Tag Archives: E3

Another Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer + New Trailer and World At D23 in July!

18 Jun

There have been three Kingdom Hearts teaser trailers since 2013. Now, Square-Enix has given us a fourth. Now, things seem to be moving towards better development. For me, though, these teasers make fans even more hyped up, which can be good and disastrous at the same time (if the game takes too long to be released or if the game doesn’t meet expectations). Fortunately, we’ve been told that Tetsuya Nomura is a “perfectionist” and won’t release the game until it is perfect. Unfortunately, Nomura has also said they had to cut certain things out of the game to push up the release.

It has been more than 10 years since Kingdom Hearts II came out, and mostly the loyal fans (and the fans who can afford to) have played the side games (the most recent one being Kingdom Hearts 2.8). After looking at the reactions to this trailer, I was shocked. The fans really are still around!

Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Coming December 2016 + Complete Kingdom Hearts Timeline Finished!

This new trailer was so popular, in fact, even among everything happening at E3’s event (and outside of it) a little over a week ago, Kingdom Hearts was the top story in the gaming world among stories missed, according to IGN!

Most Kingdom Hearts fans were expecting to see information about Kingdom Hearts III at E3. But, surprise! A new trailer was dropped at the Kingdom Hearts ORCHESTRA tour.

Of course, as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I was super excited about the trailer.

Let’s review the trailer, shall we?

1) We’re seeing more from the Olympus Coliseum “Hercules” world.

2) The Command Style from Birth By Sleep Fragmentary Passage 0.2 seems to be adopted.

3) Party member combination attacks seem to be back, but better than before.

4) Hercules is now a party member.

5) Hades, Maleficent, and Pete are back.

6) The “black box” was mentioned. All my fellow fans who watched the Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Back Story cinematic know where that line is going…

7) The magic has taken on the style from Birth By Sleep Fragmentary Passage 0.2. Awesome.

8) We see the drive forms have returned, along with the Sonic Blade command.

9) Sora is trying to bring Roxas back. Dream Drop Distance comes to mind. Sora made new revelations about the Nobodies, so I figured Roxas would come up sooner or later in KHIII.

10) I’m not seeing the “amusement park” attacks here. I hope they weren’t scraped.

11) Keyblade transformation seems awesome.

12) Shotlock has returned.

13) It looks like there will be a dive mode similar to what we had in Dream Drop Distance. Are they discarding the gummi Ship? I really liked the upgrades for the gummi ship in Kingdom Hearts II and was hoping to see better upgrades in the new game… Then again, it got annoying at times. Maybe the dive mode is back because Sora is trying to become what he couldn’t become in Dream Drop Distance… Ya’ll fans know what I’m talking about.

14) Aerial Finish is back!

15) Flowmotion has returned.

16) D23 Expo July 15, 2017 will reveal the trailer and a NEW WORLD. We already got the word that Big Hero 6‘s world will be in the game. I wonder if the new trailer will show a bit of it. This makes me excited, but I’m afraid of spoiling the game for myself. XD I’m so weak to these teasers.

I’ve been watching quite a bit of reaction videos, too. It’s strange when I watch reaction videos that question “the black box” and are confused about certain commands. The fan’s overall Kingdom Hearts experience is exposed when watching these videos, and it’s obvious when a fan hasn’t played the game since Kingdom Hearts II. XD The fans who have really been keeping up with things not only understand what’s going on, but they are creating solid theories.


There are many other reaction videos out there! It’s quite entertaining.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about the Kingdom Hearts III trailer!


Kingdom Hearts III Trailer REVEALED!!!!

15 Jun

Look at my background and you know I’m a major Kingdom hearts fan. Unfortunately, I’ve been behind on my Coded and Dream Drop Distance game. But, after a LONG wait, the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 has finally been revealed! It’s still under development but so far it is SICK looking. Note: LOOKING. Remember KH II? It LOOKED cool, but reneged on the story development. Spike TV’s E3 show revealed it THIS WEEK!  How could I have missed that? Maybe because I hardly watch tv anymore…

If you don’t know what Kingdom Hearts is, you were probably born in 2007…Or you’re not a gaming fan.

The story combines the forces of Disney and Square-Enix. When it first came out, most people thought it was a joke, some crazy fan fic, and no one thought it would sell. This game showed how two very different companies can join forces and create a spectacular development. Kingdom Hearts was the first video game that brought to life several movies at once, and it still is. It had the coolest graphics back in the day.

It was a good idea because it brought in both fanbases. It was attractive to kids, and equally fun for adults, and nostalgic for Final Fantasy fans. It was breath of fresh air for the FF series.

The story follows a boy named Sora, and his friends Kairi and Riku, who wanted to travel worlds when one day their island was swallowed up, and Sora ended up in another world. There he meets Donald and Goofy as they search for their King Mickey. Sora realizes that he’s also separated from his friends, and so joins them to find his friends, traveling from Disney world after Disney world.

This trailer brings me back to my memory of when I first got this game.

When I was younger, I first saw the trailer on Disney Channel. I used to watch Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Disney Channel. It came out when I was in 7th grade. I was 12 years old. I first saw the behind the scenes on Disney 411 (before it became Disney 365). It captivated me, but I hated asking for things in my household. Then as a flipped the channel to Cartoon Network, the commercial came on with the Utada Hikaru song playing. It was soooo catchy, and I saw all the Disney characters. Then it showed up on Toonami. Then more commercials. So many commercials that I memorized the commercial’s song. One day, my mother was EXTREMELY sick. My uncle came to visit. He asked what we (My sister and I) wanted to cheer us up. We were thinking, not sure. We just said, “uh, Kingdom Hearts?” At first, my uncle tricked us by saying he was just kidding and that he’s not getting us a game. We were disappointed but we put it at the back of our minds. That night, he came home with the game. I remember turning on the PS2. I remember putting in the game. I remember pressing START. I remember seeing that same opening, that song, that was in the commercial, and they had the lyrics in the booklet that came in the box. And since, my gaming world had changed. I was so obsessed with that game, I talked to all my friends about it, both girls and boys. At the time,  7th grade girls didn’t seem interested, and called me a loser. But it’s cool. I found out my freshman year of college, one of those girls became a MAJOR Kingdom Hearts fan after hearing me talk about it so much! In college, I tried to play it cool. “Oh no, I don’t play it as often because I’m so busy now.” When she looked disappointed, I got quiet. She said, “Well, now I’m a major fan.” I felt ridiculous for trying to be something I’m not. See? That’s a lesson kids: embrace yourself.

So, yea, get to the trailer already, right?

Most of you will be happy to know that this is will be released on the XBox 1. YAAAAYYY! The problem is everything has to be downloaded. What if the server crashes? Also, it will be released on the PS4. Didn’t I tell you they were waiting for a new gaming console? If you don’t remember my last article on DDD…PS4 is on my wishlist to myself.


But who wouldn’t prefer to play it on a new console? Hopefully, this means KH III is coming soon.

I hope I’m not too late on this. But I’m glad I spotted it!

Since I didn’t see the E3 myself, shucks, I will post a review from one of my favorite Youtube KH fans, Neogamespark.