Tag Archives: literature

7 Animated Movies That Almost Seem Like Disney Movies + 7 of Disney’s Sexiest Characters

13 Dec

In the 1990’s, Disney experienced a Renaissance of sorts. Most people know of this. It was Disney’s greatest age. Disney gained popularity once again after a Dark Age during the 1960’s and 1970’s. Who Framed Roger Rabbit and The Little Mermaid brought Disney back on their game.

During Disney’s Renaissance, there were other animation studios that tried to imitate Disney’s musical movies, due to Disney’s success. Some of the studios failed, some studios actually succeeded in making movies as great as Disney.

This article is to share with you 7 movies that were just as good as Disney’s movies, and almost could’ve been Disney movies, but weren’t.

1) Cats Don’t Dance

With stronger animation than most movies of its day, it could remind someone of movies like The Goofy Movie or Oliver and Company. The movie’s focus is on an animal and how he paves his way to stardom. Randy Newman contributed to some of the film’s music. Name sound familiar? He was in charge of the music in The Princess and the Frog. This style of music really makes the movie feel like a Disney film. Of course, it’s missing the strong story elements that Disney had, but the music and characters were just as lovable as any Disney movie.

2) Thumbelina

This sweet story about a female heroine the size of a thumb always brings us back to Disney, who is often known for their heroines. The story was written by Hans Christian Andersen. Sound familiar? He was the same writer that wrote The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. Most people know The Snow Queen‘s loose adaptation, Frozen. Hans’s name was even used for one of Frozen‘s characters! It’s no surprise that this movie reminds people of a Disney movie. With all the interesting characters and Thumbelina’s long voyage from home, we begin to wonder if Disney had some hand in the story. Well, technically they did. Don Bluth, the director of the movie, once worked for Disney. He left Disney during Disney’s “Dark Age”, and started his own rival company. He had quite a few successes, many of which will end up on this list.

3) The Iron Giant

This story takes place in 1957 during the Cold War. I think the story carries a deep past and an interesting message. The critics have looked favorably on the film. But it isn’t Disney. This is a movie you would not want to miss. Unlike some of the other movies on this list, it had no Disney animators, directors, or song-writers influencing its direction. It reminds me of Disney without even trying to be like Disney. I still think this is one of the greatest animated movies of the 1990’s.

4) Balto

Balto is actually based off of a true story and actually holds a deep past. The story creates Balto into the animated hero he deserves to be. In 1925 Alaska, a diphtheria outbreak threatened the children in the area of Nome. This brave dog is expected to carry antitoxins from one part of Alaska to another, meeting dangerous weather and circumstances along the way. I learned about the intensity of this outbreak through this movie. Man, was I shocked to find this wasn’t a Disney movie. It should’ve been. Well, Steven Spielberg was in charge of the movie, and he was known for his great story-telling. This movie was underrated, but very well-developed and touching.

5) An American Tail

Steven Spielberg and Don Bluth both had a hand in this film, so it was inevitable that it would be confused for a Disney film. This movie taught me the hardships that people endured trying to come into the United States, all through the eyes of Anthropomorphic mice and cats. This movie was definitely an engaging story. This was a movie I always watched over and over. But it didn’t have to be a Disney movie in order to be good.

6) The Prince of Egypt

Based off of the Biblical story about Moses, the animation and musical scores in this movie made it powerful enough to compete with Disney’s movies. It always reminded me of The Huntchback of Notre Dame because of the religious elements involved. The story was very powerful and I seriously thought I had Disney pegged on this one. Nope. I was wrong.

7) Anastasia

Though I’ve always known this was a Fox movie, because the beginning didn’t have Tinkerbell or Mickey Mouse like so many Disney movies had in the 90’s, I know many people who confuse her for a Disney Princess. She’s a spunky lost princess. She sings epic musical Broadway-style numbers. She wears pretty ball gowns and her love interest is an orphan. The main villain has supernatural abilities, a musical score all his own, and is deadly. What isn’t Disney about this movie? The fact that it doesn’t carry a Disney logo. This is one of the greatest animated films in the history of animated films. It is loosely based off of the real Duchess Anastasia. I can honestly watch this movie until times get better.

So, you people should check these movies out. No, they are not Disney movies. But if you love animated films, get the nostalgia jones, or just want to try something new, give them all a watch one day.

6 of Disney’s Sexiest Characters

Well, talking about animated films has brought me back to Disney films. I recently started watching some old Disney movies. Now that I’m older, I can catch some of the “suggestive” jokes I couldn’t really grasp as a child. But I’m also starting to realize how hot certain characters are. Some characters were even deliberately made to be sexy by Disney! I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but I’ve acquired a list anyway.

1) Prince Naveen 

He speaks French, he’s a prince, and he’s romantic. What isn’t sexy about that? Only a man this charming and handsome could woo the focused Tiana in The Princess and the Frog. What makes it better is that he speaks French, duh! Didn’t I say that? 😛 French is a romantic language, and thus, a sexy language. His accent also adds charm to him, as well as his ability to let go and just have fun. And hey, he’s pretty handsome…When he’s not a frog…

2) Megara

Megara, Nut Meg, was the “femme fatale” character from Hercules who worked with the Lord of the Underworld, Hades. She is an anti-hero of sorts, so her moral and ethics are not the strongest, but she turns into a good girl eventually. Of course, as a servant of Hades, she’s expected to coerce and seduce Hercules into giving away his secrets, particularly his weaknesses, for Hades’ evil plans. And she does it so well, she oozes hotness. Just the way she says, “Bye, Bye Wonderboy” can send shivers down the spine. “Femme Fatale” says hot to me.

3) Flynn Rider

He was never meant to be sexy, but he just is. He oozes bad-boy charm and is the handsomest “prince” to date. He is probably one of the few well-developed male characters in a princess movie created by Disney. Though he’s a bad boy, he is also sweet and cute. Every girl’s dream.

4) Princess Jasmine

Princess Jasmine, from the movie Aladdin, is the only Disney Princess with an hour-glass curvy body and a skimpy wardrobe. And man can she work her bod! The best part is that Jasmine is strong, beautiful, and smart! She’s very sharp. That makes her even sexier. But Jasmine knew how to turn on her seductive powers whenever it was convenient, which shows she was very aware of how attractive she was.

5) Esmeralda

Esmeralda is a gypsy street-performer who does what she can to survive in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. She is quite the under-dog, the outcast, and has a deep spiritual side to her. But when she gets in front of an eager crowd, she knows how to draw a man’s eyes to her. In fact, she made the Archdeacon, Frollo, so mad with lust, he burned down all of Paris just to find her! If anyone has a strong sexy power, it’s her. And all she had to do was pole dance. Well, she kind of flirted with the crowd, too. But just about every man in the story was in love with her and super jealous of Phoebus, who was the only man that actually won her heart. She has an “exotic beauty” aura about her. And boy, does she look good in red. This movie is a little too deep for kids, now that I think about it…

6) Jack Sparrow

Pirates of the Caribbean is Disney’s most successful live-action film, and it is geared towards a 13+ crowd. Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) is a charismatic pirate who creates most of the comedy and seduction the movie provides. He is edgy, but definitely full of charisma. He persuades and seduces everyone throughout the whole movie, man or woman! He convinced Will Turner to join his crew. He happened to wheedle himself out of danger just with his charm. And he’s slick as ice. Does it help that he is also handsome? It was made clear that he has had many women in his lifetime, and he can’t always remember each of their names! Even Elizabeth Swann had a taste of his smexy lips in one of the sequels…Before she turned on him…What woman, of any generation, would think he is anything but sexy? He’s probably not the best for a long-term mate, but he’s certainly a gem for those who want to have a good time.

7) Jessica Rabbit

Who Framed Roger Rabbit introduced us to Disney’s (and animation’s) most racy character, Jessica Rabbit. Jessica Rabbit is now considered a “sex icon”, producing erotic responses from many males the world over. There are so many perverted sketches of her online, it’s pretty evident she is an ideal. Her infamous line “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way” reveals it all. This “femme fatale” character is hot and a bit naughty, and we, the audience, like it. Just like Esmeralda, she sings and dances for the feasting eyes of men. But let’s just say she’s a little more interactive…And there’s just something about her that just feels a little more deliberate.

This “bad” girl has a body that is so bodacious. Her breasts are so large, she keeps everything she needs in them! Is she really a Disney character? XD

This “fiery red” chick spells hot all over.

Leave me a comment and share some of your favorite animated stories!

The Civil Equality Tests

29 Nov


Previously, I created a Bly Test and Socrates Test to improve gender relations, and create a more “equal” experience in media. These tests were based off of the Bechdel Test, a test known to create a more equal and fair female movie experience, but is very vague in it’s standards. You can click the links on “Bly Test” or “Socrates Test” to learn more about them…

But lately, the topic seems to be about race and ethnicity. Ever since the Michael Brown case, racial issues have resurfaced into a second “black-power” movement of sorts. Many of the issues center around racism. Though I believe the Michael Brown case had little to do with race, more on that here —>Michael Brown case issue<—, the topic of race was bound to show up sometime in this century. It has been boiling up for years.

Because it has shown up, I realized how tense relations between the many ethnic groups are. The issue is that neither side understands the other, and neither side wants to. The protests show that many ethnic groups, particularly the Caucasian and African American groups, do not trust each other. And yes, I say each other. Neither sides want to be caught up in a race issue, and yet both sides can’t seem to rise above the issue.

Racism still exists, true enough. There are white people out here who hate black people just because they are dark-skinned. There are white people who are closed-minded and think they are better than other ethnic groups. There are white people who believe the European way of doing things is, was, and always will be the superior way of living.

On the other hand, there are some black people who have a difficult “character” to deal with. Many prefer to solve their problems with aggression and violence. And many black people don’t trust any white people and so will find racism in every little thing. That could be challenging for a white person who really isn’t racist. Some black people don’t want to like white people, and want to live their life in hatred. Some have developed racist attitudes themselves (yes, it’s possible for a black person to be racist).

Yet, black issues, even without racism, are ignored. What is resurfacing is something that hasn’t been truly weeded out at the origin. Race issues have only been touched on the surface, but the deeper psychological scars haven’t been healed. Grandmothers are still alive to tell their stories. It still affects the children of today, if even in small ways. Yes, the slaves have been free for hundreds of years. Yes, the civil rights era was over 50 years ago. But were the issues truly resolved at the core? At the deep psychological core?

Because this issue still persists, and because the races still have tension, neither side will cross that dividing line of trust. The real issue lies within. How do we view each other? This issue is even more intense than the division between men and women.

In order to root out racism, one must have insight. Hatred is an internal thing that may not be visible. A superiority complex is something that is bred deep within. The true meaning of racism is to think one race is superior to another. This can be done from all sides. Sometimes, the affect is so deeply-rooted, we may not even realize it is there until we are tested.

This test is to check to see if all of us, we as people, have any hidden inner racist ideas, and to help us become more open-minded to other races. This may not be the overall answer, but it could be the start of healing racial tension.

I’m calling this test the “Civil Equality” Test. This test will push a more equal mind-set in people in a civil way by allowing people to reflect and think about other nationalities outside of their own. This will also rule out any self-hatred. For once, imagine being a different ethnicity for a day. How would you think? How would you feel? What would you do in your daily life? These are simple questions that a person with true understanding of another could answer.

This test may be controversial in nature, and I hate to step myself into racial issues. I like all people. I’m African American, and I’m obsessed with Asian culture. But as such, it’s even more important that I step into this issue.

One may argue that one race could never understand another race. But if we have that attitude, how can we ever resolve racial issues? How can we ever find peace among each other? We all live on this Earth, we can’t escape each other. Understanding is the key to ending war among people…Unless of course you enjoy and thrive on war…Then, you may have some other mental issues you have to work through…


This test works differently from the Bechdel Test, the Bly Test, and the Socrates Test. This test will pose a series of questions for each person to reflect on and answer. If you can answer ALL of these questions, then your mind is open to learning about other nationalities. This means you are NOT racist, because you don’t think your own ethnicity so superior that you are not willing to try to understand other ethnicity groups. If you can only answer half of these questions, you may be interested in other ethnic groups, but you only care about your own people and are only interested mostly in things that reflect you personally. You may have hidden prejudices or may ignore races you don’t feel fit in your world. If you can’t answer ANY of the questions, you have a hidden superiority complex and are a hidden RACIST. You might want to make friends or associate with different kinds of people so you can understand people outside of your small range of understanding…

So, here come the questions…Not that this should be the ONLY thing that decides whether a person is open to understanding others, but I think this test will be pretty basic. If you can pass this test, you have a start. Even a child could pass this test. So are you ready? Here goes.

1) What is Your Favorite Movie Where one African/Black descendant Male AND one Female Stars as a Main Character

Then name a music artist

Cartoons are included, by the way.

I will begin with this for starters, since this is my own ethnicity, and I will give an example, just to show you how this works. As an African American, I have plenty of knowledge on African American media, so obviously this would be the first to answer. It’s best to start with your own nationality to rule out self-hatred.

I know one African American woman who hates all black media. She never has a good reason why…I sense some self-hatred.

My favorite movie where black males starred are Friday, The Brothers, Bad Boys, Good Burger, and White Chicks. I enjoy all of the Madea movies. My favorite movie where a black female stars is The Princess and the Frog. I also enjoyed CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story and Akeelah and the Bee. I also love 2 Can Play that Game. I also loved Why do Fools Fall in Love and The Color Purple. I loved Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, starring Brandy. I also liked College Road Trip.

Favorite male music artists are Omarion, Usher, Ne-yo, Dru Hill, Chris Brown, Tony! Toni! Tone!, The Jacksons, Prince, Stevie Wonder, The Gap Band, and New Edition. Favorite female music artists are Rihanna, Tamia, Janet Jackson, Monica, Brandy, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson, En Vogue, Toni Braxton, and TLC.

See how easy that was? You don’t have to name two, but if you can name more than one, you are really interested in thinking outside of your own realm. If you can name more than one in your own ethnicity, you do not suffer from self-hatred in any way, as you can relate to your own ethnic experience and are not ashamed to watch entertainment geared towards your own target audience.

2) What is Your Favorite Movie Where one Caucasian Male AND one Female Stars as a Main Character (name at least one that is Jewish, too)

Then name a music artist

I know there are plenty to choose from, but it’s still something to consider.

My favorite movie where a Caucasian male stars is Pirates of the Caribbean and all of the Harry Potter series. I also love Stepbrothers and Bedtime Stories. My favorite movie where a Caucasian female stars is A Series of Unfortunate Events. I also enjoyed Hunger Games and Tomb Raider. I also loved The Golden Compass. I absolutely love Annie, Psycho, and all of the American Girl movies.

My favorite male Caucasian artists are Panic!At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, A7X, Justin Timberlake, Adam Lambert, Backstreet Boys, Jesse McCartney, ColdPlay, Robin Thicke, Eminem. My favorite female Caucasian artists are Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Lillix, Gwen Stefani, Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga, Pink, Adele, Demi Lovato, Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Amy Lee, Hayley Williams, and Miley Cyrus.

3) What is Your Favorite Movie Where one Hispanic/Latino Male AND one Female Stars as a Main Character

Then name a music artist.

My favorite movie where a Hispanic/Latino male stars is The Legend of Zorro. But I’m afraid I don’t watch enough of Spanish media. 😦 I need to open my mind more…

My favorite movie where a Hispanic/Latino female stars is Gotta Kick It Up and the Cheetah Girls series. I also loved The Princess Protection Program.

I ought to be ashamed of myself. I should have more knowledge of Spanish media. 😦 You see how honest you have to be with yourself? It takes a lot of courage to have insight.

Perhaps others can recommend some movies where Spanish-speaking individuals star, and excuse my ignorance.

My favorite male Hispanic/Latino music artists are Daddy Yankee, Fat Joe, Miguel, Enrique Iglesias, and Mario Vazquez. My favorite female music artists are J.Lo, Prima J., Selena, Paula DeAnda, Nina Sky, and Adrienne Bailon.

4) What is Your Favorite Movie Where one Asian Male AND one Female Stars as a Main Character

Then name a music artist.

My favorite movies where Asian males starred are Prince of Tennis Chinese live action, Detective Conan live action, Mushishi live action, Fashion King, and Rush Hour. My favorite movies where Asian females starred are When Love Walked In, Mulan, and To The Beautiful You.

My favorite male music artists are Gackt, Shinee, Suju-Henry, Got7, Se7en, Show Luo, Bi-Rain, Jo Kwon, George Nozuka, and Mike Shinoda. My favorite female music artists are BoA, Utada Hikaru, f(x), Keiko Lee, Namie Amuro, Ayumi Hamasaki, Jade Valerie, Kristine Sa, and Jolin Tsai.

5) What is Your Favorite Movie Where one Middle Eastern/Indian/Islamic/ Israeli Male AND one Female stars as a Main character

Then name a music artist.

My favorite movie where a Middle Eastern stars is Million Dollar Arm. Unfortunately, I don’t know too many movies with women starring as leads. 😦 I need to open my mind here.

My favorite male artist is Tarkan. My favorite female artists are Tina Sugandh, Natacha Atlas, Nawal Al Zoghbi, M.I.A, Super Woman and Humble the Poet, and Samira Said.

6) What is Your Favorite Movie where one Indigenous/Native Male AND one FEMALE stars as a Main Character 

Then name a music artist

My favorite movie where a female stars is Pocahontas. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many that I know here, either. I really need to learn more about other cultures.

My favorite female music artist is Lucy Idlout. I don’t know any Native/Indigenous male artists, unfortunately. 😦

So, you see? This one simple examination can reveal how open-minded a person really is. It can also reveal how open-minded media is in representing all kinds of people. Hopefully this sort of test opens people’s minds. Just doing it myself made me realize where I was lacking.

You can bring these questions to other categories, such as literature and television shows. Then you may really be able to open your minds. It’s also healthy to know about at least one historical figure that’s of a different nationality other than your birth nationality. When we can open our minds, and learn about others, we become less racist in our own minds. After all, racism begins as a mentality.


Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the test. If you’re not too shy, perhaps you can share with me some of your favorite movies with different ethnic groups.


Alice in Wonderland

16 May

Alice in Wonderland has become a popular part of today’s culture. It has developed into a “cult” film. There are many people interested in the story, and there’s a lot of merchandise that comes with it. I’ve seen clothing items, handbags, school supplies, toys, jewelry, posters, and many other items dedicated to this story. Teenagers had made it into somewhat of a sub-culture.

The story is quite fascinating. Many people can’t decipher the reality or inspiration behind the story. Nothing makes sense-but that’s the point, right? It’s very “mental”.

Most people are most familiar with the Walt Disney film that came out in 1950’s titled Alice in Wonderland. What most people don’t realize it that film was the most inaccurate portrayal of Alice in Wonderland out of all of the portrayals. But because most people are familiar with this one, it is often considered the main story. Whenever a new movie comes out that is more accurate, I hear people saying, “Oh, I hate it. It’s nothing like the original.” The “original” they are usually referring to is Disney’s version.


But did you know that Disney’s version was based off of Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) AND his second novel Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871)?


Disney chopped up both stories and stuck them in one movie, combining the queens together, even combining some characters with the Mad Hatter, and omitting the scariest antagonist in the story, the Jabberwocky. The story made the “Jabberwocky” poem a popular part of poetic literature and modern culture, even though it’s purely, well, nonsense. I think there’s even a rock band named Jabberwocky. See why this is a “cult” film now?

The most accurate live-action portrayal of both books was the two-part 1985 film Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass. It was made-for-tv, and it had a huge all-star cast.

Though the graphics are boo boo, the costumes are bogus, and the musical numbers are distracting, this film brought out all of the elements of Lewis Carroll’s novels, so the story was good. Once you watch this version, you can really see just how whimsical the TRUE story is. I just wish Disney had done true justice to the story. There are some characters I would’ve liked to see animated or re-done with modern graphics.

So, take a look at the 1985 version of the film and let me know what YOU think!

If you like Disney, here is a sneak peek at Disney’s next live-action film, Cinderella! Watch the trailer! Set to come out March 2015!

What has happened to the Entertainment Industry for youth? II

14 Jun

This is the second part to my last journal entry. And it’s been bugging me for a while now as well. But the next thing that is irritating me is:


Now, I won’t say television was always good in the past. They had some really crappy shows in the past, just like they do today, but today’s “idea” of creativity is just taking a dump on viewers.

Take a look at MTV. It has gotten so retarded. This channel used to be for MUSIC only. That’s why it’s called Music TV! It used to be MUSIC VIDEOS mostly. Then they got rid of TRL for some odd reason…oh, because stupid reality shows and Podcast shows began to air, even though TRL was shysty too, considering it allowed a bunch of teeny boppers to vote! And even though, yes music sucked back then too, it showed a variety of artists so you wouldn’t have to sit through hours of your least favorite singer. Now, it’s just marathons and marathons of women acting like sleazes, running around pulling each other’s hair out. And one show was okay which was Flavor of Love…until EVERY SINGLE SHOW THAT AIRED MIMICKED IT! Now there is no variety on this Network. It is just infested with reality shows. Even VH1 is following suit. And VH1 is supposed to be VIDEOS! What the Hollow! But these stupid children don’t know variety. Even the teenagers have no concept of what creativity and variety means. MTV’s shows don’t even fit it’s title! Why is MOTHER AT 16 on there? That has nothing to do with music!

I really feel sorry for the boys. MTV isn’t for them anymore. At least it used to play music all genders could get into. Now, it’s a woman’s world….which I hate to be sexist, though I am a woman, but women are not very creative. All they want to see is drama, which becomes repetitive and just outright stupid.

MTV used to be for college students. Now these teeny boppers are taking over, ruining the network.

MTV sucks

What happened MTV?

Stop it MTV, get off the Air!

MTV used to promote new artists and give underground artists a chance. They used to promote artists. I mean they have MTV Iggy, but no one knows about that flapping show!


MTV a conspiracy???

MTV is taking a fart on it\’s viewers!

I know these kids have to have serious brain damage to feed into this poop. They like to eat this crap! This cowshisuck!

And apparently, MTV is not the only corporation that can’t read it’s own Network title. WTFOOL Cartoon Network?

Cartoon Network…LOL…Cartoon Network used to be a network full of great cartoons. In my youth, we grew up in the best age for television. We not only had old classic shows on Toonheads, which explained the history of the shows and showed the shows since 1930s, Tex Avery shows, Acme Hour full of Tweety and Bugs Bunny, Hanna-Barbara like Scooby-doo and Yogi Bear, but we had excellent original cartoons like Johnny Bravo, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory, Samarai Jack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, O Canada, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Ed Edd and Eddy…..and last but not least Toonami. Toonami showed all the anime you could think of, plus some action animation, and super hero shows like Justice League with Batman and Superman, and there was even X-Men and Teen Titans and Puffy Ami Yumi. Even Captain Planet and Static Shock beats this shisuck, and they were the worst back in the day. I’d rather sit through five hours of Hamtaro before I watch this garbage!

Now look at Cartoon Network. They have stupid aspirin shows like 16 and TOTAL FLOCKING DRAMA ISLAND. They also got stupid crap shows like Camp Lazlo, if that hasn’t died already, and BEN 10! WTHALL! These shows can’t even relate to kids. Total Drama Island is like watching another MTV! I really do think that’s where Cartoon Network is getting some of their ideas for shows, I really do.  16? What kid who is watching Cartoon Network is 16? If they are, who would watch that crap? It’s a bunch of shallow cliche teenagers who do what the kids on MTV and Disney do (the other crapped-up channel). And where is the anime? These stupid kids don’t even watch anime. “It’s too boring” They said! Now I get it….kids are too dumb to even decipher a simple storyline in an anime. All they want is comedy. Again, no variety. It’s just the same stupid cartoons over and over again. Either they are total rip-offs of Spongebob *cough Flapjack cough* are more Disney Channel and MTV-like rip-off wannabe cartoons! And some kids have the nerve to defend this CRAP! *spit* They say “This is our generation. We don’t care about your golden age of cartoons.” Now I know the cartoons are brainwashing our kids to be idiots.

And wait that’s not all they adopted from MTV, they forgot they were CARTOON network and added CNREAL! Lord Have Mercy Kelly Clarkson Eddie Murpy! And kids defend this! Even a retarded person knows that cartoons have NOTHING to do with LIVE ACTION!! ARGGHHH!!!! It’s like the company never went to second grade before! Even a second grader knows that! They are not smarter than fifth graders! Oh wait, they are brainwashing these kids. Now the kids are just as dumb!

There are some smart kids left, so what\’s wrong with you \”CN\”?

CN sucks!

Oh the Day they KILLED Cartoon Network!

This is murder! This is scarier than watching a horror movie!

Cartoon Network must be making fun of their viewers right now saying, “Oh these kids are so stupid! They’ll watch anything as long as it looks like Hannah Montana.”

And that brings me to Disney. The person running Disney now is Anne Kathaway or something like that. Who the Hall put her in charge? Like I said, women, I’m sorry, but you are not very creative creatures when it comes to television. You suck in the variety department. And it’s as if Disney forgot all of it’s male viewers and are totally feeding into the female teeny-boppers. Isn’t that sexist? Oh, but now they have Disney XD, which many people might not have if they don’t have on Demand. And with that got rid of Toon Disney…sighs…what happened to the days when Disney was for everyone? The whole family. In fact, Hannah Montana wasn’t the face of Disney, Mickey Mouse was…and you know what happened to him? They threw him on a retarded show called Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They are humiliating an iconic Disney character. Walt Disney would kill himself all over again. He should come back to haunt whoever is in charge because they are ruining not only this channel, but they are setting the pattern for other shows to be CRAP! And whatever happened to the real Disney classical movies? Well, Princess and the Frog was one step forward. But the kids only know Disney Channel! What the buck!

Then the shows that I remember were WAY better. Disney used to have The Jersey, The Famous Jett Jackson (which Hannah Montana ripped off), and my all-time favorite, So Weird, which we can blame it’s decline on “soccer moms”. I HATE soccer moms. Moms…mind your own business! No one cared what you watched when you popped in bugs bunny and scooby doo! I remember them showing shows like Growing Pains, Brotherly Love, Smart Guy, Boy Meets World, In a Heartbeat, Bug Juice, and Disney even showed old classical shows like Zorro, The Ink and Paint Club which was Mickey mouse all night, and a Wonderful World, they even showed the original Mickey Mouse Club!….and the Disney Channel Movies? AW MAN! They were the highlight of my day! They had unique plots. There just weren’t girl movies, but movies for the fellows too like Brink, Johnny Tsunami, Genius, Punkz, 13th Year, Can of Worms,  Horse Sense, Jumping Ship, Smart House, etc. Then the girly movies like Wish Upon a Star, Stepsister from Planet Weird, Zenon, Halloween Town, Susie Q, Model Behavior, Rev It Up, ! Aw man, the horror movies actually were it’s best. Like Hocus Pocus, Scream Team, Phantom of the Megaplex, Mom’s Got a date With a Vampire, Under Wraps, Don’t Look Under the Bed, Tower of Terror, etc! Just so many good shows! To me, I think the decline started with Lizzie Maguire because that’s when all the “teeny boppers” showed up and changed Disney, but there was still some varietal shows like Even Stevens, Phil of the Future, Naturally Sadie, The Proud Family, Kim Possible.Some movies were also good like Read It and Weep, Tru Confessions, Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-off, Cheetah Girls (the first not the others), and I had no problem with the original High School musical until it got too ridiculous, like how do you have High School Musical over summer break? There is no school! stupid.

Now the only three shows that I liked on Disney was That’s So Raven, Phineas and Ferb, and Life with Derek. It gave Disney some variety instead of the SAME THING. But these kids are idiots. “It’s not funny..duh…” And Life with Derek was cancelled, the only REAL show during the Renaissance period of Disney CHANNEL. Why does every show have to be funny? See, that’s why everything is so repetitive. Because this generation lacks creativity of the mind! They like repetitive crap in their mouth to come out and puke on all the good old shows.

All of their shows are the same. Someone is trying to get famous and trying to hide their identity. Look at Hannah Montana. Just like Jett back in the day, she is a “famous pop singer” and all she does is whine and complain about how it’s hard to be a normal girl and a singer. And she has to hide her identity, when it’s clearly obvious she’s the same singer because they have the same face…Wizards of Whatever also are Wizards trying to hide their magic, same thing as Hannah Montana, trying to “hide something”. And then Sonny With a Chance, trying to be famous (another iCarly really), and Suit Life on Deck is just a retarded idea period. The original was okay, but when Maddy left, I said forget it. And then…it became INFESTED with comedies! The lack of variety is so obvious, it doesn’t matter which show I’m watching, they all look the same.

It’s like they are encouraging kids to grow up to be shallow, whiny teenagers, who instead of working for what they want, complain like they haven’t grown an inch. They are teaching our kids that they can get famous for not trying at all. Money, but no effort. How sick is that? I say that because I’m still perplexed how most of them became actors and actresses. Some of them need to get fired from the studio. And since when was it a good idea to make actors and actresses into singers? I know you want clean music for kids, Anne, but getting even worse singers and performers is traumatizing them just as badly! And now these kids don’t know the difference between good music and bad. They think good means “anybody who is on TV”. That’s not what makes a singer good. Because these television shows are not about finding talent, but finding someone stupid enough to act stupid on television. And now they’re only showing FOUR Disney Channel original movies! Bull crap! simply put. Bull Crap Disney. Fire this woman!

Disney, go kill yourself!

Argh! The Agony!

Last but not least I have to attack this network, though I don’t believe this is any of their fault. I blame the viwership: the mentally damaged children. This network is known as Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon was not only a good network for kids, but for everyone. It was one of the most awesome networks on television. This show had more variety than any kid’s network on the air. They not only had Nick Jr in the morning, which I watched even when I was 10, they had good shows for kids, like Blues Clues, Little Bill, Little Bear, Franklin, and Face, who introduced me to peanut butter and banana btw. They had Gullah Gullah Island, which even kids watched. Then by the afternoon, even greater shows came on like Rugrats, the most popular of course, Hey Arnold, Angry Beavers, Ren and Stimpy, Ka-blam, All That, Kenan and Kel, The Amanda Show,  Invader’s Zim, My Brother and Me, Clarissa Explains It All (before Lizzie Maguire), The Wild Thornberrys, even Ned’s De-Classified was pretty okay later on, and Spongebob, who was more like a surfer dude, than he was a gay clown like he is today. And not all gay people act like clowns, but does. I’d say the decline happened with Unfabulous. And that’s when I realized Nick was trying to imitate Disney and their “teeny-bopper” ways. I couldn’t believe it. Nick at Nite is still good because I like Malcolm in the Middle and Everybody Hates Chris. In fact, THOSE should’ve been on NICK!!!! What the FOOL!

But Nick can’t help it. I mean that’s what the stupid kids want to watch. The only recently good show they had on Nick was Avatar: The Last Airbender. That was pretty good. I watched the whole show, and was upset when it ended.

So yeah, I think television might be some sick way for kids to go outside and play. They got together and said , “Hey let’s make it suck so kids can be more active.” But it didn’t work. Instead, the retarded kids thought it was good…

So some people may ask, why am I ranting on this? Am I a “soccer mom”? I’m older now, I don’t have to worry about cartoons, right? Wrong. I DO care what the kids of today watch. I’m not a “soccer mom”, who just condemns every little thing with too much violence and killing and a little horror or suspense, but at least if you’re going to have it, do it right. These companies know they can take advantage of kids because kids are dumb enough to fall into their scandals. Kids don’t know any better. These corporations believe they can throw out crap and cash in on the kids who don’t think anything about it…rather don’t think at all!

I feel there is nothing wrong with me wanting the kids of today to have quality television, instead of a large quantity of bull crap! If you’re going to buy Demand Cable, you might as well make sure it’s worth it!

Also, my generation of viewers never grew up from cartoons. We loved our networks. We knew it was quality. So we are still among the viewers of these networks. Why do you think they’re trying to raise the bars on Cartoon Network with Adult Swim and stuff? Because we loved this stuff, and because we also watch it, we see what they’re doing to the kids. We see they are making the kids look like idiots, and it’s not right.

You may say, who am I to say it’s crap? Every generation hates the last, right? And that much is true. BUT, there are some things in the generation that I like, like Disney Channel has Pass the Plate. That’s good they are encouraging international union. BUT…any logical person knows that if something is called MTV, music television, you play music….and anyone knows that if you are CARTOON NETWORK, you play ONLY cartoons on the network. Why lead people astray with the title, and then they flip and see a live action show? I would be like “Is my television broken? Am I on the wrong channel?” If you’re going to do that, change the title of the network!


There’s only so much I can say. There is more, but I’m tired. Hey, me and a couple of 90s kids are getting together to create our own network of good shows, so if anyone wants to join in, let me know in the comments.