Tag Archives: games

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 + Kingdom Hearts 3 HINTS REVEALED in the new E3 Trailer!

28 Jun


For all of you Kingdom Hearts lovers, three weeks ago, E3 released a trailer for Kingdom Heart‘s second “remix” called Kingdom Hearts 2.5, which has arrived in stores December 12, 2014.

But wait, it doesn’t STOP there.

At the end of the trailer is a small segment that hints towards KINGDOM HEARTS III, the highly anticipated “trilogy” to the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

For those who don’t know what Kingdom Hearts is, it is the joint project between Square-Enix and Disney that turned out to be a major success. The game centers on a young teenage boy (who basically would be a grown man by now) named Sora who lost his island and his friends one day, due to a “strange” storm. During this storm, Sora gets a strange, long key. Sora is then swept away in this storm to a different world. While in this world, he teams up with Donald and Goofy who had been looking for the “Keyblade Master”. Sora discovers that he’s the Keyblade Master, and is chosen to restore the worlds back to normal. Sora sets off on a journey to find his friends and to save the world. Thus, the story continues…

The series takes Sora through several Disney worlds, where the player gets to interact with Disney characters and fight Disney villains. And no, they aren’t weak. The game is praised for being one of the few role-playing games that adapts well to next-gen graphics. The story is engaging, and other installments constantly add to the story, making the players anticipate what will happen next. “You Never Know What Happens Next” was the original slogan for Kingdom Hearts because unexpected things would happen that would take players off-guard. Kingdom Hearts was also praised for it’s “free-playing field”.

Kingdom Hearts was released in 2002. The sequel was released in 2005. Ever since, fans have been waiting for the third part. After 2005, to tie fans over, Square-Enix and Disney released “side stories” to help fill in gaps and add to the overall twisted story. But fans still wanted that part three.

Then, last summer, Square-Enix shocked the pants off of everyone when they released a teaser trailer for Kingdom Hearts III. Ever since, there has been much anticipation.

Last year, Disney grew as a huge phenomenon thanks to the movie Frozen and Disney’s success with Marvel. There has been a surge of interest in Disney’s classical movies lately, and there are tons of speculations about what worlds to expect in the next installment.

There are rumors that it is scheduled to come out early 2015. I simply can’t wait that long!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! What new worlds do you want to be in the next KH game? I’m hoping for Chronicles of Narnia, but since Fox bought the rights, my hopes are dim.

I’m just hoping they focus on the Disney movies and not too much on Marvel. Marvel would just feel awkward. Marvel worlds wouldn’t be very interesting, either. Unless, they use Thor…He and Hercules at it? Okay, that sounds awesome.

There are still some Disney movies left undone that I think the two companies should focus on. I also hope I never see Aladdin again. It looks like Hercules will return…AGAIN. I honestly don’t want to see Hercules again.


My thoughts on Kingdom Hearts 2.5?

You can’t get any better than two major role-playing games and a theater mode all in one game. And it’s half of the price it would’ve cost for each game. Perfection.

Apps Are Taking Over the Gaming Universe!

16 Sep
Ipads-shouldn't everyone have these? I don't...

Ipads-shouldn’t everyone have these? I don’t…

Apple is a multi-million dollar American electronics company that gained widespread success for designing the computers, iphones, and ipads everyone knows today in the second decade of the 21st Century.

Apple is a company that has been sweeping the nation into the future with it’s state-of-the-art touch screen functions, entertainment availability, and it’s ‘apps’.

I have only owned one product from Apple in my lifetime, and that was the ipod. Many of my friends own iphones, ipads, and many of their other devices, and I just look at it as another phone or computer. It never used to effect my entertainment life. I was always perfectly content with my laptop computer and my regular old phone. Apple products were always too expensive for my tastes, and too fragile to last. To add, as soon as one comes out, another one of their products comes out to replace it. Why chase it all down?

Hey, I’m not judging anyone who enjoys Apple products. Some people have a hobby of collecting their products. And some people just have the money to spend on these products. I’m not an upgrade queen, but I’m not condemning anyone who is.

And yet, I have to say, there is one thing I’m about fed up with: the App function.

Aside from the fact that it adds to the generation of “lazy words”, it has literally taken over the gaming world. The gaming world has always been an important part of my entertainment world. If I needed a little down-time, I knew that I could always rely on going to a good-old fashion website, press one of their games, and just enjoy myself online, to my hearts content. I also could indulge myself for hours on my console games. I never felt like I needed any of Apple products.

But then, suddenly, all of the games I used to enjoy became unavailable. Why? They became solely available as an “App”. This would mean that in order to play this game or enjoy this program, one would have to buy an iphone or an ipad to enjoy it.

I personally believe that soon “Apps” will replace regular console games. One reason being is because that’s what all the kids are playing. I work at a school, and all the children talk about is “Temple Run” and “Angry Birds”, but no mention of hardly any console games. Second reason is that so many people use their iphones or ipads everywhere they go, and these items don’t have to be plugged up (if charged) to any television or outlet to work. “Games on the go”; It’s very appealing. People can play on the toilet, at the job when bored or on lunch, or to pass time, though personally, I think this is why so many workers are inattentive and lazy. It’s no wonder so many gaming companies are trying to make hand-held consoles. Third, “Apps” are cheaper than console games.

And yet it’s so annoying for those of us who don’t want to pay an expensive iphone bill to play a fun game.

Going out to buy an ipad is no different than going out to buy the latest console. The only difference is “App” games take over more than just console gaming, but  PC gaming. It takes over all gaming options.

I understand change is inevitable, but I think there should be more options for playing these Apple games. Possibly, there should be a way to play these programs on regular computers, or a way to purchase these games through a program that is made exclusively for Apple games. A program similar to itunes. With iphones, many people don’t use itunes quite as much anymore. But some people still use it, and so a program for those who would like to play app only games would be an excellent idea.

To add, if you have two kids fighting over one ipad to play a game, why not have that same program available for any computer through an Apple Program so that other children can play? They could still make a profit.

So, as you can tell, I’m just coming to grips with the fact that Apps are the future of gaming, and possibly soon, if I expect to enjoy games in the future, I might have to spend some money on an Apple product.

iphones-for only the cool people!

iphones-for only the cool people!

Hasbro’s Magic Jinn Toy

30 Aug
Magic Jinn toy boasts telling the future.

Magic Jinn toy boasts telling the future.

I recently saw the commercial for Hasbro’s toy Magic Jinn on Cartoon Network. This toy supposedly can tell you what you’re thinking. The commercial went something like this:

(Enters Creepy tent) “Are you thinking of a reptile?” You say “Yes”. The thing asks, “Does the reptile still exist?” The kid responds, “No.” And then he asks, “Is it a dinosaur?” Kids say, “Yes!”

Basically, these toys can read your mind. There’s some sort of divination involved with this toy. Is it just me, or does this toy seem a bit creepy, especially the voice?

I haven’t personally tried the toy myself to see if the toy is as psychic as it claims to be, but so far the commercial makes me shiver. This toy even has a 3D iphone game that goes along with him! The actual key to this toy is that it’s really a game. He asks questions that you answer, and thus he guesses what’s on your mind from the questions you answer. You have to try and outsmart him so that he doesn’t guess correctly. I’m really wondering how hard it is to outsmart him…from an adult perspective.


The original Arabic word for Genie is “Jinn”. So I’m assuming he’s some spiritual creature toy…even scarier.

As creepy as this toy sounds, I’m itching with curiosity to see if I can outsmart this toy.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the toy. Do you think I should buy and try to outsmart it? Or leave it alone, it seems scary?

And how many of you already have the toy? Let me know more about it!

Kingdom Hearts Saga continues (including in 3-D)!

10 Aug

Ahh, refreshing. The truth I’ve learned about this world is while something/someone dies, something/someone is also being born. And that’s what I have to say about Generation Next: We are the generation of Rebirth. Expect a Renaissance in science, technology, and Enlightenment in the future…

So anyway, I brought that up because I received news about one of my favorite video games of all time: Kingdom Hearts, of course. And even through my trials and sorrows recently, I was able to feel happy today. The exciting news is that Kingdom Hearts is going 3-D.

That’s right. It’s going to be on the Nintendo 3Ds.

I haven’t seen the 3DS myself so, I’m going to have a looksy right now….

This is the hands-on review:

So far, the reviews have been positive. According the IGN review, it’s better when you see it in person. KH 3D, according to my theory, might come out around the time of the release of the 3DS. Who knows, but both were announced this year for NEXT year. So look for the game and console next year, 2011….

But for this year, you can look forward to Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep coming to North America September 7, 2010…that’s right in one month. It takes place before Kingdom Hearts and Sora, again, is not the main character. The story is focusing on Xehanort.

AND NOW THE REAL GRAND FINALE!!! AMAZING! Can’t WAIT! Hope I’m still around for it….

Well that’s the grand news.

Another title to look out for, which still hasn’t been announced for America, is Kingdom Hearts Coded and Re: Coded. I know the Re: Coded version is going to be on the Nintendo DS, which I’m thankful for, because that’s what I have.

I still don’t have a PSP…but it’s coming soon…maybe…