit. But trying to tell this stubborn lady to do that is more difficult than pulling teeth.

She’s also really distant. Despite the fact that she wants companionship, she’s rather reserved and traditional in some aspects. She’s always waiting for the right time to take the next step in her relationships. While this protects her from those who aren’t serious, it can also appear like she doesn’t trust the people she loves until they have really proven themselves.

She also might take love too seriously. She’s looking for someone loyal and dependable. She’s not really into airy affairs. If she does get in one, she has to get something out of it. When she’s serious, she is. This might dull the relationship a little bit, but she will definitely try to make sure it’s worth it.

They also take their time choosing lovers. They may be sure they love someone, but they may not always be sure that person is the one. They might run away from people who really care for them because of their insecurities or fears. They sometimes take too much time trying to decide when to tell someone their feelings or when to decide to choose a lover. By the time they’ve decided, their lovers might have moved right on. They need time. Lovers who are interested have to give them that time.

She might be known to use people for money or status. Most Venus in Capricorns are not like this, but there are some out there. They might get with people for the benefits or for business rather than love or pleasure. They are practical women and study the advantages of every situation. They have to be careful not to hurt people while climbing the ladder on someone else’s back.

Most of them would rather be with someone they’re in love with though.

She’s a realist. Sometimes, this makes it seem like she lacks imagination or that she’s negative. There are times where she might cut down others’ self-esteem or bring the mood down. A lot might sound good to her, but if your promises seem unrealistic, she’ll burst your bubble quickly. It’s best to be realistic about what you can do for her.

In order to keep the Venus in Capricorn woman feeling happy and loved, you must be serious about her. Take all the steps necessary in a courtship. Take her out on a couple of dinners. Spend time with her. Get to know her life and family. Be someone she can depend on.

Nothing makes her happier than tokens of commitment. If you can’t afford a ring right now, or if she’s not ready for marriage, do something to show her how much you want her and care about her.  You have to make her feel secure.

Sexually, these women are raw and straightforward. They like the experience to be simple and earthy. They have boundaries and rules, but they don’t mind a few kinks here and there. They like role-playing a lot.

They may like their legs rubbed, kissed, or caressed. They like skin-to-skin action in general.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations and boundaries. Find the sign Saturn is in and then look for the Venus sign on this page that’s closest. For example, if Saturn is in Aquarius, read Venus in Aquarius.

Celebrities: Björk, Kerli, Tyra Banks, Daryl Hannah, Britney Spears, Anna Faris, Miley Cyrus, Scarlett Johansson,  Kate Bosworth, Abbey Clancy,  January Jones, Faye Dunaway,  Dolly Parton, Helena Rubinstein, Isla Fisher, Cindy Crawford, Kesha, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lolo Ferrari, Julianne Moore, Portia de Rossi, Erykah Badu, Kristin Kreuk, Kate Bosworth, Axelle Red, Denise Richards, Holly Marie Combs, Diane Keaton, Lucy Liu, Betty White, JoJo, Brandy Norwood, Sarah Mclachlan, SZA, Molly Ringwald, Natasha Bedingfield, Jena Malone, Corinne Bailey Rae, Olivia Cooke, Karen Gillan, Susan Downey, Sara Evans, Rebel Wilson, Virginie Ledoyen, Yunjin Kim, Sasha Banks, Lucy Punch, Rachel McAdams, Diane Neal

Kpop Idols: Jihyo (Twice), Yuri (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Sooyoung (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Sowon (GFriend)

Sun in Scorpio with Venus in Capricorn

Sun in Sagittarius with Venus in Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn with Venus in Capricorn

Sun in Aquarius with Venus in Capricorn

Sun in Pisces with Venus in Capricorn

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Venus in Aquarius


Female Identity: Venus enters the erratic and changeable Aquarius, ruled by changeable Uranus and limiting Saturn. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. In this sign, there are some things that are similar to her nature. She’s an air planet; Aquarius is an air sign. Venus is about close social encounters; Aquarius is the sign of friendships and associations. Both Venus and Aquarius are about fairness and justice. But they have some differences. Venus is partner-oriented while Aquarius is independent. Venus is all about physical pleasures and gratification. Aquarius can live without the material and physical world. Venus likes when things are a little more predictable and pleasant. Aquarius sweeps in with its changes regardless of who’s ready for them.

Venus in Aquarius women want to be seen as unique, independent, cool, and intelligent individuals. They would want their love interests to see them as a best friend, as someone easy-going and easy to talk to.

These ladies don’t like to be boxed in, so they generally just want their love interests to see their fun sides. They want their love interest to know they are open-minded and quirky. They are someone who doesn’t mind being a little dorky and cute at times, sassy and sexy other times.

When around their love interest, what they wear all depends on their mood and what they like at the moment. Some of them tend to wear the newest trends. Others might have their own original style. They might enjoy bold and/or cool colors like electric blue, aqua, or turquoise. They might go for some neon, too. They might like to show a little skin sometimes, and other times they might not. They might generally like to show their legs or ankles. They might like sandals or ankle bracelets. Whatever they wear, they want their love interest to see them as someone who isn’t like any other girl they’ll ever meet.

Venus in Aquarius women attract love interests to themselves by being friendly, cute, a little flirty, and honest. They aren’t overt flirts because they don’t like being desperate, but they may give hugs and cute little love notes. They might even be a little spontaneous in their approach. They like to shock their love interests.

Love interests are attracted to them because they seem to be a little rebellious. They also seem really sweet and friendly.

People are really drawn to their intelligence. They care about world affairs and have their own independent thoughts and opinions on current events. They can be a lot of airy fun, but they are brilliant thinkers.

They make great conversationalists overall. They get close to their love interest by first conversing and becoming a good friend.

These ladies are experimental. This can be really attractive. They are unafraid to try the odd, eccentric, or unusual. They draw in quite a bit of suitors as a result.

The Venus in Aquarius woman’s weakness is that she’s impersonal and super independent. She doesn’t like being defined by her relationship and won’t let a partner hang on to her. She needs space. She needs her own thing. She won’t share everything with a partner and doesn’t need to know everything about her partner. This might make the partner feel as if they’re not in a real relationship but an actual friendship.

Venus in Aquarius women never want to feel owned by a partner, no matter who they’re dating. Some of them may not even want to be introduced as someone’s girlfriend and would rather introduce themselves as an individual. Some of them might think it’s perfectly fine for them to kiss someone just for fun, swing partners, or have sex outside of the relationship as long as they officially stay with their partner. Few do this, but if there are harsh aspects and the person isn’t evolved, it’s possible. Even if these women never step out of a relationship (because most of them are loyal, being a fixed sign and all), they don’t like feeling owned or possessed. That jealousy thing is not cute to them, either.

Venus in Aquarius women can be unusual. Some of them are just quirky, but others can be real oddballs. They might have radical viewpoints. They might be involved in some suspicious things. They might do eccentric or erratic things or have weird hobbies and interests. If they can find someone with the same interests in common, this may not be a problem.

You can always count on them to be non-traditional. If you’re expecting them to be a quiet little lady cooking in the kitchen, you’ve got another thing coming.

Speaking of radical viewpoints, they can be fierce about their beliefs. They might act like know-it-alls or they may act above certain petty behaviors. As open-minded as they usually are, there are some behaviors and personalities they just don’t like. And when they don’t like it, they look down on it.

In order to make them feel happy and loved, you simply have to accept them as they are. They don’t require too much. They enjoy sweet little gestures here and there, some spontaneous surprise dates, and kisses and hugs at times. But mostly, they need someone who will treat them like a good friend. They get scared when relationships get too serious or emotionally messy. Just keep it cool and calm for them. Be open-minded.

Sexually, these ladies can take pleasure in being a little experimental. They like to try new things and step outside of the box. They might identify with many different sexualities, so sex might be an interesting experience for both partners.

On the other hand, some of them might be completely asexual and may care to have a mental connection rather than a physical one. They may be above petty physical desires and may not like being in overly sexed love affairs. These are the types that don’t like being objectified too tough.

They do get so caught in the mind that they have a difficult time coming back down to the body. They have to be tempted to want to experience it at all.

When you do bring them down to earth, they like their legs and ankles kissed and caressed during the act.

Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn and currently ruled by Uranus. Find the Saturn and Uranus sign. Then look for the Venus sign that’s closest. For example, if Saturn and/or Uranus is in Pisces, read Venus in Pisces.

Celebrities:  Taylor Swift, Ashely Benson, Brenda Lee, Sheila E, Sade Adu, Viveca Lindfors, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge,  Melanie Chisholm, Helena Christensen, Sissy Spacek, Janis Joplin, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Christy Turlington,  Marlene Dietrich, Pixie Lott, Kim Novak, Lauren Conrad, Nora Zehetner, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Charlotte Rampling, Chloë Moretz, Sharon Tate, Minnie Driver, Mischa Barton, Mary Quant, Yoko Ono, Sheryl Crow, Ellen DeGeneres, Heather Graham, Sharon Stone, Kristin Davis, Jessica Biel, Eva Mendes, Ivana Trump, Heather Graham, Karolina Kurkova, Karen Carpenter, Vanessa Williams, Tea Leoni, Glenn Close, Olivia Wilde, Kelly Rowland, Nina Simone, Beth Ditto, Christine Keeler, Anna Hutchison, Ali Larter, Sheryl Crow, Elle MacPherson,  Aretha Franklin, Emily Osment, Paris Jackson, Teri Garr, Crystal Gayle, Amanda Peet, Kirstie Alley, Dido, Linda Blair, Alyson Hannigan, Shirley Jones, Gloria Swanson, Amy Lee, K. Michelle

Kpop Idols: Rosé (BlackPink), Seulgi (Red Velvet), Moonbyul (Mamamoo)

Sun in Sagittarius with Venus in Aquarius

Sun in Capricorn with Venus in Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius with Venus in Aquarius

Sun in Pisces with Venus in Aquarius

Sun in Aries with Venus in Aquarius

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Venus in Pisces


Female Identity: Venus enters Neptune’s and Jupiter’s sign, her exalted position, Pisces last. Here, she is at her best. She sheds her physical skin for something more spiritual (or rather translucent). Here, love is boundless (they tend to see friendship, family, and romantic love as equal forms of love and they have no qualms with homosexuality and asexuality, seeing both as acceptable as heterosexuality). Beauty is limitless. Friendship is forever. Anything else you can think of that transcends the boundaries of our usual thinking relates to Neptune and the sign of Pisces.  Venus can get a lot accomplished in the realm of dreams. Of course, she’s more at home with physical pleasures usually. Here, she’s reaching places she’s never reached before, but not without sacrifice. With Pisces being ruled by Jupiter, the other benefic planet, Venus sees that nothing but good can come from this sign. There is a strong moral and idealistic lean coming from planet Jupiter which makes love seem far more beautiful than it ever does in her own home. Of course, Jupiter is the planet of exaggeration…

Venus in Pisces women want their love interests to see them as sweet, feminine, easy-going, understanding, attractive, and as a soul mate. They want to be their love interest’s ideal girl. They want to make life easier for their love interests. They are willing to sacrifice a lot to make sure their love interests are happy.

They want their love interests to always see the good in them, to always be happy with them, to always accept them. They want to always be considered beautiful on the inside and out by a lover, no matter what happens or what obstacles come in the way. They even want their flaws to be accepted by a love interest.

In order to make their love interests happy, they might often shape-shift their appearance. They are amazing when it comes to the art of disguise. They are the best actors and queens of shape-shifting. They can recreate themselves into their lovers’ ideal. So, their image may change according to who they’re interested in.

If they are more confident in themselves, they may go for more feminine and soft colors. They might wear sensual and flowing fabrics. Some of them like to show skin, but many of them are too shy to expose too much. If their love interest really likes it, they will do it. But if they find that their love interest dislikes it, they will cover up more. They are adaptable. They might enjoy trying to figure out which look will work.

They may not care too much about their wardrobe, but their shoes will say everything. They might wear sexy shoes to attract the one they like. They will have pedicures more than likely. That’s how you’ll know they’re serious.

Venus in Pisces women attract love interests to them by being kind and sympathetic. They listen to their love interests. They quite often let the ones they love take the lead and seldom complain. They seem quiet, humble, and feminine, which is highly attractive to suitors.

They allow their love interests a lot of freedom. They don’t care if their love interests have a girlfriend or doesn’t love them in return. Their love is boundless. They tend to be the hopeless romantic at times and they often accept things from a relationship other women would not.

They are easygoing and content. They don’t have physical or material demands. They just want to have a good time and feel connected with their partner. They want to be held and kissed. They want to be told they are loved. That’s all they require. Most suitors are drawn to their simplicity.

These women have a soft and gentle allure. They appear delicate, like they need someone to help them and care for them. They also welcome all sorts of people with open arms, so they seem like a good person to go to for anything. They are willing to help and care for their love interests in return and they are seldom judgmental.

Venus in Pisces women are too shy to outwardly ask someone out. They might flirt shyly or they may be a little playful with someone they like. But actually confessing their feelings might be a little challenging. They might hope their love interest notices them.

The Venus in Pisces woman’s weakness is that she’s just not sure what she wants. She wants to be loved, but she’s often not sure who she really wants. If too many people ask her out at once, she might date them all, not really knowing how to push suitors away and maybe not really wanting to. She may like keeping her options open and having many suitors dote upon her.

She doesn’t state what she wants in a relationship either. This is because she doesn’t really know what she wants. She often lets her lovers walk all over her. She may be unhappy, but may not say anything. She may not know what to say. Later, she might become like a passive-aggressive or manipulative shark to get what she wants. All she would’ve needed to do was speak up. But because she’s afraid of disappointing her lover and arguing, she may be indirect and secretive.

She might even cheat behind her lover’s back.

This woman is also rather sensitive. She hates arguing, as was mentioned. She won’t like her flaws being thrown in her face. That’s sure to destroy the ideal love she wants. And it’s sure to make her want to run for the hills-or into the arms of someone else.

These women are also too idealistic in love. It can be bad for them and their partner. They tend to let in losers that aren’t good for them just to have love and that feeling of freedom. They really shy away from commitment because there’s too much responsibility and obligation involved. They also don’t like having to meet others’ expectations. That’s partially why they don’t state their demands. They don’t want people handing them a list of demands so they try not to do it to others.

This idealistic streak can be bad for their partners, too. They might expect their partners to be the perfect lovers, like the ones they read about in books or see on the movie screen. They might idolize their crush even. That can be hard to live up to.

These girls have a difficult time functioning alone. Though they can be independent and like their freedom, they suffer with break-ups more than others. It’s hard for them to bounce back. The problem is they tend to give too much of themselves away. They also become too emotionally dependent on their partner to the point they get lost after the relationship is over. They have to maintain some independence.

These ladies can be distant. They know how to distance themselves emotionally. They just don’t know how to hurt others’ feelings, which they have to do sometimes.

Last, these ladies are too quick to lose themselves in a partner. They are willing to change everything they are. They shouldn’t have to do all of that to please anybody. If the people in their lives can’t accept them for the beautiful, alluring, and compassionate people they are, they don’t need them!

In order to continue feeling loved and happy, these women need to be accepted, loved, and romanced. They want their fantasies to come true. They want to feel like they can escape the pressures of the world when with a love interest. They want to spend alone time with a lover. They want to be hugged and kissed. Show your affection.

Sexually, these ladies are open-minded but a little shy. They need someone to help them test the waters. Once they dive in though, they generally just get consumed by the experience. They have to be careful not to get addicted. They absolutely love sensual pleasures. They love losing their minds, bodies, and spirits for a while. Love-making could be an outlet for them.

They tend to like role-playing, experimenting, and kinks. They might have some fantasies they want fulfilled, but they might be too shy to initiate them. If they have a gentle and pleasing partner, they might be able to share their fantasies or their partner will ask.

Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter and currently ruled by Neptune. Find the signs of Jupiter and Neptune. Then find the Venus signs that are closest. For instance, if Jupiter and/or Neptune are in Aries, read Venus in Aries.

Celebrities: Zooey Deschanel, Michelle Obama, Shirley Bassey, Isabel Lucas, Alicia Keys, Natalie Imbruglia, Sasha Pivovarova, Agyness Deyn, Doutzen Kroes, Selita Ebanks, Geena Davis, Vanessa Redgrave, Drew Barrymore, Olivia Palermo, Ursula Andress, Rachel Weisz, Eva Herzigová, Laura Dern, Charlotte Church, Victoria Beckham, Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson, Lucy Lawless, Maria Sharapova, Kate Hudson, Céline Dion, Reese Witherspoon, Kourtney Kardashian, Norah Jones, Claire Danes, Suri Cruise, Joss Stone, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Jennifer Grey, Diana Ross, Penélope Cruz,  Kelly Clarkson, Kirsten Dunst, Michelle Pfeiffer, Barbra Streisand, Bettie Page, Andie Macdowell, Queen Elizabeth, Emma Roberts, Dove Cameron, Camila Cabello, Becky G

Kpop Idols:  Jennie (BlackPink), Wendy (Red Velvet), Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation/SoShi/SNSD), Solar (Mamamoo), Wheein (Mamamoo)

Sun in Capricorn with Venus in Pisces

Sun in Aquarius with Venus in Pisces

Sun in Pisces with Venus in Pisces

Sun in Aries with Venus in Pisces

Sun in Taurus with Venus in Pisces

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I hope you enjoyed this article. Sorry for the length. :/ But I hope you’re able to understand women and their feminine energy a little more. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Share your Venus sign!

Venus the goddess is everywhere there is love, peace after war, beauty and style, comfort and pleasure

Venus the goddess is everywhere there is love, peace after war, beauty and style, comfort and pleasure