Tag Archives: ’90s

Tekken X Street Fighter Come Together for the ULTIMATE Battle!

31 Jul


Tekken and Street Fighter’s companies, Namco and Capcom, are coming together in two games: The Street Fighter Version (which will be in the comic book style) and the Tekken Version (with the usual next gen graphics). This is completely exciting for video gamers and old time fans of both games. This battle is not only between the characters of both games, bringing in characters like Jin, Nina, and Kahzuya from Tekken and Ryu, Chu8n-li, and Ken from Street Fighter, but this is also a competition between companies to see which one will sell faster and get the most money.

Of course, the only challenge that might lie in this is lingering animosity between the fans. Also, a lot of people believe that the Tekken version will automatically sell because of graphics; then again Street Fighter might sell more because it has a larger fanbase.

All I can say is we can only wait for the release of two of the most fabulous fighting games that I’ve ever played. If only this also had Mortal Kombat! Oh man! That would be the game of the YEAR! But I’m quite satisfied. I can’t decide which is my favorite franchise, but putting them together eliminates me having to make a choice between this battle.

I better start saving my pennies. And good thing I got a new Xbox! Just in time! Now I have two new titles to look forward to decorating my screen with! And I just got Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4! Also two awesome games!

One thing people can be happy for in this game is that this looks like a Tag Team game, which Tekken hasn’t had one since 2000, the first one on PS2, with upgraded graphics. And with all the requests from Tekken fans to have another one, many Tekken fans were a bit disappointed in Tekken 7’s announcement. But then this was announced. Amazing news. I still can’t believe this. If this is a tag Team game, it will give people the chance to play more than one character at once so players can get a full usage of the game and all the characters, which I guarantee will be a lot.

Capcom VS Namco (Tekken vs Street Fighter)

More Tekken vs Street Fighter

Another one!

Street Fighter VS Tekken! Who will win?