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Petite Women (5’1, 95 lbs)

24 Nov

The 20s years. It’s normally the time when everyone is  considered to be at their best. They are finally grown-up. Many are going to college or getting a job. Many are getting married and having children. Or just having children. And many usually look their best. The lanky girls turn into full-bodied women and the lanky boys turn into slim, tall men. No more short and lankiness, right?

Wrong for me. Along the way, something went wrong with me. Though I’m in my mid-20s, I’m still short and I’m still lanky. While many people might feel this has its advantages, it has far more disadvantages in my life than people would expect. Being super petite gets just as much stigma as being super large (just look at people’s comments regarding Miley Cyrus’s body).


While majority of the world is crying over obesity, especially because today’s youth is so big, most people are giving me a problem because I look anorexic, even though I’m not. People are always telling me that I can slide through everything. Everyone tells me that I need to start eating more. One woman came up to me and said, “Stop exercising, you’ve done enough.” And I never exercise. EVER. I have had bouts of stomach disorders (where I couldn’t digest food due to high levels of stress from a stressful family life) several years ago, which contributed to my weight loss. But that was years ago. I eat a lot now. Yet, I don’t gain. This has been my challenge. It has proven to be a major hindrance, especially in the relationship arena.

When people seem overweight, at least you get some stares from guys. This is especially true in the African American community. I’ve had boys tell me I need to gain some weight because I don’t have curves. I’m not the skinny girls with the curves ya’ll. I’m the pole with the bulging abdomen (due to fibroids). Skinny girls like me normally don’t have anything to look at. It doesn’t get any further than my face in many instances.

To add, people think skinny girls are weak. They always think skinny girls can’t stand up for themselves. Some skinny girls even look strange when they fight. People just can’t even picture it. No one wants to even lose a fight to a skinny girl. It would be “too embarrassing”.

I get all the skinny taunts. I’ve been called cardboard, beanpole, noodle, string, and any other skinny nicknames you can think of. Someone joked that I’m so skinny, my butt doesn’t take up one-third of a cinema seat. Yea, it was really funny…for that person and his friends.

I’m a lot like f(x)’s Amber Liu: I’m constantly looking for my lost chest.


Being short has been the hardest thing for me since high school. Everyone kept telling me, “Oh you’ll grow eventually”. I’m in my mid-20s, and I’m still the same size I was in 6th grade. For many women, they stop growing about a year or two after they menstruate. Well, I began that period at age 10. Apparently, I’m still the same size I was back then.

When I was in elementary school, I was taller than everyone, and bustier too. When I got to high school, all of a sudden I was shorter and lankier than everyone. People can’t even see me when they’re walking. I get pushed aside all the time. I can’t tell you how many people try to pick me up in the spirit of “fun”. People put their elbows on me as a resting stand.

I’m a teacher, and many of my students are taller than me. Of course, my voice is quite deep for a woman’s, so when I raise that voice, many of the students begin to respect me to some degree. But the height makes me less intimidating.

Skinny and Short

When you combine the two, you get a very young looking woman, and I don’t mean in a Shakira way. I’m more like a Miley Cyrus. Unlike most women my age, I look like a 12 year old. Most guys my age won’t even talk to me. I guess they’re afraid they would be looked at as a child molestor if they did. Most people just assume I’m a kid. Even before everyone realized I was a teacher at work, other teachers used to yell at me for walking the halls. I would have to correct them. Even some students would think that I’m their friend, and not their teacher.

Getting respect is very difficult. But just from reading this alone, you wouldn’t even really begin to understand this dilemma.

My younger cousins look older than me. My 12 year old cousin gets more stares than I do from men twice her age, which is awful. But I can’t get one look from one man my own age. All of the men I have approached have asked me to gain weight.

Exactly why I don’t date.

This guy was 30 when he played as Jackson on Hannah Montana!

I’ve tried everything to make myself look older. I’ve tried dying my hair, getting extra pierces, wearing heels, and even wearing tighter clothing. Instead of looking older, however, I just get a bunch of “Tsk, Tsk, her mother let her come out of the house like that?” I’ve gone to the docter about my condition. They ruled out everything.

Some television shows nowadays try to encourage women to love their bodies, and embrace who they are. For me, this is the hardest thing for me to do, especially because people don’t respect you professionally when they think you’re younger than you are. I feel you are as attractive as you want to be, but no one can make you look like an adult. I think I will be stuck with the “cute” compliment all of my life. My family tells me to appreciate it while it’s there. They tell me that I will gain weight eventually. I don’t know whether to believe them or not. People told me I would grow eventually, and that didn’t happen. I really hope it happens. I’m tired of shopping in the Junior’s section of every store. Most women want to look young but NEVER like a child! That’s too young! I feel that petite women are more unattractive than full-figured women. My full-figured friends get a lot more numbers at the club than I do.

So being a short and skinny woman hasn’t been a very nice experience for me. Is there anyone else out there who feels the same way? Or maybe you have a suggestion on how to make myself look older? Or maybe you have the opposite problem, and you’re huge for a woman. Share your story!

Even though she looked hot in this picture, her experience with this was stated to be “gross”. That’s how I feel.

I think I need a serious re-do. Leave a comment below with your experience or your advice!

The Life of a Twin

18 Nov

Mary-Kate and Ashley

Two individuals born around the same time, from the same womb, that often look alike. That’s what a twin is for those who don’t know. There are two types of twins: fraternal and identical. Fraternal twins often look a little different. They also tend to be “boy and girl” twins. Identical twins often look exactly alike and are usually born no more than four minutes a part. Fraternal Twins come from two different eggs in the womb. Identical twins come from one egg that splits. That’s the science lesson for today. Siamese twins are twins that are connected. Their egg didn’t split all the way.

Twins are usually very close. When twins look alike, it is usually the most astonishing and often the most exciting thing for many people. Twins often get a lot of attention and are often popular too.

When people think of twins, many people think of two people who can read the each other’s mind. Or they might even think of two identical people playing mischevious pranks, like switching places on teachers or spouses.

I am an identical twin. And while I love my twin sister, sometimes it’s very hard to be a twin. It’s not all fun, but it isn’t ever boring.

Tia and Tamera


Most siblings have to share. If you’re an only child, you may not have that problem. But twins have ALWAYS had to share EVERYTHING since before birth. When my sister and I were in my mother’s womb, we had to share all the food. I, being more proactive, faster, and more selfish than my sister, took all the food. My sister was born much scrawnier than I was. From that time, my parents had to give her extra special care, and often she got more attention at an earlier age. The challenge was for my parents to give us an equal amount of attention. Twins always have to share attention.

As we got older, we had to share toys, clothes, underwear, everything. Reaching our pre-teen years, this was very difficult. We fought over everything. From sharing a room to liking the same boys, it was just hard. And many of the boys would say, “I have a crush on you TWO”, not “I like YOU”. To this day, if the guy tells me he’s interested in “us”, I really don’t give him a shot.

We graduated at the same time, so we shared our grad party. Because everything happened at the same time for us, we always did everything together.

When my sister and I got our first car, guess what? Unlike most people who get to drive their own car, we had to share.

Well, the upside through having to share so much is that in life you never have a problem sharing with your spouse. Even though most twins aren’t quick to get married (because they realize how much work a long-term relationship requires), they have the lowest divorce rate because understanding another person has always been a major part of their lives. They know that no relationship is easy, and that every argument shouldn’t end in a break-up all the time. Twins often have to make-up after disagreements.

The Veronicas

Awkward Moments

Yea, every one has awkward moments. But awkward moments are always a major part of being a twin. If you’re a “boy and girl” twin, a lot of times the boys are always called the girl’s name and the girl is called her brother’s. Many times, when they are younger, the only way to tell the difference is to look in their pants.

Twins who look more alike always have awkward moments. Many times, people who know my sister try to talk to me, even though I don’t know who they are. This makes things awkward. In the middle of their conversation, I could stop them mid-sentence, tell them “I’m not her, I’m her twin” and make them feel awkward. Or I could play it off like I’m her, and then tell my sister later that I saw someone she knew. Even though the latter is lying, so many things happen between us, that my memory becomes hers. So technically, even if my sister wasn’t there, because I tell her everything, it’s like she was there.

Here’s another awkward scenario: Someone is sitting in a cafeteria. I walk in, that person says “hi” to me, I say “hi” back and I leave out another door. My sister walks in the door I entered, and the person says “hi” again and asks, “Didn’t you just leave? Deja vu.” And she says, “Oh no, that was probably my twin sister.” Awkward.

And people always awkwardly stare at twins. Everybody hates to be stared at, especially by weirdos. Twins are always stared at, but I guess I’ve met a lot of friends that way…Just the other day, my friend was walking next to us. A police officer just stopped and stared with his mouth wide open. My friend, who is used to us, felt a little uneasy. I told her that “It was because we’re twins”. Yea, we get all the roaming eyes…and not because we’re bombshell girls (though I don’t think I’m ugly).

That brings me to my next point. Boyfriends…That awkward moment when your boyfriend accidently kisses your twin sister, thinking she’s you…Or when he gets mad because he can’t tell whether you’re cheating because he thinks he saw you with someone else, but he forgot you were a twin. Awkward.

And those awkward questions people ask twins all day long. “Do you guys, like, feel what the other person is feeling?” No. We don’t. Well, only once in a while.

And there’s that awkward moment when your own mother can’t tell you apart. This is especially bad when one of you are in trouble.

There’s also that awkward moment when I can’t tell myself apart on my own pictures. I look at my baby and kiddie pictures all the time, and I still can’t figure out which one is me.

I think Siamese twins have it more awkward than all twins. They are connected together literally. That’s gotta be painfully hard. And awkward.

Cole and Dylan


The upside is twins do get to play some pretty fun pranks. Switching places is fun on April Fools. Twins are also very close, so they don’t need a lot of friends. This is why many twins aren’t as pressured to fit in with their peers. Many twins always have someone to talk to, and many feel complete. Many spouses find this a problem, however, as it seems their significant other is being shared by their twin.

If I’m trying to get into a club and I forgot my I.D., I could always use hers and pass it off…that is, if she’s with me…

But in my opinion, spouses should think of it as a good thing. I’m willing to share my twin with my spouse. And I never get jealous about it. My sister and I are close like that. Only if it’s outside of us…JOKING. HAHA…I do get jealous! Twins should stay away from their siblings’ spouses! Period. It isn’t healthy.

So anyway, if you have any twins in your life or want to get to know any twins, now is the time to share your stories below!

Harry Potter Twins-Weasley Brothers

The “SMH” Files Part I

25 Jul

This article is talking about three videos that just made me smh.

This video is really an eye opener for most people. But for me, I work in a school as a substitute. I see exactly what this monitor is going through daily. One of the kids I worked with was so bad, I had to drag him to the principle’s office. He was running around the school and I had to chase him. He scratched me up, fighting me so that I wouldn’t take him to the principle. He talked about my mother, how ugly I was, and he tore up the room. The toy I took away from him, he picked that up during his tantrum. This boy was eight years old. We’ve written him up several times and he is sent back to our classroom the next day. One of the boys we wrote up was suspended but was allowed to go to the talent show! What kind of punishment is that?

The Jr. High is the worst. The kids are just maniacs and want to fight over every little thing. This bus monitor is going through her daily routine of harrassment. But I guess on this one particular day, she was crying, and some punk kid decided to film it and post it on youtube. Instead of getting laughs, these kids got hate mail. Jokes on you kids; you got the opposite of “likes”. The woman sparked so much media attention that people are raising money for her to go on vacation. Even though she’s really humble about it, I know she is ready to send out punishment.

Her wish was for the kids to apologize to her, and that they be suspended from the bus for a year. She also suggested they be denied the chance to play on sports after school. She received two letters of apology. Personally, the parents should’ve made the kids apologize in person instead of those typed up letters that obviously their parents dictated. In fact, I would’ve made those little worms scrub her house, the school, the bus, her butt, anything until they felt sorry for what they did.

She didn’t write them up because she didn’t feel their taunts were threatening, but they were insulting. And from my own personal experience and hers, she knew the school wouldn’t do anything about it because this all comes with the job. The school can’t do anything about write-ups all the time. Some days you have to try to control the area yourself. I know this from the classroom I was in. They told me that I can’t keep writing them up and that it’s my job to have some “classroom control”. Right. And a note: this is coming from the people who don’t work in the classroom. We had the principal come into our classroom and she just sat there and watched all the kids act bad. She didn’t do a thing! She didn’t do anything until one of the boys tore up her office.

I’m not going to lie. I was a kid once. And I used to think lame jokes were funny, and I used to laugh when kids made fun of a teacher. There was one particular teacher that was just scary…it’s a kid thing. But that doesn’t make it right. The woman’s job is hard enough, and these kids don’t even know the half of how hard a job like this can be. From their end, all they have to do is class work.

The thing is this woman didn’t even cuss them out, didn’t get enraged, didn’t snap, or smack the daylights out of them. She didn’t even bother them. For no reason at all, they just lashed out at her with mean jokes. She did nothing. She kept her head high. She tried her best to ignore them, which is what a mature person would do. She showed patience with these children. They better be glad it wasn’t someone else monitoring that bus, like James Holmes…

Some generalizations for you teens are coming. People are going to start grouping your whole generation as a group of idiots. Be prepared.

My only reservations about this whole ideal is the money being sent her way. Man, I should’ve brought my camera to film bad kids so I could get paid.

This was a true nigga moment. Probably like one of those moments off of the Boondocks show. People can’t say that the show was lying now or just being bias or written by racist people. This is the kind of thing that makes me ashamed to be black. And they played right into that black gangster stereptype too. People already think the black diet is kool-aid, chicken, and watermelon. Why verify it? And the worst part is guns were involved in solving this simple issue.

Like really, was it that serious? I can just imagine the scene: “I like rasberry, make mine rasberry nigga!” “Naw, mine got to be strawberry, you know I’ms allergic to dat rasberry”. “Nigga yo strawberry kool-aid taste like Sh**.” “What you say about my Kool-Aid? Oh nooooo yooouuuu didn’t say my kool-aid taste like Sh**”. Seriously black people, get it together. It’s KOOL-AID!  You can buy like three packs for dirt cheap and make your OWN.

I totally agree with this youtube user. Nanaluvstroubles is so untalented. Why does she have 15 million views and 30,000 subscribers? Really, youtube has now become a trainwreck of horrible videos that go viral and make people famous and paid. Seriously, just about anyone can get paid for ANYTHING. The sad part is I help in spreading these viral videos with some of my articles…This guy’s words are true. He’s not being a bully, he’s being honest. Just like sometimes when people say bad things about black people it’s not always racist…sometimes it’s TRUE.

In her defense, 1) It is called entertainment for a reason. And she is entertaining. Why should any entertainer get paid anything if that’s the case? Why do people watch basketball players play and pay money when they can play their own game? Why do we watch people act like idiots on television when we can make ourselves laugh. It’s called ENTERTAINMENT. And it’s truly a lie to say that in the past, everyone was talented. Just because it was classic doesn’t mean it was talented. People used to question why singers and movie stars got paid. And in those days, they didn’t get famous and paid. They were called “starving artists”. 2) It is hypocritical that this guy, who is obviously not displaying any talent at all is ALSO getting paid. And for what? To talk about another youtuber. Really talented.

However, like I said it is entertainment, and youtube is the place to get it for free (aside from an internet bill). Truly, none of the videos display a sense of “attention starvation” as much as the comments section.

Just some videos that I wanted to share that made me smh. If you guys like the “smh files” I’ll do more of them.

Guess what is on Teen Nick? Hint: the ’90s…

2 Mar


The ’90s are back on Teen Nick! Everyone’s favorite ’90s shows that sparked the Nickelodeon Renaissance! Too bad this comes on late at night, 10:00 pm to Midnight. For some people, that’s bed time. Hopefully, it reaches prime time hours. It’s just sad how much Nick and Cartoon Network have gone downhill today. The shows they show nowadays REALLY SUCK. Even Disney’s Renaissance is dying. It really kinda died after Hannah Montana, but it was the true end after the release of Wizards of Waverly Place. Everything else is pretty…repetitive.

Obama Got Osama

3 May


Obama: yea nigga, I’m a find you. When niggas come around, bullets fly! yea boy! I been in da hood before, I know where that nigga be. I will FIND that nigga, cuz I’m a nigga. Simple as that. (sniff some clues) Oh, I know where that nigga is. He ain’t in no cave. He in the same place all drug dealas is: a million dollar mansion. Yep that’s where all the real niggaz is. (bust down doors of all mansions) (find biggest mansion) (Osama is eatin his peanut butter and jelly)

Osama: Oh…Sh-

Obama: Yea boy! We gotchu now boy! Shoot him! Shoot him! Yea nigga know where nigga reside! (Osama shot up)


Bush: So Obama how is your presidency going? It was a little bumpy towards the end for me, but I had really popular ideas in the beginning, one of them being tax cuts. What about you?

Obama: I got Osama, yea son! I got Osama. I knew where dat nigga was and his whole fam. Yea son

Bush: wait…you mean you put him in Guantanamo?

Obama: Naw, I killed that nigga, boy!

Bush: You idiot! You weren’t supposed to kill him! You were supposed to make sure he gave us the secrets to the oil! Oh man! You killed my boy! Oh, this country was going to be rich!

Obama: Oh yea, I forgot about that. But nigga had to die cuz he was taking my cousin’s drug ring nah wah I’m saying?

End of Scenario

Okay, that’s a story that was told to me by someone in my class. It’s pretty interesting that Obama was able to get a hold of Obama…I mean, Obama was able to get a hold of Osama…man they’re names are similar.

So tell me, do any of you think this will make Obama’s reelection polls skyrocket? I mean, his popularity was dwindling for a while because it seemed his ideas were a bit unpopular for awhile. But, this seemed to put a smile on many people’s faces. Some people have said one reason Obama was able to get Osama is because most black people know where all the criminals reside (stereotype). Some people said Obama knew where Osama was because Obama was born in a different country (speculation).

So do you think Obama will become more popular? Do you think this boosts his chances of reelection?

What do you think this will mean for national security? Do you think this will anger Osama followers?

Leave your comments and discuss!

Pick Your Poison

11 Apr

Video Games are like crack?

Sure, everyone is addicted to something that isn’t good for them or their bodies. Everybody does something to harm Mother Earth and themselves. Whether it’s driving a car to pollute the air, smoking that cigar to pollute your body, getting intoxicated and wasting it, we all choose a poison, an addiction. A guy in my Political Science college class chews tobacco. One girl in the class remarked, “That’s disgusting”. His reply was “pick your poison” because naturally we’re all being poisoned by something, some of us recognize it some of us don’t. I like that phrase, which is why it is the title of this article.

My particular poison isn’t anything like drugs, alcohol, or driving, unfortunately. Mine is video games. Sure, I’m addicted to online games and regular old video games. Particularly two games: Kingdom Hearts and Wizard 101. When I come home from work, school, and religious obligations, or when I retreat into boredom, the thing that helps me escape reality is video games. It is a poison firstly because it is time consuming. When you could be doing somthing productive such as cleaning your house or letting the dog in when she knocks, you’re sitting around playing video games instead. When you could be applying to a better job or studying for that final exam, you’re sitting around playing a game. When everyone is calling you to see if you’re okay, and you ignore them because you know that you have to finally reach that last level, you’ve become a game addict.

Second, video games make you competitive and irritable. When you can’t make it to the final level, or when someone interupts you, it’s natural for a video game addict to get angry and irritable. Especially when you’ve finally reached that top level, and someone says “come here” and you know that leaving the game will cause your character to die and start over, it can make you one cranky person. See, people who don’t play video games or online games…they truly don’t understand. It’s a condition. Similar to a woman who needs her “drug” every week. It makes her competitive because she’s competing to get that drug before anyone else, and she’s irritable when she can’t get it or when it doesn’t help her “feel” the same. Moderation does need to happen.

But who moderates anymore? I mean who’s going to regulate how often they drive their car? Okay, maybe gas prices will…well, who’ll regulate how much you drink? Well, as long as you don’t drive…The point is we’re all addicted to something, and I can name a few things people have told me they’re addicted to: Drugs, alcohol, partying, sex, junk  food, drink especially but not always Pepsi or Coke, sports, fitness, health, hygiene, photography, talking, porn, being hateful, facebook, youtube, cell phones, bad relationships, biting toenails, nose picking, and facebook…again.

So the question is, what are you addicted to? Pick your poison.


This article isn’t in any way supporting alcohol consumption, drugs, or drinking and driving. Most are merely examples of addiction, not to say I encourage you to partake in any of the above addictions. This is also not designed to make fun of anyone or put anyone down, obviously, because I mentioned my own addiction that most people would frown upon. Plus, it’s all in good humor and sarcasm. Have a laugh thinking about your imperfections. Embrace them. 🙂 Don’t you enjoy when there’s a fine print in documents and on commercials? This is all a distraction and disguise to hide my real purpose for this article which was to make an excuse as to why I haven’t been on my wordpress in three weeks. Tee hee.