Tag Archives: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Brand New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer @ D23 Expo Japan 2018! + New Utada Theme Song!

11 Feb

A brand new Kingdom Hearts III trailer just dropped…and I’ve been trying not to get over-hyped, but…this trailer snatched my soul.

Let me share the trailer with you all so you’ll get the feel of what I’m feeling right now.

Wow. There was so much to take in, I don’t even know where to begin. I’ll try to talk about everything. But at this point, Square, Disney, and Tetsuya Nomura can just take my wallet.

The following review will contain some spoilers. So if you haven’t played all of the in-between games, and you still want to play them, be cautious when reading or just enjoy the trailer above and all the trailers below the article. I can tell you right now that playing all the games are important if you don’t want to be confused playing this new game…Get the HD remixes if you have PS4!

If you want to catch up with the Kingdom Hearts timeline, click this article—> Kingdom Hearts Timeline Completed

Now, let’s talk about this trailer.

First, I want to talk about this long catchphrase or sentence that has become KH3‘s staple: “Don’t Assume Your Dreams Are Just Fantasy. If You Can Imagine a World, Believe In It and Dive In.” I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. I’ve been trying to see how this may relate to KH3, aside from all the sky-diving I keep seeing in the trailer. This catchphrase is longer than “You never know what will happen next” from Kingdom Hearts I. And in that game, we never knew what was going to happen…

Second, more Toy Story. I’m still in awe with how it looks. Read my last article on KH3 to see more. Click the link. Everything looks amazing in that world!

Third, THE RETURN OF MARLUXIA. I thought he was dead! Then again, I don’t know if he fell back into darkness after the organization regained consciousness again. Axel, I mean Lea, is back (as we saw in KH Dream Drop Distance). And just as it was left last, Sora doesn’t remember Marluxia because he has no memory of Castle Oblivion (Chain of Memories).

Fourth, the Monster’s Inc world! It looks fantastic! I’m so excited for this world. Just the way it’s set up is so cool. It looks like we’ll be running from helicopters, sliding down the doors, and fighting tons and tons of heartless, nobodies, unversed, and nightmares! And we have a monster form! Sora’s monster form looks awesome!

And the Dreameaters are back from Dream Drop Distance! I’m fine about that, just don’t bring “drop” mode back. With other people in our party though, how will the Dreameaters play a role? That’d be interesting to see…

Fifth, in the Tangled world, we’re going to be fighting with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider! And there’s an ARIEL (from the Little Mermaid) command move! Maybe a summon? Or it could be like the amusement park and teacup commands we used to see back in the other older trailers. I just hope we don’t return to that world. No hate, but I want to see something new. Though it would be cool to see Atlantica with the Unreal Engine. Maybe they can re-do all the games in the future, like what happened with Crash Bandicoot.

On a positive note, I see some similarities to Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Fragmentary Passage 0.2 when it comes to a lot of the commands. That game got me amped up for this game. Shotlock really got a makeover!

Fourth, it appears Vanitas (from Birth By Sleep) has returned! And yes, we all knew Ventus has been sharing a heart with Sora. That’s why Roxas looked the way he did and why he didn’t really have any memories, unlike the other Nobodies. That’s probably why Sora was able to wield a keyblade even though he wasn’t formally chosen like Riku.

Fifth, my only disappointment-no official release date. But it’s great just being reminded that the game is set to come out some time this year. It may be pushed back, but just having that release window there…it’s comforting to know that it’s coming soon.

Sixth, I’m just now noticing this, but the keyblades change as we enter the new worlds! So does that mean we don’t have to wait to complete a stage to use a keyblade relevant to that world? That would be pretty cool, as long as we can switch keyblades whenever we want. Sometimes, I didn’t like the keyblades specifically chosen for some worlds in older games, as some of them were weaker or didn’t have the best stats. But if we can get new keyblades as we switch worlds, and we can change keyblades when we want, great! And maybe customization will be back from Fragmentary Passage 0.2! It would be awesome if we could customize our keyblades!

Finally, UTADA IS BACK! We were worried for a minute. Remember that article I made about that dilemma? If you don’t, click me. I would like to think that articles like that really helped in pushing for Utada’s return. I’m so happy she decided to make a new song for the game in this saga. I don’t know how I feel about the song overall, as it doesn’t feel like the other songs and we haven’t seen it put together with the opening footage yet. It’s a modern-sounding song and it seems to be the slower version (considering there’s always two versions of her songs in the games). At this point, I’m just glad I’m not going to be hearing Simple and Clean and Sanctuary again. And I’m happy to hear her voice again.

And then that bit with Riku and Mickey at the end of that trailer? Why are they back in the realm of darkness? And what does he mean by “the other me”? Don’t tell me he has a nobody or some other form too! That’s just a theory, don’t quote me. So many questions!

So, those are my thoughts on the trailer and new theme song! What do you readers think about this new trailer? Did you notice anything new that I didn’t notice? Please share your comments with me!

Enjoy other older trailers that gave us amazing reveals!

Kingdom Hearts Prank Call by Friday Night Cranks

20 Sep

With all the hype and fun centered around Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, many people are using the series to their advantage (because it’s a drug that most people have on the brain nowadays…well any Kingdom Hearts fan). Some people say they can’t take the game seriously, but that’s because they’ve never played the game…I mean, sure, first off a game with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy seems….well, so childish. But has Disney EVER failed to deliver when it came to excellent storylines and magical worlds and a fun time? No way. Not even for people over the age of 18. Well, Kingdm Hearts is one of those games that works. It’s like watching anime…Shojos and Shonens. Can anyone take those animes seriously?….

So anywho, some ways people have used the arrival of Birth By sleep to their advantage is by science project with building gummi ships, learning how to make Paupu Fruit cookies, and even creating school plays from it. But the best one so far was using the series plotline as a prank call.

Know anymore Kingdom Hearts jokes and pranks? I used to watch TeamJohnnyCake, the best parody makers of KH EVER….but one moved to Florida to work in Disney World….

Birth By Sleep on the PSP Review

12 Sep

This game…is awesome….

Did I finish it that fast? No. That’s how good this is. This game to me, is better than Kingdom Hearts 2, which despite it’s anticipation rate, didn’t deliver quite what everyone expected it to. Well, it was a great game, and delivered more than Kingdom Hearts 1 as far as gameplay. But it was much easier to beat and the story was more confusing. It just seemed to be trying to explain heavily what went on in Chain of Memories…which confused people who didn’t realize that Chain of Memories was a mandatory game. I mean, who would think a game where you go back to the same worlds you did in Kingdom Hearts would be so important? Even in 358/2 Days, a repeat of worlds and heavy dose of missions caused some exhasperation.

But Birth By Sleep is like a fresh spring of clear water. A brand new story, all new characters, multi-player modes, brand new worlds, and new gameplay and fighting styles….adding weapons. The music still has the same appeal as well. My favorite opening song, Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru, showed up on there too.  The bosses are challenging and fullfilling, and it takes about 4 days to beat one story….about as long, if not longer, than Kingdom Hearts 1. Well, the good thing is no Kingdom Hearts game takes just one day to beat. At least 3 daysof your time are mandatory. If someone says they beat it in two days, they are lying and never played the game. Even if you whipped bosses smoothly without dying, you couldn’t beat the game in 24 hours. Not even 48 hours.

I would say Birth By Sleep is everything I expected it to be. But I’m waiting for some surprises as I continue through the game. I know the storyline will definitely be a major plus of this game, as many questions that were left in the last four games will be answered. Maybe not all, but some will.

So, for all who want to know if they should get this game. This is a definite must. It’s a shame it’s only for the PSP. I think Square-Enix listened to the demand of the fans for this one. 10/10 From me.

I Need My Drugs….Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

11 Sep

Should I begin this post by explaning how much of a fanatic of Kingdom Hearts I am? This game was the game that transformed me into a serious gamer. I had always played games, such as Crash Bandicoot and Street Fighter, with my playstation since the age of 9. When I got my PS2, I was still playing other games religiously. But those games bored me. Maybe because I easily became good at them. Then I got my first RPG: Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts was no ordinary game. Aside from the fact it managed to successfully combine Disney with Final Fantasy (which I always loved the graphics but never bought the games for FF), but it also successfully managed to make the game long and challenging and complicated, but still understandable for kids my age. And now, I’m grown up….and I still love this game.

Of course, it has darkened in it’s tone. Apparently, the same kids who were playing it also grew up to love it because it seems the tones of the story get darker and more complicated. And trust me, this game is like a drug.

I think most video games are for people who love to play video games and know how to play them. But this game requires that you play religiously…well, because it entices you to play, even if you don’t want to. The story is so good and long, and the gameplay free and fun, that you just want to know what is going to happen next, what new boss you’re going to fight next, and what new weapon or style you will be using. It’s for a wide-ranged audience, which adds to it’s appeal. I mean, they have Disney and Square-Enix working on it, two companies that demand nothing but the best. Of course, some themes from both companies are ever present:

*Mickey Mouse, duh (Disney)

* Dudes with spikey hair (Square-Enix)

*Magic (Disney and Square-Enix)

*Odd, I’m sorry, original style, weapon blade choices (Square-Enix)

*Rivalry (Square-Enix)

*Romance (Disney)

*Journeys (Disney and Square-Enix)

*And finally….Villains with scheming purpose (Disney and Square-Enix)…often with silver hair, who have a hard time dying within the series…they just keep coming back in the next game! (Square-Enix)

There are more themes that are normally prevalant throughout Disney’s and Square-Enix’s series of themes, but these themes are the more obvious ones.

So, the next installment in the Kingdom Hearts series was released September 7, 2010! It is entitled Birth By Sleep. When I get to playing this game, I will do a thorough review of it. But for now, I will give you what I know about this game. It is supposed to take place 10 years before the start of Kingdom Hearts…in my opinion, it might have been longer than 10 years realistically, but we’ll go with 10 years. Well, this would mean that Sora is about 4 years old in Birth By Sleep….so, obviously he isn’t the main character yet. There are decidedly three main characters….One has blue hair, one has brunnette hair, and the other…looks oddly like Roxas…and the boy that Lexaeus saw in 358/2 Days. This game might be the game that reveals it all…and I’m too excited for this game…

I’m also jealous of everyone who has gotten it over the past few days. Even in my college classes, all I kept seeing was people playing that game. PSPs flopped everywhere…..and I have to wait to get mine…I have to wait until I get paid…Isn’t it sad how I would rather spend my next check on entertainment rather than paying off my bill for college?

See how video games can be addictive drugs? I recommend his drug though…it’s good.